‹ Prequel: Blood Hunter

Shadow Of Doubt


The plane ride to France gave me a chance to relax, sleep. Though I was still worried about Tristan. He’d planned this for weeks and I just bailed on him for work. I swear work will be the downfall of us and it is going to drive me crazy.
“Ma’am” Stephan took my hand and kissed it.
“Please call me Hope.” I smiled giving him a hug. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair.
“What is it you need, Hope.” He smiled and took me into a room full of beautiful dresses. Of many different colours.
“A dress something that looks like of old but still new.” I told him frowning as I said it. I desperately wanted to say something that reminds me of Tristan. I hated that I was letting him down. Maybe if I did something for him. He’d forgive me.

Stephan pulled out a beautiful red dress. It was old fashioned but it look modern in a way. It was perfect. It was strapless and came with matching shoes and gloves. I loved it and I’m sure Tristan would love it to. I tear came to my eye thinking about it.
“Madame don’t cry please. We need to dress you up.” He smiled and took me into another room that look kind of like a bed room. He sat me down in front of a mirror and made me close my eyes and promise not to peak. When he was done he tapped me on the shoulder and told me I could look. My hair was half up half down, it was curled and I had red eye shadow and lipstick on, amazingly I thought I looked beautiful.
“Come on you need to get to this party yes?” Stephan took my hand and ran me out side. It was hard for me to run in the heals but I managed. I got in the limo and was driven to Francior’s palace as he called it.

“Ah hope!” Francior came out and greeted me sweetly. “You look stunning. I’m glad you came early.” He smiled a devilish smile. I cocked my head to the side.
“What do you mean early?” I inquired a frown on my face.
“You really should stop frowning it will give you wrinkles. But I sent you early so we could talk about my arrangements.” Francior took my hand and lead me into a divine yard and into a covered area. “As you said you couldn’t bring your boyfriend and you told me you had plans with him before my call.” He took a small break maybe to think over what he was saying. “I made a few phone calls. You right hand man, Darius I think it was. I now see why you wouldn’t want to bring this man to my ball.” I was astounded that he would even think about contacting Tristan. It was none of his business. I remained calm as he finished what he was saying. “But I frankly don’t care what he is, if he makes you, the queen happy I’m fine with whatever he is, and I particularly want to meet this... Tristan man.” He smiled
“What have you done?” I asked wide eyed, there was a voice in the distance calling Francior's name. But there was more than one set of footsteps. The seconds set sounded like whoever walk walking with this woman. The footsteps sounded like those of a wolf, like whomever it was it sounded like they were trying not to be heard by sensitive ears.

Francior didn’t answer my question he just smiled and looked in the direction of the voice.
“Francior you have visitors.” A blonde hair woman said walking up to us. The man behind her looked familiar, but his head was turned to the side. Like he was avoiding looking at me. The beautiful woman smiled and grabbed the man’s hand and squeezed it. Then it clicked. Tristan!
I got out of my chair and ran to him jumping at him and gave him a kiss.
“I’m sorry” I cried tears streaming down my face, I’m glad Stephan put water proof mascara on. He smiled and pecked my lips.
“Don’t worry about it, at least we still got out night” he put me down and took my hand, “Happy one month anniversary” he whispered in my ear seductively “you look amazing” I looked at Francior and thanked him for the surprise silently. Tristan was dressed the part too, dressed for a ball. I was too happy to even think of killing Francior for his surprise.
“You must be the man I’ve been waiting to meet.” Francior smiled a devilish smile.
“And you must be the man who was going to steal my beautiful woman from me?” Tristan ranted, I hit his arm and gave him a look that said ‘leave it’, and Francior looked quite offended by Tristan’s words.
“Hope insisted you didn’t come to our ball for other guests wouldn’t like your presence, but I invited you myself as I would have hated to interrupt something so special for the both of you.” Francior told Tristan elegantly. Tristan’s facial impression softened.
“Thank you.” Oh I was dead when the night was at an end and I knew it.
“Come on let’s converse, get to know the good side of the two of us. Before the rest of the guests come!” Francior rejoiced I laughed and ran over to the grass and sat. Both men looked at me like I was a nut case. I laughed and watched the sun rise, I’d gotten here very early and I was extremely grateful, I don’t think I’ve seen a sunrise like this since I was saved my Tristan from my now work place. Tristan and Francior came and sat with me, we watched the sun rise, my head rested on Tristan’s chest and he and Francior talked about many things. Like Tristan’s work and how his pack was run. Francior told me I was to bring my fine gentleman to any event from now on, no matter what anyone thinks.
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okay i don't know if this is where Lurking_shadow wanted this to go but here is the next chapter, i'm glad to see we have subscribers, we hope you like the chapter.

Hope's dress:

hope we hear from you
Lurking_shadow & KissAndSell