Status: finished :D

Don't Fear The Reaper


Lilah had been having these dreams for 2 years now; she couldn't tell if they were meant to be a sign or maybe just coincidence. But at least once a week she awoke in a cold sweat, hair drenched, and shaking like a leaf because of these nightmares. The words "Don't Fear the Reaper" were etched into her mind from that haunting voice that she would never forget.
She was so terrified of the dark, afraid that The Reaper would just jump out and grab her, as if he was lurking in the shadows waiting for her. She was so scared all the time, those amber-hazel eyes grew dull from lack of sleep, that olive skin and black wavy hair grew sad and dreary from the constant worry. She was a sad sight, no longer that vivacious beauty that her friends and family knew and loved. She wandered the streets jumping at every sight and sound, ready for her death that she thought was inevitably coming for her.


Lilah was in her dream world again, she was running through a forest at night. There was fog everywhere and it was so dark. She heard the howl of wolves getting nearer to her. She ran as fast as she could, rocks pricking her bare feet and the wind causing her long nightgown to billow out around her as she fled her nightmare. As she looked back she caught sight of that phantom that had been haunting her dreams for so long. That tall figure wearing a long hooded cloak, revealing no physical attributes other than its height.
"Leave me alone!" she cried out. Still fleeing from that evil taunting laugh that followed closely behind her.
A deep manic voice called out to her as she saw the words writing themselves in blood in front of her "Don’t fear me, I will come for you. Don’t fear the reaper."
Insane laughter faded out and she woke up with a start, tears streaming down her face. Her breathing was ragged as she sobbed out a question into the darkness. "Why me? What did I do?"


She started keeping to herself, afraid of everyone and everything. Her friends withdrew from her, finding no point in such a lost cause. Her family so distraught over their lost laughter moved away as if she had never existed. She floated through her days, traveling silently from home to work then back as if nothing else existed. She neither spoke nor was spoken too. Most were knew better than too try but for those who didn’t, they were quickly scared off by her sallow, sunken eyes; dreary hair and frail body that was withering away to nothing.

Lilah was so haunted with images of shadows she could barely concentrate at work. She tried to focus at her desk, but she kept slipping in and out of a dreamy state where images of evil things and horrible things caught up to her. All alone in the world, Lilah sat at her desk as silent tears ran down her worn and weary face. Finally she was dismissed for the day and headed to the subway which she took home. It was as if she did not even exist anymore, like she was walking right through people rather than around them. She barely even felt present.
These nightmares, they were ruining her life. She could not stand it. The pain of nothingness, the constant fear; she had to end it now. She rushed to the edge of the subway platform and looked down at her already decided fate. She did not hesitate nor did she feel fear, but seconds before she jumped a cold hand placed down on her shoulder. She turned to see the object of her fears right before her, but she was no longer afraid.
"Are you ready to come with me now, my dear one?" He asked in that voce that used to instill such terrors in her, but now did nothing to her state of mind.
She nodded her head silently and felt herself vanishing into the air surrounding her.
She was absorbed into the darkness that was her fate along with her tormentor who could do nothing to her now.
She thought this would end her suffering but it only dulled the pain, she still felt blank and empty inside. She was truly alone now, with not even her dreams to comfort her some. Not even her nightmares to give her some sick sense of being. She felt no relief, just darkness. That phantom that haunted her for almost 3 years finally gave her what she wanted, she was left alone.
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I know, its wierd but .....comments please?

thnku <3