Summer: Undefined

Chapter Two - Detective Work

I spent a good portion of that night being a detective and trying to figure out what Jude was talking about on the phone and who Gee and Mikey were.

The thought of straight out asking did cross my mind once or twice, but I know the result would end in an argument about either my eavesdropping or exactly what was going on.

Within two hours, though, I gave up trying to find the answer and just hoped that it would gently fall into my hands.

What a dumb thought. The night had passed and I went to bed with no answers at all.

The next morning I was awaken by the infamous blasting of my brothers music. Not full songs. Just bits and pieces of them. And when they'd stop a new CD would start.

"What is he doing?" I groaned and threw a pillow over my head, but to no avail.

Grudgingly I sat up in bed and marched to Jude's door.

With tired fists I tried my best to actually make sound over the roar of the music. But my muscles were too weak at this early hour to do much of anything.

I opened the door, without caring what the results would be.

"Jude?" I asked rubbing my eyes. He didn't move. I doubt that he even knew I was in the room. "JUDE!"

He jumped and immediatly spun around from his computer screen. Next to him were piles of CDs and on the floor were their cases.

Jude turned back around and muted his computer.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"This?" He pointed to the screen and I nodded. "Oh, I'm just making a mix CD."

I eyed him, skeptically.


"For a friend. It's his birthday."

With narrowed eyes and a nodding head I slowly exited Jude's bedroom. The music immediatly started up again upon my departure.

Could this be a clue to the inexplicable phone call mystery? Perhaps. Jude could be making the CD for Gee and that's why he's coming tomorrow, to pick it up. But why would he need to bring Mikey? Or perhaps Jude could be telling the truth about a friend's birthday. But who could the friend be?

It continued on like that for the entire morning. Jude must've been making one long CD. Or was he making more than one? But why would he need to give his friend more than one present?

This made me think that Jude was lying to me in his explanation this morning.

I leaned my elbow on the kitchen counter and stared at the stove clock. It counted down.

Five seconds.





It beeped twice in a row.

I turned from my spot and slid the tray with two French bread pizzas on it out from inside the hot oven, turned off the stove, and sat back down.

"I hate letting good cool off," I whined to myself. "I'm hungry now..."

A long ring from the phone made me jump in my seat.

"Hello?" I asked after a quick scurry to the phone.

"Hello?" An unfamiliar voice repeated.


"Hey, is Jude there?"

"Who is this?" I asked with a little bit of hope that it'd either be Gee or Mikey.

"Um, this is Gerard."

Gerard? Is Gee Gerard? I pressed matters further.

"Gerard? I don't think Jude kows a Gerard."

"Yeah, he does. He knows me."

I sat in silence. Seeing if he'd continue on.

"Gee...?" He waited for a reaction. "I'm coming over tomorrow?"

"Right," I nodded, smiling wide from a victory. "Coming over for what, may I ask?"

"First, tell me who this is."

"This is Jude's mom," I lied.

"Oh, well, I'm just... You know. Coming over for the sake of... Hanging out with Jude."

"Oh, I see Gerard. Well, Jude isn't here at the moment," I lied again. "May I take a message?"

"Uh, sure. Tell him I'm bringing three friends tomorrow. Including Mikey."

"Will do, Gerard. Have a nice day!"

He quickly hung up the phone.

"Well, Gerard, I'll do just that."

I skipped up to Jude's room, where I still heard music blasting through the walls. I waited for a chnge of CD to knock on his door, and when I finally did he sighed and told me to enter.

"Pizza ready?" He asked not turning away from his work.

"Yeha, and someone called for you."

He shot up, dropping the charpie marker in his right hand. Slowly he turned around in his chair. I wiped off the smirk from my face and continued on.

"Someone named... Oh, what was it?"

Jude shot up from his chair and began walking towards me.


"Oh! It's Gerard! He called for you."


"I told him you were buys," Lying again Delilah? Well, I need to find out exactly what's going on. There's no wasy he'd just be "coming over". Because if he was, Jude would've told me.

"Did he say anything else? Wait... Why did you lie?"

"I didn't! You were busy. Making your 'birthday' mix CD."

"So, what did he say?"

"He told me to tell you that he was bringing three other friends, including Mikey. Whatever that means..."

With an innocent smile playing around the corners of my mouth I left the matter at that and went down to eat my cooled-down French bread pizza.

Jude came bounding down the stairs a few minutes after myself. He grabbed the pizza off the tray with no plate and went upstairs with it.

