
Chapter Nineteen: We DON’T


“Green Day. We’re going to meet them tomorrow,” Kyle panted.

“I DON’T FUCKING CARE! YOU COULD HAVE WAITED FIVE DAMN MINUTES,” I shoved him out and returned to my hair. When I walked out, I found Skittle pancakes waiting for me.

“Thanks Bob,” I said as Bob continued making pancakes.

“Those are for yelling at Kyle. That was hilarious, he still doesn’t understand why you yelled at him though,” Bob laughed.

“So are we REALLY going to meet Green Day?” I asked.

“Yes, but don’t act like a teenie,” Ray said as he sat next to me. I laughed and handed my plate to Bob before walking in the sitting area. Sitting next to Gerard, I took the remote from his hands and changed the channel to FUSE.
“What the heck?” Gerard snapped.

“Look,” I replied. They were saying how they have a interview with My Chemical Romance. I looked from Gerard, to Mikey, Frank, and Oliver. I saw Mikey take out his phone and dialed someone.

“WE DO NOT HAVE AN INTERVIEW WITH YOU,” Mikey snapped. I looked at the screen, where it was all heard.

“We were ABOUT to call you and ask for the interview, say tomorrow?” Gerard took the phone from Mikey and laughed.

“Say about ten in the morning until eleven?” He said, faking an accent he didn’t have.

“Okay, where will you be?” The show went on break.

“We’ll be in Long Beach. You know what state that is?” Frank asked as he stole the phone and shut it. Long Beach, now how come that sounds familiar?