Praying for a Riot

Falling In Love and Falling Apart

“What happened last night?” Jared asked his brother, as he stood in the kitchen, shirtless and making coffee “I heard someone leave.”

“Nothing.” Shannon replied coldly, and slightly defensively.

“Oh. Well I heard something.” Jared played dumb with Shannon “I must be hearing things…”

“Yeah, you must.”

Jared sighed and sat at the table. He wasn’t stupid, and he knew Kay had been there the night previously, and it killed him inside.
He missed her.
With another sigh, Jared stood up, grabbing his coffee cup.

“Where are you going?”

“Oh…umm…just to my room.” Jared looked sad, his normally bright eyes dull.

“Oh…alright.” Shannon watched his younger brother slope off, feeling suddenly horrible.

As soon as his bedroom door was closed, and his coffee set on the bedside table, Jared fell back into bed, heaving sobs wracking his body. He knew he’d messed up, big style, and now, he’d do anything to have Kay back.
He’d do anything to re-do their relationship from scratch.
His sobs subsided, and he lay, pulling the blankets over himself, warmth taking over his body.

I’m a stitch away from making it, and a scar away from falling apart…


The morning was quiet in the Watkins household. Ian and Mandy were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee, and Kay was still in bed, tired from her romp with Shannon.

“So, what are your plans for today?” Mandy watched Ian as he sipped from his cup, a slight smirk apparent on his lips.

“Gonna hang out with Jams. Should be fun.” He nodded, smiling “Yourself, love?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Probably just have Laur over, and that’s it.” Mandy shrugged “Nothing really.”

Ian pursed his lips at the name “Oh…her.”

“Ian…” Mandy smiled, shaking her head “What are you gonna do when they get engaged? You know as well as I do that he has the ring…”

“Jams won’t go through with it!” Ian laughed “He has more sense than that…”

Mandy giggled as Ian stood up, patting his hair as if it were out of place.

“I must go.” Ian said, leaning down and kissing Mandy “I’ll be back later. Love you, and by sweetheart.”

“Love you too, Ian…bye.”

There was a slam of the front door, and Ian was gone, driving to Jams’ place in his little red car.


After a short drive, Ian pulled up at Jams’ house, feeling strangely optimistic. He got out of his car, stretched, and walked up the drive, letting himself into his best friends house.
As he looked around the hall, he noticed a lot of boxes…
He shrugged it off, and poked his head into the kitchen, noticing new, but strangely familiar appliances and fridge magnets.
But there was no Jams.
Sighing, he looked in the living room, shaking his head when he realised Jams wasn’t there either. It left two choices; bed or the bathroom. Bed sounded about right.
Ian climbed the staircases almost silently, Jams’ snores now audible. He noticed Jams’ bedroom door was ajar, and Ian smirked, putting his hand on the doorknob, creaking it open a little more.
On first glance, he noticed there were a lot of clothes strewn around the room, and as he focused on the bed, he realised there were two bodies.
As he took his hand off the door, a fuchsia bra tangled around his wrist, and he gasped as he finally twigged why there were so many boxes.
He shook the bra from his hand, and stormed over to Jams’ bed, hissing in his best friend’s ear.


“Eh?” Jamie groggily opened an eye, Ian’s reddening face blurry “What’s going on?”

“You and I need to talk.” Ian looked beyond pissed off “Because once again, I think you’re fucking insane.”

“Well…” Jamie yawned “Go downstairs. I need to find my boxers…”

There was a look of disgust on Ian’s face, as he muttered “I cannot believe you.”
He stomped downstairs, like a huffy child, before sitting at the kitchen, waiting on Jamie, who emerged downstairs five minutes, wearing nothing but jeans.

“Jams…are you INSANE?!”

“No…” Jamie yawned, flicking the kettle on “Why?”

“You asked Laur, of all people to move in with you…” Ian shook his head “Why!?”

“Reason one: we’re in love. Reason two: we wanted to.”

Ian rubbed his forehead, and sighed “You should just dump the whore already. Jesus, Jams…she is going to break your fucking heart…”

“Ian, she will NOT break my heart!” Jamie looked slightly annoyed as he spooned sugar into his mug “And anyway…it would’ve happened by now…”

“Well don’t come crying to me when she does.” Ian huffed, and Jamie rolled his eyes.

“You have no faith in us.” Jamie pointed a spoon dangerously at Ian “No faith at all.”

Ian kept his eye on the offending spoon, pouting slightly.

“I’m going to ask her to marry me later on today.”

“WHAT!?” Ian stared in horror. He couldn’t lose his Jamie to anyone…especially not Lauren.


“Are you like…serious?” Ian’s legs felt like jelly.


“Whoa….good luck, mate.” He snickered, the scenario of Lauren saying no, and Jamie coming crying to him playing over in his head.

“Fuck you Watkins…fuck you.”