Family Cookout

Chapter 7

This is the last chapter too 'Family Cookout' I know the story is short and I'm so glad that everyone has enjoyed this story. Thanks for reading.
The car ride home was quite but Frank could tell that something was bothering Laci. When they pulled up to the house they walked up to the front door, unlocked it and walked in. Frank watched as Laci walked upstairs. He sighed turned on the lamp in the living room and checked the messages on the answering machine to find that there weren’t any. He flopped down on the sofa and ran an hand through his hair, something happened between the time Laci left the basement to use the bathroom and the time she meant him by the front door. He was positive that the argument between her and Janet wasn’t the reason she was upset and what bother him most was that she wasn’t talking to him about it. She always talked to him about what’s bothering her no matter if it was something huge or something small. Frank stood up walked into the kitchen and started to make a cup of tea for Laci, when it was done he poured it into a cup and walked upstairs. Once at her room he knocked on the closed door.
“Come in.”
Frank opened the door and walked in to see Laci sitting up in bed in her flannel pajama’s that has different color stars on them. She was reading and she looked up when the door opened and Frank walked in.
“I made you a cup of tea.”
Laci closed her book and sat it down on the nightstand and took the cup from Frank who stood to the side of the bed.
Frank couldn’t let it go so he sat down on the edge of the bed facing her.
“You okay? And don’t lie I know your not, what’s wrong?”
Laci sighed.
“Nothing’s wrong I’m fine.”
“Didn’t I say don’t lie, I know you better then anyone else something happened between the time you the used the bathroom and meant me by the front door. And whatever it is, it’s obviously bothering you.”
“Just let this go okay Frank.”
Laci whispered looking down and tracing the rim of her cup with her finger.
“No I won’t let this go Laci, you’re my best friend and I hate seeing you like this.”
“Best friend huh is that all I’m ever going to be to you. Your best friend.”
Laci said not knowing where that came from.
Frank asked.
“Forget it just go to bed Frankie.”
“No what’s wrong Laci?”
Laci sat the cup on the nightstand turned off the lamp, placed the blanket over her and rolled over on her side.
“Night Frankie.”
Frank sighed got up and left her room going to his own. Once Laci heard her bedroom door shut and Frank shut his is own door tears started to stream down Laci’s face. As she cried she thought about everything and the more she thought the more her heart ached. Two hours later Laci got out of bed and walked down to the kitchen where she made herself another cup of tea, she took her cup of tea and sat down at the small table in the kitchen facing the window that over looks the lush backyard. She sat sipping her tea looking out at the backyard she was so much in thought that she didn’t hear Frank walk into the kitchen till he said,
“Laci it’s one o’clock in the morning what are doing up?”
Frank asked walking over and standing next to her.
“Couldn’t sleep sorry if I woke you.”
Laci stood up to walk away but Frank grabbed her arm.
“Laci you have been able to talk to me about everything since we were nine, what makes this time so different?”
Laci didn’t answer Frank she just looked down at the floor tears in her eyes.
“I just can’t okay.”
“Yes you can Laci.”
“Look there’s something you don’t know Frank.”
“Then tell me.”
“It will ruin our friendship and I can’t handle that.”
“Nothing can ruin our friendship Lac.”
Laci knew she couldn’t tell him the truth knowing that the words he would say I’m sorry Laci but I just don’t feel the same way. Would rip her heart out and break it into a million pieces so she did the only thing that came to mind.
“I’m leaving Frank.”
Frank’s mind went blank it felt like someone pierced his heart with a knife.
“I’m leaving Frank as in moving out. You don’t know something and that something is tearing me apart and I can’t live like this anymore, I’m moving out to where I don’t know maybe out of state maybe just a different city. I need to move on cause as long as I’m here I can’t and I know I need too.”
“Laci your talking crazy listen whatever it is we can work through this.”
Frank said but could tell by the stern look on her face there is no changing her mind.
“I’m sorry Frank but I have to do this.”
Laci walked passed Frank and up to her room where with tears spilling from her eyes pack her duffle bag with some clothes, a book, mp3 player, and a pen along with a spiral notebook. She grabbed her cell when Frank walked in the room.
“What the fuck has gotten into you Laci? Does this have to do with what happened at your Uncles?”
Part of it was cause pretending to be his girlfriend opened her eyes to what she could have and never will.
“Part of it does and part of it doesn’t. But it has nothing to do with what my Aunt Janet said.”
“Then what? What has you so keen on leaving?”
“I can’t tell you okay, just please Frank let me do this.”
Frank was on the verge of tears he was losing his best friend.
“How I can let you do this. For fucks sake your leaving me, we’re supposed to be in this forever, friends forever remember.”
More tears slipped down Laci’s face.
“I know and you have been the best friend anyone could have but I need to do this for my sanity I need to leave to start over.”
“No you don’t Laci we can work this out, please just calm down and lets think this through. Lets talk about it please.”
Laci shook her head grabbed her purse and duffle bag, she walked over to Frank and kissed his cheek.
“I’m sorry Frank I will miss you, take care of yourself okay.”
With that Laci walked out of her room, down the stairs and out the door. Frank walked over to the window and looked out watching Laci get into her car, start it up and drive out of the driveway. He placed his hand on the window tears streaming down his face.
“I love you Laci.”
He whispered before sliding down to the floor sobbing. It took everything in Laci not to turn the car around run back into the house, jump into Frank’s arms and tell him how sorry she was for saying she was leaving and confessing her undying love for him. She drove till she found herself at Isabella’s apartment building she walked up and pressed the buzzer. Soon a groggy sounding Isabella’s voice came through the speaker.
“Hello and do you fucker or fuckers know it’s one thirty in the god damn morning.”
Laci wanted to laugh but couldn’t find it in her.
“Izzy it’s Laci can I come up.”
“Laci what the hell okay.”
The front doors buzzed and Laci opened them taking the elevator up to the fifth floor, once at Isabella’s apartment door Laci knocked. A moment later Isabella opened the door.
“What in the name of Pete Wentz’s underwear are you.”
Isabella stopped when she saw Laci with her duffle bag and her eyes blood shot and puffy from crying.
“Oh my god Laci what’s wrong?”
Laci threw herself into her sister’s arms and sobbed. Isabella wrapped her arms around Laci and walked them into the apartment she took Laci’s purse and duffle bag sitting them on the floor and walked them over to the sofa.
“Okay I want you to take deep soothing breaths.”
Laci breathed in and out a couple times.
“Now I want you to tell me what happened? Did you tell Frank you love him and he didn’t feel the same way?”
“No I didn’t even tell him I just knew that I couldn’t continue to be around him loving him this much knowing he doesn’t love me back. So when he kept pressuring me to tell him what was wrong I did the only thing I could do. I told him I was leaving, he wouldn’t take that for an answer I packed some of my things and left.”
Isabella bought Laci back into her arms for a tighter hug.
“I’m so sorry Laci.”
“How am I supposed to get through this? How am I supposed to move on Isabella? I love him so much.”
“I know Laci I know but listen your get through this I know you will. And I’ll help you, right here for you sis.”
Laci continued to sob onto Isabella’s shoulder for almost the remainder of the night.

This is not how I wanted this story to end but I'm having so much fun writing it and I'm getting such good feedback about it I decided to end it differently and write a sequel. So the sequel will come soon. Thanks again everyone for reading, I'm really happy that everyone likes it and I hope you like the sequel.