‹ Prequel: Blood Hunter

Shadow Of Doubt

He Was Invited

Shivers travelled through my spine as I hit the cold floor. Tristan’s growl lead me to think that maybe he was going to attack, and sure enough within a few seconds the heavy weight of Carlos was suddenly lifted from my body. I sat up reluctantly and closed my eyes for a few short seconds just to stop my head from spinning before I was helped up by Francior
“Carlos!” I growl Francior taking the pleasure in going over to the two men and separating them.
“How dare you enter a vampire’s home?” Carlos huffed, ignoring the fact I had directly spoken to him. He looked as if he were ready to charge at Tristan. But Carlos wouldn’t, not after harming me.
“He was invited Carlos, he has every right to be here. This is my home and if I say Madam Hope can bring he beloved then you have no say in the matter.” Francior spoke calmly and softly. As if Carlos had not wreaked any havoc. This made me angry but I would have to deal with it.
“You are letting a mutt enter your home?” Carlos turned to Francior. Tristan let out a small annoyed grunt.
“I’ll let whomever I chose enter my home Carlos.” Francior spoke. Carlos turned to me and gave me a disappointed look, like he disapproved of my relationship with the only man I loved. I let out a sigh and ran over to Tristan. I apologised for the inconvenience. He smiled and kissed my fore head and said he was just happy I was okay.

As the guests were arriving the more and more people were speculating and whispering about me and Tristan. Tristan didn’t seem to care. All he cared about was being with me. Which I found very gentleman like. He loved to please me and it was exactly what he was doing.
The leaders were nice to Tristan, maybe because they had to, maybe because that found it okay. At least none of them acted like Carlos did.
I watched Francior a lot of the night, only because he strikes me as amazing. I don’t understand how he can be so patient with some of these people. They are just so... arrogant. They complain about everything wrong in their clan. Why don’t they focus on the good, instead of telling every other leader about your problems? I just didn’t understand how Francior could deal with it all, and put on a ball.
Dancing and singing men and women, drunken vampires. A mixture of the good and the bad. I went outside to get away from the hot ball room. I went out to the little covered area Francior had taken me to before everyone had arrived. I sat with myself for a while, looking up at the clouds. I stayed like this until Tristan came looking for me.
“Hope, baby why did you go?” Tristan sat next to me and pulled his arms around my bare shoulders. Shivers vibrated through me. A pulsing sensation.
“They are all so snobbish, I couldn’t take it anymore. I just had to get out of there, I’m sorry for leaving you in there alone.” I curled up into Tristan’s chest. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed me cheek.
“Its okay” he assured me. “But Francior is looking for you, said he has a special present.” He frowned and laid his hands on the small of my back. I shook my head and tried to move closer to Tristan.

Tristan gave up and let he lay my head on him. After a few minutes Carlos came down and greeted us rather rudely.
“Hope you are a well worshiped leader what are you doing with a mutt like this?”
“Carlos this is not the time to be hasty, I love Tristan and would protect him with my life. If you harm him I will harm you.” I balled my fists up and kept eye contact with him.
“Now, Now Hope. Don’t make such silly accusations for yourself.” He chuckled darkly under his breath. I rolled my eyes at him.
“They are not silly; they are true, if you are going to make remarks about my love life, I’ll be glad to make myself an enemy.” I glared at Carlos and stormed off in the direction of the main entrance. Tristan followed closely behind me. I stopped outside the huge double doors and calmed myself.
“It’s okay I understand.” Tristan said. “I understand why you wouldn’t want to bring me here.”
“It isn’t like that; I want you here but his just causing so much trouble.” I started crying “I don’t want this hassle for you I don’t want you to have to be around this atrocity.” I told him the tears streaming down my face. “I’m so sorry”

Tristan pulled me into his arms before I felt dizzy and everything blacked out.
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okay sorry i didn't update this quicker but i left my laptop at home and sadly couldn't update :(
but we'd love to hear what you think is going to happen or what you think about the story in general or even just to say HI :D

Lurking_shadow & KissAndSell