Praying for a Riot

Ian Watkins: Customer from Hell

Kay scowled at Lauren as she stood by Mandy and Ian, smirking “Well?”

“You’re a one to talk about un-purity…” Kay muttered, glaring at the ground.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Lauren leant against the door, looking thoroughly amused. She glanced down at her watch, and frowned “I gotta head…ugh, I have work…”

“Where do you work?” Ian asked, planning to make her shift hell.

“That new restaurant in town…anyway, I’m heading off. Bye.” Lauren waved and bolted outside to her car, passing a certain Jamie Oliver on the way, making him stop and stare after her.

“Lets go out to dinner.” Ian smirked “We’ll take Jams, Kay, Gerard, Tina, Sam and Brian too! Oh, and Mikey!”

“Uh…Sure, if you wanna babe.” Mandy said, Ian’s plan not registering in her head.

“Alright! I’ll go book a table for…” Ian counted on his fingers “…nine!”

Ian bolted off, and Mandy, Kay and Jamie were all stood in the hallway. Jamie was still staring out of the door, and Kay was attempting to slink off.

“Kay.” Mandy frowned, and Kay winced.

“Mand?” Kay shuffled back, and stood in front of her best friend, sighing at the questioning look on her face “His name’s Rhys. He’s in a band called The Horrors. He’s English.”

Mandy sighed and looked at Kay, who wanted to disappear. The silence was awkward, but was thankfully broken by Ian bounding back into the hall.

“We’ve got a table booked for seven, and its four now.” Ian grinned “Go get ready girls!”

Kay ran down the hall, and Mandy frowned, biting her lip, watching Kay run. She didn’t like the sound of Rhys, and she hoped he wouldn’t hurt her, like Jared did.

Three hours passed, and now Lauren was rushing around in her workplace, fixing up a table for nine. She finished setting wines glasses upon it, and she turned to her boss.

“What’s the name of the people that booked this table, Stan?”


She stared at her boss in shock, horror and pure disbelief. Surely there were more Watkins’ in town…?
Sadly, Lauren’s hopes of different, more normal Watkins’ was dashed as the door of the restaurant opened, revealing Ian and Mandy Watkins, and a gaggle of other people behind him, including Mikey and Jamie…
“Kill me now…” Lauren muttered, and Stan looked up.

“Do you know them?”

“Know them? One of them is my ex-husband…” she shook her head, picking up nine menus to hand out and her notepad to write down the drinks “Guess I’ll have to grin and bear it…”

“If you survive it, I’ll buy you a vodka and coke.” Stan smiled, and Lauren smiled weakly.

“You’re on.” She laughed, turning to the table where Ian was sitting smirking at her “God, wish me luck.”

“Good luck.” Stan smirked, Lauren flipped him off, and walked over to the table where everyone was sitting, and she forced yet another smile, and opened her notebook.

“Evening all.” She smiled, rather fakely “What can I get you to drink?”

“Lets see…” Ian smirked again “a real smile would be nice, Laur.”

She looked up from her notebook, almost glaring at Ian. She somehow managed to keep her composure, and she smiled, before taking everyone’s drinks down, and handing them menus.

“God, kill me now.” Stan could only laugh at her statement, and he picked up the notebook.

“I’ll get their orders…you have a drink, okay?” she nodded, walking over to the bar and picking up the vodka bottle, and a can of coke.

“Drinking, eh Laur?” Ian’s accent currently made her want to kick kittens, but she ignored him completely, downing her vodka and coke in one, whilst Stan served their food.
Half way through their meal, Lauren rubbed her temples, wishing she was sitting there with Jamie, and could feel someone’s eyes on her.
Jamie’s eyes on her.

“Lighten up, eh Ian?” he said, nudging Ian.

“Yeah Ian,” Mandy looked concerned “maybe this wasn’t such a good idea…”

“WAITRESS!” Ian yelled, sitting back and smirking. Jamie and Mandy exchanged glances, before sighing and sitting back.

“Ian…” Lauren said, walking over to the table, notebook and pen in her hand “what can I get you?”

“Another round of drinks for everyone.” He smirked, and she slunk off, getting everyone more drinks. Ian grinned, knowing her patience was growing rather thin, and that if he played it right, she’d snap in front of her ex and the man she was currently fawning over, and he knew that Jamie would see her snap.
Ian was a manipulative bastard, and he knew exactly what he was doing. There was no way he was letting Jamie date her, hell, there was no way Ian would let Jamie even hug her.

After giving the party their drinks, Lauren turned to Stan, and pulled her tight work shirt down “I’m gonna go for a smoke.”

Stan nodded, and as Lauren disappeared, Jamie excused himself from the table, following her. Mandy smiled, knowing that he was following her and Ian looked utterly disgusted, and he sat back, pouting like the prissy little bitch he was being.
Lauren stood outside the back, lighting up a cigarette, and placing it between her pierced lips. Jamie watched from the door, gently pushing it open and standing beside her.


“Oh...hey.” She smiled, taking a long drag of her cigarette, as Jamie lit up himself.

“I’m sorry for the way Ian’s acting…he’s such a prissy bitch.” Jamie grinned, and Lauren smiled. The sky was already black with the night, and the only light was from a flickering lamp on the side of the restaurant, and the huge full moon that was lazily hanging in the sky.

“He’s driving me insane…” she laughed slightly, and looked skywards. A few silvery stars dotted the black blanket above them, and an owl flew past “I feel so awkward too….”

“With Mikey being there?” she nodded, and frowned, stubbing her cigarette out and swallowing back tears in her throat.

“Anyway, I better go back inside before princess Ian kicks off again…” she began to walk away, but Jamie grabbed her hand, pulling her close to him. She looked up at him as the light finally died, and the only light was from the moon. He leant down a little, pressing his lips gently to hers, and she almost died on the spot. She had to be dreaming…

“I’ll see you back inside…” he smiled, pulling away from her and heading back inside “when does your shift end?”

“Eight forty-five…” she choked out, and Jamie grinned and nodded, running back inside. Lauren couldn’t help but grin as she walked back inside, and down to the bar, where Ian was having yet another diva hissy fit.

“I am not paying for this food damnit! The waitress didn’t even smile! They were forced! Damn, you shouldn’t have to force smiles!”

Mandy looked completely embarrassed “Ian…we’re leaving. You’re embarrassing me.”

“Goddamnit Mand!” Ian was stood, hands on his hips “Give me a bloody comment card! I want to bloody comment!”

“IAN!” Mandy snapped “If you don’t pay, and walk, I’ll cut your fucking hair off!”

“Alright!” Ian said, hurriedly pulling out his credit card. A comment about his hair being maimed in any way was like a slap in the face.

“Laur, you can go.” Stan smiled, glad she’d made it through the night. She nodded and ran to get her coat, and as she left, she flashed a grin at Jamie.

Things were looking up….