And Away We Go.

And Away We Go.

“You never listen to me!” She screamed at me as I turned my back on her. I snorted and glared at her.

“I never listen?” I yelled back. “You’re the one-” I stopped as she started crying. That was the hardest part of all of this.

“Jess? Jess I’m sorry,” I started. She held up her hand to silence.

“You know what? I’m sorry just doesn’t cut it anymore.” She paused, just staring at me. “Maybe it’s time for us to say goodbye.” And then she left.

I stared wordlessly at the cup in front of me, a small smile decorated on my face, pretending to listen to everything my friends were saying.

To say I was lonely would be understatement. All the guys had their girls, and I had… Nothing.

“Matt,” Claire nudged me with a smile. “That girls looking at you.” I looked up and was met with a pair of grey eyes. She blushed and looked back down.

“Go talk to her!” Greg urged. I rolled my eyes and ignored them, just staring at her. She had light red hair, curly at the ends. Her friends, there were two of them, seemed to be teasing her about something, the blush never leaving her freckled cheeks.

There was something about her that made me want to know more.

“Sometimes I wish I were a star,” I sighed, staring up at the twinkling lights, feeling as if I just reached my hands up in the air I could pull one down and take it home with me. “Not to have a care in the world other then bringing beauty to others.”

“I think it would be hard,” He answered after a second of thinking. “If all you were expected of was to be beautiful, then you would never feel good enough.”

“That was deep,” I teased. He poked me and we laughed. I rested my head on his shoulder, trying to find my favorite star.

“Matty,” I giggled. “Matty look at that one. It’s so pretty.” He smiled staring at me, rather then the stars, our backs on the cold grass. Three months. That’s what we were celebrating tonight. Three wonderful months.

“You really are,” He replied, sounding cornier then ever. I grinned and took his hand in my own.

“You’re so corny,” I elbowed him, giggling again. I stared at him, my face slowly turning serious, my grey eyes piercing his soft brown ones. “Matt, I love you.” It was silent for a second, the sound of our breathing, and the soft sounds of the crickets echoing.

“I love you too, Jess.” He said finally, a relieved smile growing on both of our faces. He pulled me close, kissing my lips softly. I finally knew what it felt like when something was perfect.

“Jess, go talk to him!” Mary hissed. “He’s still staring!” I groaned, covering my face with my hands and peaking through them at him. He smiled and I died of embarrassment again.

There wasn’t enough alcohol in the world to make me feel better about this.

“Come on,” Jake urged. “Grow some balls.” I laughed.

“I’m a girl!” I argued. He shook his head.

“No excuses,” he said pulling me out of my chair and pushing me towards his table. “Go.” I took a deep breath, beginning to regret ever even coming here.

As I walked acrossed the room I felt like everyone was watching me. The skirt that Mary convinced me to wear felt inches to short, the shirt to low cut. And don’t get me started with these heels.

I felt like a Barbie doll, made up by Mary and Jake who thought they were the best stylists ever. Only problem, I didn’t feel like myself. How could I when I would have been more comfortable in jeans, a t-shirt, and my comfy, beat up vans.

I held my breath as my footsteps brought me closer to the thing I was dreading, my worst fears of embarrassing myself coming alive.

Three steps away, three deep breaths. Two, two seconds and I would have to talk, have to do something. One, and here we go. “Hi.”

“You can’t give up on us,” She cried, holding on to my shirt. “I won’t let you give up on us.”

“Jess, we both gave up a long time ago. You know that.” I sighed and pulled her close to me one last time. “All we do is fight, and then I go to far, then you walk out.”

“But I come back!” She sobbed. “I always come back. We forgive each other, Matt. We need each other. I need you.” I shook my head.

“You said it yourself. I'm sorry won’t cut it for the rest of our lives.” I pulled away from her. “So get over this and say goodbye.” I stood up and stared at her, tears streaking down her cheeks, broken on the floor.

“I hope you realize you threw away the best thing that ever happened to you,” She said finally. “We were good together. Everyone thought so. But if this is how your going to be, I guess I don’t want to be with you anyway.” My heart broke when she said that. I knew she was right, but I couldn’t this. It was inevitable.

“It would be easier if we just both forgot,” I said finally, grabbing my bag and my plane tickets. “I’m sorry, Jess.” I added as an after thought.

“Me too, Matt.” She sighed, holding herself. “Me too.”

“Um, Hi,” She said nervously. “I’m Jess.” I stared at her hand oddly before realizing she wanted me to shake it. I smiled and took her hand. If only I had known, from that second, exactly what I was getting myself into.

I wouldn’t change a thing.

“I’m Matt,” I smiled, staring deep into her eyes. She looked nervous, but the smile told me otherwise. “Do you want to dance?” I asked. She beamed.

“I’d love to.” And we away we go.
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I'm excited about this. :]
comments would be great <3