‹ Prequel: Blood Hunter

Shadow Of Doubt

Now I Have Done It

Only a day after Tristan, my now boyfriend and powerful alpha, and his pack destroyed Rueben the remaining vampires from Leech manor turned up at my door and knelt before me. They had rejoiced saying things like, “Our wonderful Hope has returned” and “Now a real leader can take charge”. I was left completely speechless as I had stared over the sea of nearly one hundred powerful vampires kneeling before me. Now it is a month later and my life is stressful. I did take the position of Queen when my transformation completed. My team barely have to kill now, only those rouge vampires that appear now and then need us to vanquish them. I keep my vampires in check. It is a very difficult job and requires many boring meetings with other vampire rulers. There are ten vampire rulers all up in the world, including me. Two have covens, house or whatever else you call it in Canada. Four hold residency within both Americas. The South American vampires are extremely temperamental whereas the Canadian leaders are very cunning. Two powerful leaders control Asia and clash very often. I have already been needed five times to restore peace to Asia before a massive war erupts onto the streets. A very-laid back but intelligent vampire controls all of Australia. Then last but not least we have the bright, multi-lingual leader of Europe. I have only met the originally French vampire once and he is a vampire of charm. Whenever I am not completing the duties of a vampire ruler I am with Tristan. Most of his pack agrees with our relationship, some are hesitant but are slowly warming up to me. It was hard on the whole pack having to battle Rueben and his minions. They lost some friends and I doubt some of them will ever forgive me for causing the pack to come after Rueben. Tristan was devastated when Justine died during the fight but I helped him through it with love and patience. Wow, I may have tacked the title of Queen onto the front of my name but I can also add the title big old’ softy.

Tonight Tristan has a surprise planned. I can’t wait, it will be my first night off in days. A smile creeps its way onto my lips as I finish reading my last report. I can officially say that I have given up any sort of sleeping pattern. I’m neither nocturnal or diurnal, I just sleep whenever I have free time. Elise thinks that one of my powerful vampire abilities is being able to sleep as soon as my head hits a pillow. Theo and Elise actually bought a house together recently. He confided in me that he is planning on proposing once they are settled in at the new house. Knowing him he has to wait because his massive romantic setting will take time to create. Lila and Frances have officially been declared a couple. She spends as much time with him as I do working for my people. It is insane how quickly they have become so close, and how quickly my mindset changed from viewing vampires as leeches to suddenly them being ‘my people’. Not all is well for the team, it killed Felix too much to see me with Tristan so he-.
“Miss?” Darius calls from the open door cutting off my train of though.
“Come in Darius” I say looking up from the lengthy report sent in today by an out of town vampire visiting his sister in Europe.
Each vampire within my manor must issue a report explaining their absence. If this wasn’t so I would have vampires coming and going constantly. The manor would be unguarded and a sitting duck for any group of rouge or banished vampires looking for a fight.

I look at the digital clock sitting on the top left corner of my desk impatiently. Tristan said to meet him back at the house formally owned by my aunt at seven tonight. That house has so much history in it, and hardly any of it good. It is only five thirty and already I am dying to go out. The sun is yet to sink below the horizon so I have to stay in here. I’ll get ready at six. I have to wear something breathtaking. Suddenly I realise Darius is waiting to talk to me and I have drifted off into speculating about Tristan’s plans.
“Sorry Darius, what did you have to tell me?” I ask.
“European Vampire Ruler Francior is on the phone for you” Darius tells me.
“You mean he has been waiting the whole time you let me stare off into space?” I ask shocked and grab the phone.
“Sorry Ma’am” Darius says lowering his head.
“Don’t be sorry, I’m just distracted” I tell him before taking Francior of hold.
“Ah, my darling Mademoiselle Kennedy” Francior’s soft voice purrs from the receiver.
At least he isn’t too arrogant to not call personally. Other rulers often have an assistant phone me instead. It is a very impersonal way to deal with matters. Why would he need to talk to me though? I just can’t wait to see Tristan again. We have talked during the week but I haven’t seen him for six days now and it feels as if a part of me is missing. It feels like have physically lost some of myself.
“Francior it’s a pleasure to hear from you, what do I owe your phone call to?” I ask watching the clock.
“I am putting on a wonderful Masquerade Ball on, and I would be delighted if you would attend” Francior says in his velvet smooth voice that would have the power to melt any girls heart.
Even though I could never imagine myself being with any other man, Francior’s voice still makes my legs go weak occasionally.
“That sounds brilliant, of course I will come” I reply knowing that I didn’t have a choice in the matter.
A ruler must attend the functions of the others in goodwill. Don’t want to offend any powerful vampires just because you would rather sit at home with some ice-cream in front of the TV. Well actually I’d rather spend the time with Tristan.
“Just give me the details and I can arrange my jet and outfit” I say grabbing one of my numerous pens that never seem to last more then a few days.
Why is it that my pens constantly disappear? Is there a pen-monster that comes along and eats them?
“I am sorry to do this but it is tomorrow and I need you as soon as possible, by morning would be perfect” Francior says.
My heart drops. No! He can’t take away my night with Tristan! It is our relationship’s one month anniversary! I’ve waited for so long just to be with Tristan. I hope he will understand I can’t come, duty calls.
“Oh, um” I fumble with my words trying desperately to keep the disappointment and heartache from my tone.
“My dear, does this interrupt something you have planned?” Francior asks fretfully.
He is very kind but I can’t say no to his ball.
“It was just an evening with my boyfriend, don’t worry he will understand” I explain trying to just brush it aside.
“Oh no, no, no you must bring your Monsieur” Francior says with his thick French accent.
This is bad. I can not bring a werewolf to a vampire function unless I want warfare on my hands.
“Sorry, that is not possible” I say.
“But no, no. I demand you must bring the fine young man that has captured your heart” Francior says.
His tone declares finality of the subject. Now I am desperate to get out of this.
“It really would be better if he didn’t come, you do not want him there” I tell him “Trust me”
“Why not young lady?” He asks sounding almost hurt that I would say no.
Ah, I am the youngest to come into power. By their standards I am only a month old.
“It is just that others would not approve of who my heart has chosen” I say avoiding the mention of Tristan’s wolfy tendencies.
“Now you have me intrigued” Francior says.
I can imagine his indigo eyes gleaming with curiosity as he leans in towards his desk.
“Well my boyfriend is not the man you would expect a vampire ruler to have” I reply.
It still gives me a thrill to refer to Tristan as my boyfriend. When I say his name I still feel as if I am a school girl with a crush and a cage of butterflies fly wildly in my abdomen ever time I see him. A blush would stain my cheeks at the moment if I had recently had blood but instead I know it is just a pink tinge. No other vampire can blush, I only can because I was born a vampire.
“Hmm, you will still bring him” Francior declares happily.
“Francior, I beg of you not to ask him to join us” I say in one last desperate attempt.
“Well, what would you do in return if I were to grant your wish for him to remain a mystery to the vampire world?” Francior asks.
He is not to be underestimated. This vampire is very hard to sway if he is set on something. I bite my lip racking my brain for something I can offer this very powerful man.
“Anything, within reason” I reply finally.
“I have an idea in mind but we can discuss this when you are here” Francis says
“Of course” I say now regretting my offer.

