Status: In the making

Black. Keys. Nick Jonas

Chapter o4.


BEEP!BEEP!BEEP!I swatted my hand all over my dresser trying to find my alarm clock.Still trying I ended up hitting my hand REALLY hard on the dresser corner. I jumped out of my bed and jumped around then I stubbed my toe on some kind of toy.Still hopping around I wound up hopping into the bathroom,tripping into a bathtub full of cold water. "And that's what happens when you post pictures of me on Twitter!" Brittani says. I glare at her for pulling this little stunt and hold up for my hand so she can let me up. She grabs my hand and starts tugging just to let me go and fall back into the Tub. She then walks out and yells,"Take a bath and get ready your rehearsals start in an hour," I stand up and turn on the shower water "and by the way,I am so putting this on you tube!" She laughs all the way down the hall. I mumble some mean words and then start getting ready for a long day
A little while later I'm all ready to go in a floaty, baby blue,button up shirt with a brown belt.Torn skinny jeans and brown flats.My hair was in it's naturally curly state,and my make up was very light,and to top it off white nails.I check my clock and decide it's time for me to head to the stadium.I walk into the guest room and ask Brittani if she's ready.Grabbing her phone we head out the door and to a day of hell.
"Joe,lets go your hair is fine!" My brother is once again taking so long on his hair when he should of just went curly today.But no he must take forever to flat iron it.Finally he's ready and we head out the door to the stadium.When we get in the car it was really quiet besides the music playing in the background.Kevin,as usual,breaks the silence asking,"Nick,are you sure your fine?" I nod my head and look out the window.Tired of answering he same question over and over again.I'm fine,I can handle going on a World tour with a girl I loved and wanted to spend the rest of my life with,who just walked away from it all when she got scared.

She hits the gas
Hoping it would pass
But the red light starts to flash
It's time to wait

More lyrics popped into my mind and I quickly reached for a piece of paper to write it down with.Jotting it down messily I put it with what I made just the other day.

She walks away
The colors fade to gray
Every precious moment now a waste

She hits the gas
Hoping it would pass
But the red light starts to flash
It's time to wait

I sigh thinking of the past,and what could have been.All we worked for,gone.All the fights,gone.But my love for her,will forever and always be there.Pulling up to the stadium I put and a happy face and walked into the building.
As we pull up to the building Brittani gives me one more supportive hug,which I needed badly.Soon we're in front of the building and see a few more cars.Then I see a curly head,a straight head,and another curly head.I gasp and hug Brittani tightly trying to control myself.She hugs me tightly gives me a few reassuring words and leads me towards the building.I really hope I can face this boy.First I left at the possibly worst time,and second I STILL love him.And I think if I even glance at his eyes I'll be his once again.

When I get inside I'm instantly ambushed by many people.After A while I learn who is who and then I hear "DJ EJ!!!!" and see a straight haired boy running towards me."DJ DANGER!!" I run towards him and into his chest knocking both of us down.Joe the proceeded to hug me tightly in til I couldn't breath.I then heard a semi-deep voice telling Joe to get up and share the love.I then get hugged by Kevin,then Mama J,Papa J,and little frank(:.I just love that kid,he even gave me flowers.All I here is how good it is to see me-Papa and Mama j,how one day we'll get married-Frankie,scolding at Frankie-Kevin,and how I'm the best friend of all best friends-Joe.But no Nick.I guess I should be revealed that he isn't here to say hello,or something.But I can't help to feel my heart drop a little.I talked to everybody and then excused my self to go to the restroom.Walking into the bathroom I didn't realize that I left my phone on the stool outside.
I walked around for a little while,while everyone greets Elynn.I just couldn't face her right now.I know she hates me and probably never wants to see me again.So I'll just make it easy for her and keep my distance.While walking I hear Fly With Me,by well us.Ha ha,yeah I know lame joke.I walk over to where the sound was coming from and see a Blackberry Storm.Thinking it was mine I picked it up.And saw that a guy named Sterling Knight text whoever this phone is for.Clicking the END button the wallpaper of the phone popped up and showed a picture Of me and Elynn kissing and one connected to it of us laughing in the grass.I smile a little remembering that day.

"Nick No,You know I hate tall grass!"she runs away from me."It has snakes and all types of bugs in it!"I start running after her yelling about how I'm superman and that I'll save her.Getting closer and closer I pick her up from behind and fall on the ground with her on top of me.She looks me deep in the eyes and smiles at me.That's when I knew I had to say it.I wiped her hair out of her face and looked into her hazel eyes and whispered'I love you' she smiles and kisses me. 'I love you to' she says. Later on that day Brittani shows us the pictures she took,And I have to say they were pretty amazing.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hear behind me.I slowly turn around and see her standing there in all her beautiful."I-i-i thought it was mine sorry." I mumbled quietly."Yeah whatever,just don't touch my stuff anymore." She takes her phone gently even though she sounded so angry.I finally look up at her and notice a blush on her face and a hint of something in her eyes.Love,sadness,regret?She walks away and towards Brittani who does something and makes her laugh.I turn around and head towards my brothers.With a little smile on my face knowing that she still cares enough to still have those pictures.
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OK GUYS,SOOOOOOOOOO SORRY! I know I haven;t updated in a while and I just haven't had the time.With school,sports,choir,and babysitting my niece and nephew.I've been ULTRA busy.But I promise to try to update everyday.If not everyday then every Sunday.I promise.Please forgive me guys I'm really sorry.PS SHOUT OUT to for the comment that made me just want to write again.Thank Iwon'tApologize for this chapter!
I hoped you enjoyed the new chapter guys!
-Dj Kiwi(: