Praying for a Riot

The Aftermath of Mikey

“Don’t you ever get bored of being alone?” Mandy Watkins peered over her coffee mug to her haggard looking best friend.
“Yes and no.” Lauren Way frowned slumping back in the chair, in Mandy’s kitchen, glaring the divorce papers “I sometimes enjoy the quiet, but I miss the affection.”
“Aaah. You aren’t alone though. Kay can’t remember the last time she and Jared had sex.”
“I miss that too.” Lauren laughed “The sex…where is Jared anyway?”
“She hasn’t seen him in a while…he just doesn’t come home. It’s really upsetting her.”
Lauren sighed “Sounds like Mikey.”
“Aww Laurino.” Mandy said, as her husband Ian, and his best friend Jamie walked into the kitchen. Jamie gazed down at Lauren, whose head was on the table.
“Hey Mandz.” Ian kissed his wife on the cheek and glanced at the divorce papers worriedly “What’s goin’ on?”
“Mikey wants a divorce.” Mandy whispered in Ian’s ear.
“Oh…” he said in a low voice, his Welsh accent sounding quite funny.
Mandy got up and lead Ian into the hall.
“Ian, she’s not taking it well, so please don’t be a cocky bastard today…” Mandy said, looking up at Ian.
“Alright…She looks like she needs a big hug…”
“Jams got there before us.” Mandy motioned toward the kitchen, were Jamie had his arms wrapped around Lauren tightly.
“She needs it.” Ian bowed his head. He and Lauren had never exactly been the best of friends, but he could understand why his wife wanted him to stand down.
“Ian, y’know, they’d make a good couple.” Mandy nudged Ian, and he looked up.
“I dunno…Jams falls in love too easily…” Ian stalled, and there was a knock at the door. Mandy smacked Ian on the ass gently, and smiled as she walked through the kitchen. Jamie and Lauren had pulled away, and she was dabbing at tears with her hoodie sleeve.
“Kay?” Mandy said, opening the door.
“He didn’t come home again last night.”
Kay Leto looked, frankly broken. Her hair was lank, and she had huge grey bags under her eyes.
“Aww, Kay, come sit.” Mandy pointed at the table, where Lauren had her head leant on her arms. Kay instantly spied the papers and sighed.
“Oh Laur…” Kay hugged her best friend, who wiped fresh tears away.
“Where did it all go wrong?”
“It wasn’t you Laurino…” Mandy said softly “And what’s happening with Jared isn’t Kay’s fault either…”
Kay and Lauren both looked at Mandy, broken and defeated.
“It’ll all get better, I swear. Laur, you’ll find a nice guy,” she said, looking up and Ian, meaning Jamie “and Kay, Jared’ll realise what he’s missing out on.”
Kay smiled softly, and Lauren sniffed.
There was another knock at the door, and Mandy got up again.
Tina Way and Samantha Schechter stood at the door.
“Hey girls!” Tina grinned, and Lauren and Kay looked sadly up at her “Still having guy problems, I see…”
“He wants to divorce me!”
“He hasn’t been home in over a week!”
Sam and Tina sat with Mandy at the kitchen table, and Mandy looked up at the door.
“Ian, Jams, disappear.” She said, glaring from behind her glasses.
“We’re going…” Ian said, as he and Jamie disappeared into another room.
“He really wants to divorce you?” Tina asked, and Lauren nodded sadly “Jeez, Gerard’s gonna kill him…and Jared hasn’t been home for a WEEK!?”
“He’s cheating on me…” Kay sniffled “and if I find the bitch he’s cheating on me with, I’ll kill her. I love Jared with all my heart, and this kills me…”
Kay burst into tears, and Lauren got up.
“I better go…I should fill this…form out, before…well you know. I’ll see you all later. Love you.”
Kay, Mandy and Sam responded with “I love you too” as Lauren walked out to her car. She threw the divorce papers on the passenger seat, and let out a huge sigh, reversing out of her space and heading home.
The drive took a little less than ten minutes, and she walked up to her apartment with a heavy heart, and she unlocked and opened the door. As soon as the door was safely closed, she threw the papers down and sat on the couch, looking to her side…
“Jared…we’re gonna get caught.”