I Hate You Brendon Boyd Urie

I Hate You Brendon Boyd Urie

I was impatiently waiting for my brother and his friends/band mates to get back home from tour. I missed them all like crazy, but today, they were finally coming back and I couldn’t be happier about it.

Maybe now would be a good time to let you know who I am. I’m Sarah Elizabeth Urie and yes, Brendon Boyd Urie is my older brother, only by one year though. Not only is he my older brother, he also is my best friend, just like Ryan, Spencer and Jon are my best friends. And they all act like my older brothers too. So instead of just one guy disliking all of my boyfriends, I have four of them. No wonder no one wants to be with me for longer than a week. I was watching television, but I wasn’t really paying attention to it. I was looking out of the window every few minutes, to see they hadn’t arrived home yet. After looking out of the window for what felt like the millionth time, my phone started ringing. I glanced at the caller ID, seeing it was Brendon.

“Hey Bren. Where the hell are you?” I greeted him.

“Nice to hear your voice too Sarah,” he laughed.

“Yeah, yeah, I missed you. Now, where are you?”

“We’re almost there. About half an hour still.”

“Okay. So, what’s up? Why are you calling?”

“No reason,” I heard him say, but it also sounded like he was running around the entire bus.

“Bren, are you running around the bus?” Right after I asked, I heard a thud, before someone else answered me.

“He was, now he fell down. He tripped over a pair of his shoes he left lying around. He should have know they were there. And yes, you were on speaker phone.” I could imagine he was trying to hold back his laughter

“Hey Spence. How many Red Bulls did you guys let him have?”

“I don’t know. About 5? Possibly more, I have no idea. Too many obviously.”

“Obviously,” I laughed. Hah, they were stuck with a hyper Brendon and we all know that’s a blast. Note the sarcasm.

“I’m gonna help your retarded brother back to his feet now. I’ll see you in a few.”

“Okay, see you later Spence.” We hung up on each other and I went back to watching television, now looking out of the window even more than before.

Finally, I saw their bus pull up on the curb. Before any of them got the time to get of the bus, I was already outside, waiting for them. Ryan was the first one to get off, looking exhausted but extremely amused at the same time. Probably because Brendon fell down a few times more because of his hyperness.

“Ryan!” I squealed, before I engulfed him in a very, very tight hug.

“Hey Sarah. Good to see you again kiddo,” he replied, knowing all too well I hated to be called that. I playfully punched his arm in response.

“Hey, don’t you dare molesting my friends missy. And I want my hug too, but if you rather keep on hugging Ryan, go ahead. No more punching though,” Brendon said with a pout, wanting his hug. I couldn’t help but laugh at his face. But I hate the fact he knows I like Ryan. As more than just a best friend to be honest. He’s always trying to make me blurt it out, which I won’t, because there’s no way possible Ryan likes me too.

“I wouldn’t molest him, if he stopped calling me ‘kiddo’ all the time. He’s not that much older. And by the way, it’s not cool to practically beg your sister for a hug,” I said, before hugging him too. Before I could stop hugging him, I felt two others hugging me as well. “Hey Spence, hey Jon-Jon. I missed you guys.”

“We missed you too Sarah,” they said in unison.

After some more hugging, we were getting inside, deciding on what we would do with the rest of the day. We eventually agreed on watching a movie, as usual. We watched a movie or two, before Brendon, Spencer and Jon left for some unknown reason, leaving me alone with Ryan. Only minutes after they left, my phone started ringing. Brendon was calling me.


“You’re always so happy to hear me,” he said and I just knew he was smirking.

“What do you want Bren?” I asked, even though I had this idea I already knew what he wanted.

“Tell him Sarah, please. You won’t regret it.”

“Brendon, how many more times do I still have to tell you this? No way.” I was really getting sick and tired off him.

“How many more times do I still have to tell you? You won’t regret it, really. I shouldn’t be the one telling you this, but I’m pretty sure he likes you too.”

“Whatever. See you later Brendon.” I hung up, before he had the chance to say anything more, muttering to myself.

Only seconds later, Ryan’s phone was ringing.

“Hey Brendon,” I heard him say. Great, if I won’t listen, he’s just calling Ryan. Idiot.


“What? No way man. You’ve got to be kidding me.”


“Okay, okay. We’ll talk. See ya later.” Ryan, too hung up, looking at me weirdly.

“What are you looking at? It’s making me feel kinda uncomfortable,” I asked.

“So, is there anything you want to tell me?” he asked in response.

“Not really. Why?”

“Brendon said there was something you needed to tell me.”

“Remind me to kill him when he gets back,” I muttered. I wanted to mutter some other things, but I was cut off by the touch of Ryan’s lips on mine. It was only a short kiss, before I got the chance to kiss back, he already pulled away. Maybe Brendon was right about not regretting it when I tell him.

“Still nothing you want to tell me?”

“Okay, maybe I should tell you I like you. But I’m still going to kill Brendon,” I once again muttered, causing Ryan to laugh, before he kissed me again. It was a sweet and gentle, yet passionate kiss.

“Please don’t kill him. Torture him maybe, because it was mean of him to tell me, but not kill him. He’s a way better singer than I am, so no killing.”

“Fine, I won’t kill him. But he’s not my most favourite person at the moment.”

“Let’s forget about him for now. You know, I like you too.”

“Those kisses kinda gave it away,” I smiled.

“Yeah, just wanted to make sure you knew.”

“I know now,” I said, before pressing my lips to his.

“Hey Sarah,” Ryan said when we pulled back.


“I was wondering, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked with a slight blush.

“I will,” I answered with a huge smile, causing Ryan to kiss me again. I felt like the happiest girl in the world at that moment.