Once all appropriate details were exchanged, I hung up the phone and sighed un happily. Tristan will be so unhappy. This isn’t the first time this has happened. Tristan has had similar things happen but not as often as me. Can our relationship withstand all of these problems? Would I be better off choosing only one, my relationship or position as Queen? I love Tristan but I also believe I am making lots of improvements in the vampire world. My heart aches as I dial Tristan’s number to tell him the bad news. He answers on the second ring.
“Hello my enchanting seductress” He drawls slowly in a low, husky tone.
“Hi, uhm, baby?” I say unsurely.
“What’s wrong?” Tristan asks suddenly alert and worried.
“Nothing, well actually it’s Francior” I respond
“What about him?” Tristan asks.
“He is throwing a Masquerade Ball and I am expected to be on the plane now” I say.
“What? Who even throws Masquerade Balls anymore?” Tristan exclaims.
I wince hearing the sadness and disappointment he had tried to mask.
“I am so, so, so sorry” I say quickly into the receiver “I promise to make this up to you, but well it is part of the job description to be up all night”
He doesn’t respond, just growls very softly. I know that growl wasn’t suppose to have escaped because he then coughs to try to cover it up.
“I have to go, Carmen wanted to have a meeting this evening so I can now attend, I guess” Tristan tells me “I just hope soon you find the will to choose me over work like I do for you”
That just breaks my heart to hear him say things like that. I can imagine his lips curled back in contempt as he runs his fingers angrily through his hair. It feels like a part of me has just died inside.
“I love you” I say but in response I just get the dial tone.
Tears well in my eyes. Now I’ve done it. He is so disappointed in me.
“Don’t worry, Tristan is reasonable” Darius says from the other end of the room.
I jump startled.
“Sorry, I forgot you were here” I say calming down “You may leave Darius, ask Jasper to ready the jet”
Jasper had been the most welcoming of the vampires. He actually tackled me in a hug. Tristan had ripped him from me and Theo had a dagger at his heart in the same amount of time it took for him to say wait.
“I also need the number for Stephan in France, I’m sure he has the perfect outfit for the occasion”
Darius nods then hurries out of the room.

I bury my face in my hands as I lean my elbows on the desktop. How can Tristan and I become more serious with so many interruptions? I know that Tristan must have had an extraordinary night planned and it is now all out the window just because I have to go to France to stand around in a mask making small talk with pompous immortals.

The jet is ready and Jasper was waiting inside for me. He took it upon himself to be my escort for the trip. I took a seat beside him and sank back in my chair tiredly.
“You look exhausted” Jasper comments “Have you been getting enough blood and rest?”
His brotherly tone forces a smile to appear on my face.
“No” I reply.
“You are the ruler of the second largest clan of vampires but you never get enough blood?” Jasper asks “How do you let that happen?”
I frown and wave a dismissive hand at him.
“You have to take care of yourself or I may just have to bubble wrap you and stick a straw in your mouth providing constant blood” Jasper warns me playfully.
It keeps me down to Earth having Jasper, my team and Tristan. Just thinking his name and our recent conversation makes the smile drop from my face. This going to be a long trip.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello and welcome to the sequel of Blood Hunter.
It is great to see we have been able to hold your interest in this story. We would love to see comments.
Thank you for reading,
Lurking_shadow and KissandSell