Summer: Undefined

Chapter Five - Preparations

I was the first to wake up the next morning, of course. Jude was always a heavy sleeper. But I took advantage of the quiet time to try and write again.

It was as I predicted, though. Another useless attempt at an already lost cause. But it was nice to know that I at least am trying to break this incredible barrier of writer’s block.

Jude was still sleeping when I decided to take my shower. It was a rapid shower and I immediately got to work afterwards on cleaning the house for tonight’s event.

I worked my way up, starting in the basement. It was good because I got to start on the big project and then slowly size down from there.

The basement was an absolute mess. Imagine the damage of a hurricane, on the inside of your house. Then double it. That is exactly how the basement was. But with some help from Mr. Clean and Swifter I got through it in record-breaking time.

“Our basement has a floor,” I said proudly after I’d finished with the entire thing.

The main floor wasn’t as big a task but it was still helpful to do the basic things. Dust, sweep, wash windows, things along those lines.

I know no one at this party would care if the house was clean or not, but it was just the personal satisfaction of having a clean house that made me happy.

Jude finally woke up just as I was starting to move to the backyard.

He offered to do it all since I was so busy with the rest of the inside.

I gratefully accepted his offer and went back to work on the top floor.

That didn’t need much of my help at all. Really all I did was vacuum the stairs and dust the railings. It wasn’t like anyone would be going upstairs anyway.

I sat down on the bottom step when I finished with the entire house. With a sigh I noted that my stomach had been growling most of the morning.

While singing songs I skipped into the kitchen and browsed our cupboards for some non-flaky cereal. I had to compromise though, on Frosted Flakes. If you hadn’t guessed my parents only tend to buy the healthy cereals.

It honestly drove me insane.

I was picking at the soggy flakes when Jude came in from the yard. He was only semi-sweaty and he seemed a little tired.

“Is it hot out today?” I asked sipping some apple juice.

“Kind of. It’s going to cool off tonight anyway.”


Jude took a seat across from me and watched as I stirred my mush around in the bowl.

We both gazed mindlessly for a moment before Jude’s head snapped up, his eyes wide from a revelation.

“What?” I asked curiously.

“Food,” He said simply. “We need food for the party.”

I hit my head with my palm and he ran his fingers through his hair.

“Do you have money?” He asked.

“Why can’t we use the money Mom and Dad gave us?” I asked. I really didn’t want to spend my money on a party that wasn’t even my party.

“Because if we use too much they might expect something…”

“True, true.”

There was a long pause. I honestly didn’t want to waste my money on junk food for a party, but if that was what it came down to, I would.

“You know,” Jude said thoughtfully placing one hand on his chin. “We could tell them that we did need food. You can just buy some other things for evidence.”

“Sounds fine to me,” I said getting up and placing my bowl in the dishwasher. “I’ll go, you finish up some things around here. Okay? What time is it starting?”

“Seven. And it ends… when everyone decides to leave.”

“Great, Jude.”

I grabbed the money, the car keys and set off for the grocery store. Jude gave me a short mental list of things to buy. Luckily for me liquor and drugs weren’t on the list. That either means that someone else is bringing them, or we’re not having any at all.

Honestly, I hope it’s the second option.

While I was in the store I got a phone call from Jude.

“De?” He asked when I answered.

“Yeah? Forget to tell me something?”

“No, I just wanted to tell you that… Elle’s here. She got here early and had decided to help me set up outside.”

“Set up what?”

“Music and shit! Jesus…”

I laughed as I turned down the beverage aisle.

“Just keep your hands to yourself!” I joked and hung up the phone.

I shoved four two liters of soda in my cart. We had plenty of regular cans at home so we should be covered on that. I did, however, add three bottles of old fashioned root beer for Elle, Jude, and myself to share before the party. That way Jude’s need to play ‘Spin The Bottle’ could be fulfilled.

Along with the drinks I added two bags of chips, and one of pretzels. Then a few bags of random assorted candy and one big bag of just chocolate.

While I was in line I ran over my mental list again. And sure enough I’d forgotten something. I asked this nice older lady to watch my cart as I scurried off to a freezer in the back of the store.

Two bags of ice were melting in my arms as I went back to the front line where the lady was keeping my cart safe.

“Thank you,” I said to her as I plopped the bags down.

She smiled sweetly and went back to her own business.

I rushed home with the food and demanded that Jude and Elle help me with the groceries.

“You are like a mom,” Jude muttered while picking up the bags of soda.

I smacked him on the back with one of the bags of ice.

He uttered some choice words at me as he took the bags inside. All Elle could do was laugh at the situation. I didn’t even need to hold up the bag of ice to realize she was in trouble too.

Elle scampered inside with her bags in hand. I laughed at myself and closed the trunk.
It was around five when we all sat around outside and enjoyed each other’s conversation and our root beers.

