‹ Prequel: Blood Hunter

Shadow Of Doubt

No Matter How Fictional My Life Seems

After an hour of Francior getting to know Tristan, the calm before the storm had to end. I fidgeted with my dress and hair while Francior led us into the ball room. A small stout woman had come to Francior and announced the arrival of the first of the South American rulers. I was hoping that the South American vampires would arrive last. Tristan takes my hand and gives it a comforting squeeze.
"What's wrong?" He asks in a soft whisper.
The halls were so quiet we both felt the need to whisper, as if talking too loud might bring the roof down.
"Just nervous" I reply softly feeling embarrassed.
I hope Tristan doesn't feel that I am not stil so amazed that he even wants to be with me. I love him with all my heart, I'm just fearful that the other vampires might attack him. Tristan leans in closer to me as we walk behind Francior. He brings his lips just a millimeter away from my ear as his strong, warm arm wraps around my waist. As he speaks shivers run down my spine and all the hairs on the back of my neck raise.
"I promise not to embarrass you too badly" He chuckles softly sending waves of warm breath tickling down my neck.
Francior can hear both of us and glances behind with a smirk. Another blush wants to make it's way to my face but this time I haven't had enough blood for a blush. A faint pink tinge must have appeared because Francior noticed.
"My dear! What an adorable quirk that is!" Francoir exclaims seeming unafraid of breaking the stillness of the hall "A vampire beauty that blushes!"
I can feel the mussels in Tristan's arm tense slightly and his arm around my waist pulls me closer. Tristan is so protective over me, even while we have a dispute that needs to be discussed.
"You haven't been drinking anough blood" Tristan grumbles unhappily.
"Have you been denying yourself madame?" Francior asks.
Tristan's eyebrows furrow together as francior gets himself involved. I notice Tristan doesn't appreciate Francior's personality.
"I'm sure you will have enough avaliable this evening" I say to Francior.
"Very true my dear" he says then looks back in front of him where we have come to a set of doors with elaborate designs placed in the very woodwork of it.
A true marvel is the only thing that can to decribe the doors and the room that lies beyond it. Just before Francior opens the door I remember to fit my mask on. My mask matched the dress perfectly. Crimson red material covered in thin black netting hugged the shape of the mask. The colours contrasted wonderfully with sequins falshing from random spots along the netting. Two feathers slay out from the top corners on either side. With my mask set in place I take Tristan's hand again. As the doors are open, my fangs protude from my gums. It must be from either the heavy scent of blood or the instinctive feeling of being threatened as I anticipate the meeting of my werewolf boyfriend and vampire ruler. Tristan smells the mix of blood and the scent of vampire in the air and stiffens beside me. I give his hand a squeeze to comfort both him and me.

Francior opens the double doors to reveal a stunning ball room filled with rich colours. Gold seems to be the predominate colour used. Standing by a grogeous painting is the form of Carlos. The strong built man with his back to us could only be the strongest vampire ruler of South America. He turns to greet us.
"Francior" He begins greeting the French man warmly before his eyes land on Tristan.
Tristan's scent must have just hit him because suddenly he snarls and his fangs shoot down into his lower lip. Carlos glares at Tristan. Tristan doesn't shift under the intimidating glare, he holds his ground.
"Werewolf" Carlos says in a low growl as if accusing someone of some unspeakable act.
In movement my eyes barely catch I see Carlos's mussels tense then he is flying at us. I have to act quickly. Tristan braces to take the attack but I shove him out of the way. In my mind I am only thinking of Tirstan's safety. I'm mostly undead, if only I were immune to pain. In the movies when someone attacks there is time to get both the recused and rescuer out of the path of danger but this isn't the movies, no matter how fictional my life seems. Bones crunch under Carlos's attack and I hear Tristan roar in rage.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally! You must all be saying. I did take lots of time and I really do hope the chapter was worth the wait.
Well I nearly broke my nose today so towards the end things may not make the most sense after the head knock I received. Actually it was my own stupidity, lucky my friend's arm was in the way or I would be nursing a broken nose and you guys would be without a chapter.

I have taken forever and I am sorry. School has been hectic and look a the time! I have half an hour to start and finish my assignment for tomorrow...... oops.
I would like to hand you over to the brilliant KissAndSell for the next chapter because she can do wonderful things with this, and always updates promptly. Got to love her.

A big thanks goes out to [url]http://member.mibba.com/118950/ [/url] for their comment. You can thank them for the chapter today because without them i would have waited until the weekend. Check out their stories. =]

Thank you to everyone for reading/subscribing and to our first commenter. Come on guys! Let's hear your thoughts!
well I had better get that assignment done.
