Best Friends, Ex-Friends Till the End

Best Friends, Ex-Friends Till The End

I've been living with my best friend, Frank Iero, for about a year now and I have had a crush on him for about 4 months. I never told him because I'm too much of a coward when it comes to things like that. Gerard, Franks band mate and one of my other friends, noticed though. He started asking me about it last month and he just doesn't shut his mouth about it. Right at this moment I'm sitting on a kitchen chair, talking to Gerard over the phone.

'Why don't you just tell him? God Mia, I can assure you you won't regret it.'

'Gee, you know how I get in situations like that. I turn into a tomato and I loose the ability of talking. All I manage to get out, sounds like it's spoken by a 3-year-old.'

'I know, but still, I really think you have to grow some balls and just tell him. He won't kick you out or anything' I could only imagine the smirk on his face when he said that.

'I just don't feel like telling Frank about it.'

'You don't feel like telling me about what?'

Oh shit, Frank didn't just say that, did he? I mean, I got some explaining to do I really don't want to do.

'Listen Gee, I gotta go, okay.'

'Kay, bye Mia.'


'So, what do you have to tell me?'

'Nothing Frank, just drop it please?'

'I'm not dropping anything, you're gonna tell me what's on your mind. You made me curious and I really want to know what you don't want to tell me.'

'It's nothing okay? Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to take a shower.' I only took a shower this morning, but I wanted to get away from Frank so badly and I couldn't think of some other excuse to leave.

Later that day

Frank had been asking about this thing I had to tell him for a gazillion times now and I was getting fed up with it.

'Mia, I can tell you're getting annoyed. Just tell me and I'll stop bothering you about it and you know that.'

'Frank, stop it. You're driving me crazy with all the asking!'

'Just spill the beans. Pretty please?' There comes the pout that looked so cute on him.

'Shut up, before I blurt out I love you!' My hand immediately shot up to cover my mouth, but the damage was done, I could see it in his eyes. I can't believe I just said that, I mean, the only person that knew about this was Gerard and I made him swear not to tell anyone, especially not Frank. And here I am, blurting it out, God, I'm so stupid!

'Did you just say you love me?'

'You heard perfectly well what I just said and if you didn't, too bad, 'cause I'm not gonna repeat it.' Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm so screwed. I just had to go and say it, didn't I?

Frank gave me a funny look, before mumbling something.

'What did you say? I didn't understand.'

Instead of saying what he mumbled again, he stepped closer to me, looking me dead in the eye. When he got close enough, he brushed my lips with his.

'That enough of an answer? I loved you since the first time I ever saw you.'
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First one-shot I ever wrote and I still love it to death :).