“I never really went to a party before,” Elle began as she tipped her bottle upside down into her mouth. “I’m actually kind of nervous.”

“Me too,” I agreed.

“Don’t worry,” Jude said, mostly to Elle. “I’ll protect you.” With a quirky smile on his lips and a playful twinkle in his eye is when I knew that he was talking to Elle only.

She giggled shyly and sipped her soda again.

“So what are we gonna do?” She asked sitting on the edge of her seat.

“Well,” Jude said joining her on the edge. “I was thinking just hanging out until eleven, then moving into the basement so the cops don’t show up.”

“What are we going to do in the basement?”

Their conversation turned into a whisper as Jude went on to explain his thoughts on the two scandalous games he was planning on pursuing.

Elle’s eyes grew wide.

“They can do anything? Anything at all?” She asked, stunned. I guessed that she was referring to ‘Seven Minutes In Heaven’.

Jude slowly nodded.

“Whoa…” Elle muttered under her breath as her head turned to gaze out into the sky.

Anyone who looked in her eyes could see two things. One: Hope that Jude and her would finally be getting together tonight. Two: Fear about what he could possibly do.

As she imagined the possibilities I pulled Jude to my side.

“What did you tell her that for?” I asked in an angry whisper.

“I’d rather have me tell her now than have her ask at the party. Because you know if she did everyone would laugh at her.”

I shrugged in agreement. Elle was kind of a sheltered person. Not as sheltered as she could be, but… still pretty sheltered. It’s those damn parents of hers.

“So what did you bring to wear?” I asked Elle, breaking her from her daydreams.

“Oh, damn! I knew I forgot something!” She whacked herself on the head. “Should I go back home?”

“No, your parents might suspect something,” Jude said thoughtfully.

“Just borrow something of mine,” I told her.

“Thanks,” Elle smiled.

“Speaking of getting ready,” Jude started. “We should probably start that.”

Elle and I nodded and stood up to go inside. Jude grabbed the three bottles and went to wash them.

I rummaged walked into my closest and Elle followed.

“Pick something,” I insisted, running my hands along all of the shirts that were hanging up. “Anything.”

Her eyes grew wide at the size of my closest. I couldn’t blame her. It was oddly large for someone my age.

“I can pick anything?” She asked in amazement.

I nodded with a smile.

She giggled with joy and walked among my dresses. Then with a glimmer hiding just below the surface of her smiling eyes she pointed to a dress that I hadn’t worn in about a year.

It was a short sleeved pale pink dress that came up just above the knees. Scattered among the pink were silver sparkles that gave it a chic look.

“Sure!” I nodded.

I helped her pick out the following accessories: A black and silver studded belt, fish net leggings, a black choker necklace with a silver heart hanging down, and some bangle bracelets.

Then I walked among my clothes and she helped me decide on my party outfit.

Over a little bit of playful arguing we both agreed on one of my favorite ensembles.
It was a white corset-like shirt with black ribbons running along the front in a fancy pattern. It looked like the ribbon was keeping the shirt closed, but it really wasn’t. For the bottoms I picked out a pair of dark denim skinny jeans that just barely fit me.

My only accessories were my sturdy studded belt that had a few studs missing, and my favorite fleur de le necklace.

We did our hair and makeup next. Elle had a beautiful natural wave to her golden brown hair, and really didn’t need to do anything with it. She merely stuck a black hair ribbon in it and put on some light mascara and eyeliner. She was naturally beautiful, and I was so jealous.

I decided to get complex. I curled my hair and tied the tops of it back with a white ribbon so it wouldn’t get in my face. I straightened my bangs and fixed the little details of my hair. It flowed over my shoulders and I hoped it would stay like that for the entire evening, because I really liked it like that.

I put on some silver eye shadow, mascara, and light eyeliner. Elle insisted that I wear some deep purple lip-gloss, and I, being easily persuaded, said yes.

“I must admit,” I said as we admired our finished projects in my full-length mirror. “We’re pretty damn sexy.”

“Hell yes, we are!”

We were finished by six forty-five. Jude was already downstairs setting out the food so that it’d still be fresh by the start of the party.

Jude was wearing a black shirt, black pinstripe skinny pants, and black fingerless gloves with skeleton hands on the front.

His hair was straightened in the front, so it flowed just over his eyes and was spiked up in the back. Like Elle and myself, Jude found it necessary to apply eyeliner and some eye shadow.

He, honestly, didn’t look bad.

It was really adorable, though, when Jude and Elle both stopped at the sight of each other.

“You… You look beautiful,” Jude stammered.

“Thanks,” She smiled shyly and blushed. “You too.”

I let them have their awkward teen moment and went outside to examine the backyard.

There was a sound system all set up, the food put out, and the table and chairs in place. We were all ready.

I just didn’t know if I was.