"No eating in your room, Jude!" I yelled after him.

"Your not my mom!"

"I might as well be!"

I rolled my eyes.

For being twins we really couldn't be more different. I know it's been said a million times, twins being exact opposites, but for Jude and me it was really true.

Here I was, the mature, levelheaded, shy twin. Who happened to be three minutes older, but acted three years older.

Then there was Jude, who was the spontaneous, loud, original twin. For Jude rules were meant to be broken, not followed.

The only thing we had in common was our eye color. We both shared the same icy blue eyes. Surprisingly, though, our hair colors show how we really are different twins. He had bleach blonde hair; it was almost white. Exactly like mom's hair. While I, had Dad's silky raven hair.

Most of the time Jude wished that he had my hair. I don't blame him. I love it too. It's easy to manage and the color is perfect for our skin tone. I'm not saying that Jude's hair looks bad on him, it actually fits him perfectly in my opinion, but he wishes that it were more like mine. He'd dye it black instantly if our parents weren't so against falsely colored hair.

I finished up my pizza and cleaned the kicthen.

It was around two thirty when I completed the list of chores my parents left on the refrigerator that were marked under the "Friday" column.

Jude seemed to have finished the CDs because silence was echoing throughout the house.

I casually knocked on his door.

"Go away, Delilah. I'm reading."

"I was just making sure you were okay."

"I'm fine!"

I lingered around the door for a moment, to make sure that he was really reading. I could tell because when he read he would tap his foot against the wall or floor.

Sure enough after a few moments the continuous tapping began. Satisfied, I walked into my room and switched on the computer.

Let's give writing another try , I thought.

Opening a word document the phone rand.

I rushed out of my bedroom and reached the phone before it rang for the final time.

"Hello?" I panted into the phone.

"Delilah! Are you okay? You sound tired."

Have you ever seen those moments in movies where the heroine realizes that something's wrong? So the camera zooms in and out at the same time? A dolly zoom, I think it's called. Yeah, well, that just happened to me when I answered the phone.

"I'm fine," I put my hand to my head and sat down in the closest chair. "What do you want, Vince?"

"Well, I was calling to ask Jude about tomorrow. But since you answered, I'll talk to you. So, how're you doing, De?"

"I'm.. I'm good. Feeling a little low, but good. Yourself?" How was your vacation?"

"Oh, I'm great! If you've never seen The Great Wall of China you really have to put it on your 'List Of Things To Do Before You Die' list. Awe-inspiring, that's what it was!"

"Yeah, I'll do that..."


"So what's going on tomorrow?"


"You said you were gonna ask Jude about tomorrow. What' tomorrow?"

"Well, I'll let him tell you. So can I talk to him now?"

"Yeah, hang on."

I took the cordless phone and knocked on Jude's door with it.

"I told you, I'm reading!"

"The phone's for you, Jude!"


I heard a loud thump, then a few heavy footsteps before he opened the door, snatched the phone from my hand and slammed the door in my face.

So something is going on tomorow. Knowing Jude it's probably a party.

My ear touched to Jude's door to try and make out any conversation. But he was talking to softly for me to make any out. So I just gave up and went back to my word document.

It was exactly the same as it'd been for the past few weeks. I would sit; staring at the screen while my mind was busy searching every crevasse for the write words to launch this story off the ground.

Yes, I had the story. Every detail of the plot line was etched out in my mind. But finding the right words was proving more difficult than ever before.

I'd finished three short stories and one novella in my whole high school career.

What I was trying to write now, though, was going to be a complete novel. I wasn't looking to get it published or anything, though that would be amazing. I just wanted to prove to myself that I could finish something as extravagant as a novel.

So far, I wasn't proving much of anything to myself. Except that I was in the deepest writer's block I've ever had.

I gave up within the hour. Nothing was coming, that was certain. Especially with the dreading fact taht Jude had been on the phone with Vince for a long time now.

Then, Jude came bounding in my room with the most triumphant smile planted firmly on his face.

"Oh, God," I placed my head in my hands. "What happened?"

"He likes you!"

My head jumped up. "What?"

"Vince, he likes you. And I know you like him. You two could definatly get back together!"

"What about Natalie?"

"She's a slut. Trust me. And Vince knows that, too. He basically told me to tell you that when you found him she had pushed herself on him. You see? It was just a misunderstanding!"

I stood in front of my brother in shock.

He left my room and I collapsed on my bed, forgetting all about the mysterious phone call from Gerard and whatever is going on tomorrow.