‹ Prequel: Blood Hunter

Shadow Of Doubt

Just A Bloodsucker

Black. It's all I could see. Nothing. It was all I could smell, hear or do. Suddenly everything around me became alive. I could hear and smell but still couldn't move or open my eyes. Trapped. This is what I become when I go without blood. Everything shuts down on me leaving me as a lifeless body.
"Hope!" Tristan calls desperately.
I'm fine, I want to tell him. Until some blood gets into me I am trapped. This has happened on a hunt before. Luckily my team realised what was wrong and Theo sacrificed some blood for me. At least I am at a property full of vampires, one or more must know what happens without feeding.
"Hope!" Tristan yells with fear evident in his voice.
This is torture! I just want to tell Tristan I am fine. This is ridiculous.
"What did you do you mongrel?" I hear the voice of Carlos demand.
A growl longs to rip through my throat but I stay still and silent. I feel Tristan softly place me on the ground.
"Keep away" Tristan growls menacingly.
A hear a mocking laugh that could only come from Carlos.
"You stupid dog, you are the only risk to her safety here" Carlos says in a mocking tone.
That stupid man thinks he is superior to Tristan! I want to rip his head off. This is where my real vampire side comes out, it's animalistic and territorial. Surprisingly the female vampires are much more territorial than male vampires so it is often the women that rip someone apart for bad talking their guy. It is a bit of a hit to the guy's pride when that happens but the women feel much better after it.
“Get back before I rip your throat out bloodsucker” Tristan threatens in a growl.
Is that what he thinks of me? As just a bloodsucker? Carlos’s laugh echoes through the area.
“Is your precious girlfriend just another bloodsucker you have conned?” Carlos asks.
He must know that I can hear him.
“I’m sure she’d love to hear that now” Carlos continues “Dear Hope I hope this moment has brought you to you senses, you’ve always been hard to reason with while you can talk. This might be a God-send for you.”
Tristan growls but I hear the soft series of beats that mean Carlos has darted away.
“Hope, honey” Tristan says softly beside my ear “I love you more than anything, you aren’t a bloodsucker.”
I suddenly hear the approach of footsteps. Tristan’s silence informs me there is no danger. The scent of Francior reaches my nose and I relax knowing he will free me from this state.
“Hope” He scolds quietly as something is pressed to my lips, “You silly girl, how could you abuse yourself in this way?”
A slightly warm liquid rolls down my throat. Blood! My natural instinct takes over and I suddenly snatch the bottle from him. I drain the entirety of it’s contents, still desperate for more. I wish Tristan didn’t need to see me this way. My eyes must be blood red. My breathing is uneven as I search for a human near by. The closest is inside, second room to the right. Before I can control myself I have darted for the room. Francior follows close behind. He throws himself against the door before I can open it. I growl slowly, it’s a warning.
“Hope, my dear, just wait” Francior soothes “Wait for you to overcome this bloodlust.”
His calm words bring back my control. I gasp realising I almost took a life.
“So sorry” I whisper before darting from his property.
My feet make just soft whispers on the grass as I run.
“Hope!” Tristan calls from behind me.
I pause for a moment and he catches up with me. His scent is comforting but reminds me of our differences. He embraces me tightly.
“Are you alright?” he asks.
“No” I reply softly, “I’m just a bloodsucker.”
I pull from his grasp before he can object and disappear. I’ll return, eventually. I couldn’t leave him forever but I need to get my head together.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi all.
I am so sorry about how long this chapter has taken me and the poor quality of it. I hope it wasn't too badly written.
Thanks for reading, subscribing and commenting.

Lurking_shadow and KissandSell