My Perfect Trip

My Perfect Trip

'As you all know, tomorrow we are heading to Cairo. Unfortunately, the planes have been switched, so some of us have to take a later one. Those persons are: Ine (A/N yeah, that's my stupid Belgian name, its pronounced as 'in a'), Kevin, Lisa, Valery, Jessy, Anne, Lou, Bart and Thomas.'

'Shit, you have to stay behind and we all have to take the early flight.' That came from Elly, one of my friends and one of my roomies for our trip to Egypt.

'Yeah, I know, but at least there are some fun people staying behind as well. Plus, that means I can sleep late. You guys have to get up at half past four.'

'True, but still, it sucks. We'll miss you. You'll only get at the hotel in the afternoon I think,' Daisy, one of my other friends said.

'I know, I know, I'll miss you guys too.'

Maybe now would be a good time to clue you in on what is going on. I'm Ine and at the moment, I'm in Egypt on a school trip. We had been staying on a cruise ship for four days now and tomorrow we were going to Cairo. And apparently something was wrong with the planes and I had to stay behind, together with seven others. I didn't really mind, since I was feeling a bit sick and, let's face it, getting up at half past four wasn't something I was looking forward to. But now I could sleep in late and I could spend another half day on the ship, which I would definitely miss once we were in Cairo.

The next morning

Well, it is now eight thirty and I'm thinking about going downstairs to have breakfast. I only hope I'm not the only one out of the eight of us that is already up.
Walking out of my room, I see Valery coming out of hers at the same time. So no lonely breakfast for me.

After breakfast the nine of us decide to go sit on the deck and play some cards or something. We are having a lot of fun playing some stupid games, we're constantly laughing. Then it's time for us to go downstairs again, to have lunch. After that we have to leave the ship and go of to the airport.

At the airport

They brought us out here with a small bus and they have given us some papers, one sheet for each of us. There are some sheets, including mine, where something is written on, in Arabic. So none of us knows what it means. Well, I guess we will find out about that later.

After waiting for a while, we have to get to our gate and we can board the plane. Once we get on the plane, we know what the Arabic writing means. It means that we have to sit in business class. Me, in business class, that will be like once in a lifetime I guess. But anyways, there are three of us in here and we are joking about how we are too good to be with the rest of the group. You have to do something while you are waiting for the plane to take off. I couldn't help but notice how there are 5 seats that are not taken. That's weird, our teachers told us the plane would be full.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, 5 men were getting on the plane. They all looked kind of familiar, but I didn't recognize them right away. They were checking there tickets to see where they were seated and I saw the shortest one of them coming my way, since there was a vacant seat next to me.

'I think the empty seat at the window would be mine.'

'Oh, okay, I'll get up, so you can get to your seat then.'


'No problem.'

While getting up, I could have a good look at the guy. He really looked familiar, but where from? He got to his seat and I sat back down too. All of a sudden I knew where I knew him from. Wasn't he Frank Iero from MCR? And the other 4 guys were Gerard and Mikey Way, Ray Toro and Bob Bryar. Oh my God, I'm on a plane with My Chemical Romance. Should I ask if it really is him? Or should I say nothing and ruin this one time opportunity?

'Hey, can I ask you something?'

'Sure, shoot.'

'You're Frank from My Chemical Romance, aren't you?'

'The one and only.'

'Oh, okay.' At this point I was bright red.

'So I take it you like our music, since you recognized me?'

'Yeah, I do. You guys are amazing!'

'Thank you. It's always nice meeting a fan,' he said with a smile. God, he looks so good. To me, he is one of the hottest men to walk this planet. I don't understand I didn't recognize him right away. Well, maybe I did, but I just didn't believe my own brain or something.

'Would you mind signing this piece of paper?'

'No, not at all. Would you like the others to sign it as well?'

'Yeah, sure, that would be radical.'

'Hey guys, can you sign this piece of paper for this lovely young lady?'

There came a chorus of 'sure's' from the rest of the band and my piece of paper made it's round around the plane, all of them signing it. After I got it back, I had a look at it. They all signed it, Ray even left me a message saying: 'A lot of courage, sitting next to Frankie, you'll need it.' Reading that, a smile came to my lips. What could be so bad about sitting next to Frank Iero? He's like one of my heroes!

'Have you got another piece of paper I could borrow? And a pen maybe?'

'Yeah, sure, what for?'

'Nothing much, I just feel like doodling a bit.'

'Right. Here you go.'


We spend the rest of the flight talking to each other about music and what I was doing in Egypt and stuff like that, well basically everything that came to mind. After about an hour I felt the plane was descending. Shit, I had so much fun talking to Frank and now that was coming to an end.

After the plane landed Frank said: 'Well, I guess I should go. Maybe I'll see you at some show in Belgium?'

'I'll try my best to be there.'

After saying that, I got up from my seat again, so Frank could get out of his and get off the plane. I couldn't help but think that this was my most perfect trip ever and nothing was going to top it off.
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The part about the plains switching and me being on the later plane is real, pretty much everything else is made up.