Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge

Wiljamin Marden

Leaving this hell hole never felt so good. Im gone, and Im gone for good. I really think going into this hospital did absolutely nothing for me or my mental health. My feelings for him are the same. No one can handle the fact that I love him. Billy is my world. He knows it. I cannot believe that everyone thought I was going crazy for loving him. Everyone needs to learn that we belong together.

I shut my journal hoping to never open it to write horrible things like I have for the past few weeks. Im so glad Im out. Im so excited to see him again. Im just a bundle of emotions.

"You doing okay?" Joel, my twin brother, asked.

"Im fine." I said disappointed at him for putting me in that place in the first place. The rest of the ride was silent despite the music Joel was playing.

We arrived at the hotel the band was staying at. Im glad Im finally back. When the car stopped. I open the car door and rushed to the hotel door, leaving Joel with my bags.

When I entered the building. I looked for him immediately. I slightly teared of joy when I saw hiss face. I rushed up to him and hugged him firmly. I looked at him and stood on my tippy-toes and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. He smiled anxiously afterward.

"Benji! A little help?!" Joel exclaimed. I had forgot that he had gotten my bags. I motioned him to hold on.

"How was it?" Billy asked nervously. I almost cried at the sound of his voice. I hugged him again.

"It was horrible. I missed you so much. I hope I never go back!" I said letting go of his skinny body that was wrapped in one of his gray LEVEL 27 shirts and long slim black pants. His hair was the same from the time I had saw him last; Long and black.

"Benji, we need to talk.." he said once again in a nervous tone. He took my hand and led me towards my empty room. We sat down on the bed. It was akwardly silent for a moment. All I did was smile the whole time. I love him so much, I really really do.

"What do we need to talk about?" I finally said curiously.

"Our relationship isnt working" he said quickly.

"Wh-What?" I studdered.

"No one knows my feelings for you but me. I dont wanna end up like you did."

"Excuse Me? What do you mean by 'End up like you did'?! I did nothing to deserve what happened to me and neither will you." I said in anger. I rushed out of the room passing Joel with my bags. I headed to the lobby.
As I was walking towards outside to smoke I had ran into a woman.

"Excuse me... You would happen to know a Billy Martin would you?" she said. She had her light brown/dark blonde hair tied up. She had a long face and was wearing a purple tank top, skinny jeans and black pumps. I dont like her already.

"Billy Martin is a self centered man, and is not someone anyone should be around." I said to her while lighting my cigarette.

"Well excuse me, sir.. That man happens to be my boyfriend!" She said in an angery tone. I caught her by the arm before she could rush inside.

"Wait.. what did you say?" I asked confused and amused at the same time.

"Billy is my boyfriend. You just insulted him in front of the wrong person." she said then walked inside. I was hurt horribly but had and adrenaline rush go through me. This woman was about to get the suprise of a lifetime.

I walked back inside the building and took the elevator up to my floor. I when I got to my floor I checked my room to see if Billy left any sort of note like he usually did when we fought.

He left a small not that read "Room 406" on top of my bags that Joel had left scattered in my room. Billy was just on floor under me so I walked out of my room and waited for the elevator patiently. The doors finally slid open, and what a coincident that Billy and that woman appeared when they opened. I looked at her and she glared at me then rolled her eyes.

"Nice to see you again too, miss." I said. I walked in to the elevator and didnt bother to click the number 4 button. 'Ill just go to the lobby' I thought to myself. I walked to the other side of the elevator while I pushed my beanie closer too my head. I stayed quiet for a moment. Then looked over at Billy who was examining my movements.

"Benji, We need to talk..soon..privately.." He said quietly.

"Im sure whatever you can say to me you can say in front of your so-called 'girlfriend'" I said quoting and unquoting the word girlfriend. He stood quiet there. The womans facial expression went from anger to curiosity.

The light almost showed to the letter L above the elevator doors meaning that next stop was the Lobby. "I mean.. Youve already hid that you were gay. What else could you possibly hide from her? Besides the fact that we HAD a relationship together. And that I had to go to a mental institution because of the fact that I loved you so much." I stated before I walked out. I pecked him on the lips really quick before the doors closed and I slid out. Now the womans facial expression went from curious to emotionless. Billy turned red and had the "Im so sorry" Look on his face.

When I walked out they followed and left the hotel. I just sat there thinking about what I had done. I dont regret. Im just glad I got it over with, and I promise.. I can get a woman just as quickly. Ill show him what he's missing...
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The End