Praying for a Riot

A Beginning Of A Webb Of Lies.

Kay frowned as she examined the ring dangling loosely from her fingertips. It had never really fit her, the gold piece of jewelry always looking odd against her pale skin.
But still, Kay thought as she moved the ring between her hands, reading the words inscribed on the inside of it; Jared loved her, she knew it.
I will love you even when the sun stops rising.
Jared would never lie to her like that, yet, as Mandy had always said about Jared; he was never to be fully trusted when it came to women. But Mandy didn’t know Jared like Kay did; did she?

The phone lying next to Kay’s arm started buzzing ferociously; she escaped her daze in the kitchen to pick it up.
“Hello?” It was only then that she realized her throat was truly dry as a bone.
“Hey darling, how are you?” Tina’s voice rang through the phone, sweet, smiling. Tina and Gerard had always been the happiest people Kay knew.
Now why aren’t Jared and I like that?
“I’m…okay, you?”
Tina giggled, almost making Kay sick at the fact that she knew that Tina was positively bubbling on the other line. “Well…I’m going to make an attempt to get you out of that depressing house.”
“No, all of us have to go to some record party thing where all these bands from different record companies and stuff try and schmooze each other over to their side, it’s stupid, but there are going to be really awesome bands playing…and you’re so going.”
Kay knew that Tina didn’t give up on trying making her friends happy, so she had no choice but to accept her friends offer and go to her wardrobe to find something to wear.

This was not fun.
Kay searched the room for someone she knew, but they were all busy. She spotted Gerard talking to some high maintenance guy with Tina looking bored out of her brains. Still she flashed a smile at each of them whenever the conversation was thrown her way.
To her right, Ian and Mandy were bopping their heads to the music. Lauren had disappeared somewhere, obviously avoiding Mikey, and Sam hadn’t turned up, leaving her husband in a … uh … shit mood.
Kay took a sip of her drink and glowered at the group of musicians and music business people. Why had Tina dragged her out when it wasn’t even fun? Kay didn’t need this; she could be at home getting annoyed at other things, like Jared not being at home again.
“This is so boring.”
Kay looked up when she heard voices in front of her. A man with perfect straight hair in a sort of bob and a man with large incredibly teased hair stood next to her at the bar, rolling their eyes and looking almost as bored as she was.
The man with the large hair ordered another drink and thumped himself down next to the bobbed man. Kay noticed both were quite skinny, and their pants were just…well…way tight.
She tried to ignore them, but their conversation was just about the most interesting thing all night. Imagine that, people complaining they are bored. Stimulating that is.
“Where’s Faris?”
“Talking to some guy named Mike.”
“Oh, glorious.”
“You’re glorious.”
“Your face is glorious.”
Suddenly Kay felt something push at her side, and she gripped her seat to try not to fall off it.
Kay looked down at the bob haired man who had suddenly fallen into her lap. She felt her face flush red; she didn’t know what to do.
“Oh…oh dear, I’m sorry miss…” The man stood up and fixed himself, looking horribly flushed. “I didn’t mean to…it was Joshua here.”
He threw the guy next to him, the one called Joshua; a glare and turned back to Kay, still looking flushed. “You’re not hurt are you?”
Kay shook her head, smiling a little at him. “No, it’s fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah…I’m pretty sure.”
“Are you sure, sure?”
“Now you’re pulling my leg.”
The man held out his hand. “I’m Rhys.”

She didn’t know it yet, but she was done for.