Praying for a Riot

The Wedding Part 1

One Month Later.

11:32 AM, 21nd March, 2008.

Mandy slid a hand over her stomach, sighing at the huge bulge there.

“Thank god, these dresses make me feel less huge.”

Kay raised her eyebrows at her friend, her fingers pinning a clump of Laur’s hair into place.

“Mandy, you’re not even that big.”

Laur almost giggled when Mandy’s mouth fell open. “Hey, I’m freaking’ huge Kay, your just saying that because you don’t have two mini devils sitting in your stomach!”

Suddenly, Sam burst into the room, causing Tina to squeak from the corner she had been sitting in quietly, not saying a word.

“Laur…I err…have news.”

Kay let go of Laur’s hair as she spun around, inspecting her friends scared face. “What happened?!”

Sam shifted on her feet, sliding the door shut quietly as all eyes stopped on her.

“Well,” she said, biting her lip as Lauren fumed in her seat. “The priest, kind of…died.”

Kay’s eyes almost popped out of her head. Mandy tried not to laugh. Tina almost stopped breathing and Lauren…



Lauren felt Kay’s small hand on her shoulder.

“Laur, people can’t help dying, mate.”

Laur looked up at her friend, breathing heavily. “Who’s going to marry us now, Kay? HUH?!”

Kay cringed, as Mandy raised her eyebrows. “I err…”

Everyone’s eyes turned to Mandy.

“You see, I was on this website where you get free certificates mailed to you so you can conduct marriage ceremonies…”

Laur’s anger suddenly calmed. “Well then Father Mandy…why are you standing here?”

Mandy looked around at the four girls, their expectant eyes on her.

“Well…I guess I better go tell Jams…”

And she was off.

12:00 AM, 21nd March, 2008.

Josh searched his pockets, flustered and looked up at Joe, his big hair flopping around.

“I can’t find them Joe…”

Joe almost squealed like a girl. “Oh, fuck…oh, fuck, oh, fuck…”

Josh watched as Joe pulled his hair back, raising his eyebrows at his friend. “You realize that Lauren is going to murder you.”

Josh’s eyes widened at the thought. “You can have a wedding without the rings…right?”

Joe’s glare made it’s point.

Suddenly Rhys rushed through the door, snapping it closed and raising his eyebrows beneath his thick hair at the two.

“What did you do…?”

“Joshua lost the rings!” Joe blurted, before he realized what he was saying.

Rhys’s eyes widened, and he stared at his friends. “You aren’t bloody serious…”

Josh pointed to a mirror, with a little table in front of it. “They were right there Rhys!”

Rhys shook his head. “Well you fuckers, we have to find the bloody things!”

Suddenly, Ian and Jams burst through the door, and stood, looking incredibly suspicious, watching the three Horrors.

Joe cocked an eyebrow. “What’s going on?”

“We’ve lost the rings!”

Josh’s eyes widened. “No…we’ve lost the rings!”

Jams shook his head. “No, it was us!”

Rhys folded his arms. “Maybe, instead of arguing about who lost them, we could all split up and look for them before Laur eats us alive?”

So Rhys went off by himself, Josh and Joe went off to the ceremony room, and Ian and Jams went looking around the change rooms.

2:00 PM, 21nd March, 2008.

Jared stepped into the church, his hands dug deep into his pockets, he felt like he shouldn’t be there, but Lauren and Jams had insisted, because Lauren claimed Jared her friend now.
She’d even been telling Mandy to give him a break.

“Where do we go?”
Shannon asked, looking around at the crowds of people standing around talking.

“I don’t know…”

Jared blinked, looking around for Kay. He’d really only come to see her.
As much as he wanted to see Lauren be happy.

In the past month he’d desperately tried to forget about her, because he knew Rhys had come back, and he knew, of all dreadful things, that they were in love.
Shannon tapped Jared on the shoulder, staring curiously at his brother.

“Come on, I see Gerard over there…”

They walked over to the middle pews, where Gerard was sitting uncomfortably, alone, reading a comic book.


He looked up suddenly, looking surprised. “Oh, Oh! Hey Jared, Shannon.”

Shannon laughed. “Don’t let Tina know?”

Gerard looked painfully at the two brothers. “She’ll kill me.”

Jared sighed as Shannon sat down, and launched into a conversation with Gerard. He sat down too, leaning his head back on the seats.
If this got too much, he was going to leave.

Then, he saw a skinny man rush past, looking thoroughly annoyed. Rhys.

The man stopped when he saw him, the annoyed look fading from his face and a look of utter confusion running across it.
It was the first time Jared had ever made direct eye contact with him.

Then, he was sure he saw Rhys mouth something to him.
“Thank you.”

Jared felt sick.

2:30 PM, 21nd March, 2008.

It was there, in his hands, just that second ago.

Faris stared down the bathroom sink, his breathing slow. Hello, world’s current hugest idiot.

“Faris…oh, thank god it’s you…”

Faris turned around and stared at Rhys as he bolted through the door, looking tired and frustrated.
The man had obviously not had much sleep the night before.

“What’s wrong?” Faris asked, his lip sinking through his teeth.

Rhys shook his head, rolling his eyes. “Josh lost the rings…oh, wait, no, Jamie and Ian lost the rings…wait…no…well, the rings are lost.”

Faris stared at the stressed out man before him. “Um…Rhys?”

Rhys looked at his friend suspiciously. “What?”

“I had the rings…”

Rhys sighed. “Oh, thank god, well, hand them over, I’ll go give them to Josh.”

“Well…” Faris muttered, looking down. “They aren’t exactly with me anymore.”

Rhys groaned. “Then where ARE they?!”

Rhys groaned again as Faris pointed to the sink.

Suddenly, Joe, Josh, and Tomethy appeared, all of them looking stressed to the max.

“Faris dropped the rings down the sink!” Rhys screeched, the most strained of all of them. Faris wondered what he had been doing whilst everyone else was at Jamie’s bucks’ night.

“Rhys, calm down,” Joe said, rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt. “I’ll get them out.”

Josh handed him a crowbar.

2:45 PM, 21nd March, 2008.

Lauren stepped down the stairs, Kay was holding her red dress up, and looking more scared than she was herself.

“Kay, will you calm down.”

Kay looked up at her friend as they got to the bottom of the stairs, now at the door.
The moment that door opened, was the moment Lauren was on her way to holding Jamie Oliver forever.

Mandy was fussing with her hair, but she honestly couldn’t care less how she looked.

Mrs. Oliver…Mrs. Lauren Oliver…

Then, she spotted him, her dad was walking towards her hurriedly, a huge grin on his face.


Kay and Mandy stood back, biting their lips.
They had never really come to terms with the fact that Dave Grohl was Lauren’s father.

And then, the music started.