I'm Not a Fan Girl, I'm Not Even a Fan

Some girls

Mary, a girl who's not one to follow trends was walking down the street heading to a music store when she noticed a large crowd in front of one of the buildings. She was wondering what was going on with a few of the screaming girls.

"What's going on?" She asked one of them.

"Don't you know? Their holding auditions for the new Zac Efron movie."

At that name Mary wrinkled her nose, she wasn't a fan and didn't see how girls thought he was attractive. She stood there for a few minutes before seeing a couple people she knew and walked over to them.

"What are you doing here Mary?" Said Molly.

"I have nothing else better to do and hey if I can star in a movie who knows I could be famous one day."

Then Zac walked by the front doors and girls started screaming, all except her. A few girls walked by the group and said, "fan girls." Mary shook her head.

"Why aren't you screaming?" Asked a girl standing next to her.

"I'm not a fan girl; I'm not even a fan."

The girl gave Mary a dirty look and turned around. Mary on the other hand just rolled her eyes. Somehow she was by the door and someone came out.

"Who's next?"

Mary stepped forward and thought, 'why not?' She was taken inside and told to walk into the audition room. She heard people singing songs from High School Musical one and two, movies she was forced to watch by her friends. After looking around she accidentally bumped into someone when she turned around she saw Zac. He smiled at her as she apologized for rudely bumping into him.

"Don't worry about it I wasn't watching where I was going either."

They both left out a bit of laughter.

"You know Zac I probably surprised you as in I'm not going all 'Zac marry me' or 'Zac can I have your babies'"

This caused him to laugh.

"And you're not screaming or fainting like half the girls that come in here."

"Let's just say I'm a nicer person in that way."

"That's so true, so you're going to audition."

"Yup I don't know much about the part but if I got it I'd be doing one thing that I love and it's act."

"Do you act outside of whatever you do?" Asked Zac.

"Occasionally at the theatre."

Then the auditioner came out and asked her to go in and with a script in hand she read her lines, Zac on the other side of her doing his line.

"Have you had some past experience?" Said the guy.

Mary nodded her head to show that she had.

"I think we found our girl Zac, every other girl just wanted to come and get your autograph."

Zac came over and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Congrats why don't you and I hang out later just to get to know each other more?"

"Sure here's my number you can call to tell me where were going."

"Sure thing, you know you never told me your name."

"It's Mary."

"Mary I like it, I hope you don't mind Vanessa showing up."

"Of course not."

"I'm so glad you didn't freak out."

"I'm not one of those people who freak out that when they find a certain celebrity has a girlfriend or is getting married."

"Well I guess you can say you're the perfect fan."

"I guess."

She then smiled at him and walked away thinking that he wasn't such a bad guy.