Love Means Never Having To Say You're Sorry


Have you ever been in love with someone so much it hurts? Have you ever loved that person so much you would do anything for them, just to see a smile on their face? Thats exactly how I felt. I say felt because that one person isn't with me anymore. Mel was her name. She was the most beautiful, creative and amazing woman I had ever met. Probably the only one. Her green eyes would light up when she had an idea, they sparkled so bright it could probably light up the world. I know, how cheesy does that sound??? But it's true. I dont think I could love anyone as much as I loved her. We were only young. Everbody called us naive. But we weren't. We were in love. People didnt understand. Saying stupid things like I was using her. Thats just ridiculus. Father never liked the idea of me getting married so young. But im glad we did it. And now, so is he.

I got on well with Mel's father. He said to be from the very beginning that I was to take care of her. And I did. Just not enough to stop her from being ill. I blamed myself for her death. Although my father and Mel's father reasurred me that it wasn't and that nothing could help her considering she was terminally ill, I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault.