Praying for a Riot

Dismantle Me

"I don't like him."

Mandy Watkins twirls the phone cord around her finger, biting her lip hard.

"You don't?" She hears from the other end of the phone, Lauren's voice amazingly calm.

"His hair is stupid, and who honestly calls themselves Spiderman?"

"Spider Webb, Mand."

"His name could be Spiderfuck for all I care, Laur."

Mandy smiles a little at the fit of giggles bursting out of Laur on the other line.

"Don't you dare tell Kay this." Laur says, once her breathing is under control. "She'll freak out at you, remember last time with Leto?"

Mandy sighs, pressing the phone closer to her ear.

"Leto was different, Laur, he was actually decent, until, know..."

Laur doesn't speak for a while; they hadn't spoken about what happened between Jared and Lauren in a long time, especially since Laur and Jams had gotten together.

"What makes Spider so un-decent?"

Mandy frowns, staring down at her legs. "Because he's dating Kay."



It was eleven-thirty when Kay awoke in a dark, dirty room that smelt oddly of that dodgy hairspray Ian used to import in from Greece.

She closed her eyes and pressed her head more into the pillow, trying to fall back to sleep, but was unsuccessful.

Suddenly a bright light runs warmly over her face, waking her up almost completely.

"Sweet, Jesus..." She mutters, rolling over and burying her face into the mattress and groaning. "Rhys, it's early."

A laugh Kay knew was certainly not Rhys's, filled the room.

Joshua Third looked down on Kay and shook her shoulder. "I'm not Rhys, and he most certainly is not a sweet Jesus."

Kay turns around and squints up at Josh, her cheeks flushing slightly at being found in Rhys's bed late in the afternoon.

"You aren't Rhys...your hair is too big for Rhys."

Josh grins broadly at Kay, his teeth flashing. "Glad you're awake Madam."

Kay starts to glare at the taller man. He was dressed in a big black jacket and jeans, and was now looking at Kay as if she was a small child.

"How are you this morning...?"

Kay sits up, gathering the blankets over her body, to inspect Joshua better.

"What have you done, Josh?"

It was not a rare thing for Josh to be grinning like that, but the way he was doing it this time, made Kay think he had done something particularly bad.

Josh cocks his head to the side, still grinning. "Well, it's not much what have I done. More like, what had RHYS done, to have to jot out at this time and leave you here, alone, asleep, and unharmed."

Kay frowns at Josh, who was now realizing she wasn't wearing much and is biting his lip to keep the laughter in.

"Where's Rhys?"

Josh suddenly jumps on the bed, still grinning stupidly, and swings an arm around Kay's shoulders.

"Rhys is currently visiting the rats..."

Kay pushes Josh's arm off of her shoulders and stands up, throwing the blanket off her body revealing simply her underwear and grabs her jeans, pulling them on quickly.

"The rats? Josh, are you mad?"

Josh nods quickly, his big hair flopping around. "Yeah, Joe was complaining about the noise on the roof, and so we sent Rhys up there, considering he was into fashion and stuff."

Kay, now wearing her jeans, raises an eyebrow at Josh.

"You sent Rhys, on the roof, because he was into fashion?"

Joshua nods at her. "Quite right."


"Gold or Silver?"

"Jams, I wouldn't know, because I'm not you."


Ian squints down at the selection of rings and huffs. "Jams, I'm bored."

Jams looks up at his best friend and frowns angrily. "Ian, we've only just started."

"But Jams, do you have to marry Lauren so soon?"

Jams stands up straight, glaring at his friend. "What are you saying, Ian?"

"I'm saying," Ian says, stepping closer to Jams "That I think you should break it off with Lauren, because she's a whore."


Ian looks around at the crowd of people in the Jewelers, every single face now focusing on Ian and Jams.
Jams was getting angrier with every breath.

"I am so SICK of you not agreeing with us, Ian, I'm so sick of you deciding that we aren't meant to be together..." Jams pokes a finger at Ian's chest "You know what?"

Ian stares, fearfully, at his fuming friend. "I never wanted you and Mandy together, because I loved her Ian, before you got to her, I loved her..."

And then Jamie Oliver was off, storming through the door and almost knocking a sales assistant off his feet.

Ian quietly felt dreadful.