Praying for a Riot

The Wedding Part 2

2:30 PM, 21st March, 2008.

“How are you feeling?” Ian sat down beside Jamie, who was staring at the floor.

“Nervous.” He bit his lip, and looked up at Ian “I just want this to be done, so we’re married, and we can live our lives together. That’s all I want.”

Ian nodded, the conversation feeling strangely familiar “I wish you both the best.”


“Yeah. You’re a lucky guy, Jams.”

Jamie raised an eyebrow “Do you feel okay?”

Ian blinked a couple of times, before looking at Jamie again “Yeah…I feel fine.”

“Well alright then…”

“I hope her dad shows. I know he’s kinda busy right now, but I hope he shows.” Ian yawned.

“Mmhmm…” Jamie mumbled, closing his eyes, and leaning back against the wall “Her dad sends her awesome stuff…like he sent a Foo Fighters gold disc…”

“That doesn’t surprise me.” Ian snickered “Damn, she’s lucky!”

“Why?” Jamie opened eye, and watched Ian.

“She never told you about her dad?” Ian looked shocked.

“Uh…no…” Jamie raised an eyebrow casually, watching Ian.

“Jams, she’s Dave Grohl’s daughter.”

Jamie stared at Ian, eyes wide and jaw dropped “You cannot be serious…”

“Jams, I’m deadly serious…I’ve met him a few times, had him over for dinner…”

Jamie looked as if he was going to pass out. His father in law was Dave fucking Grohl?! That was freaky….

“Are you okay?” Rhys asked, bursting into the room “You look as if you’re either gonna pass out or puke…and I heard that Dave Grohl’s outside with all of the Foo Fighters!”

Jamie stared at Rhys, before getting up and running to the toilet “I’m gonna hurl…”

“He’s nervous.” Rhys blinked, sitting down beside Ian.

“Nervous? He’s scared of his father-in-law to be…” Ian shook his head and snickered, Rhys watching him carefully “Dave? He’s Laur’s dad…and Jams is a little star-struck.”

“Oh lord…” Rhys said, watching as Jamie walked back, looking slightly less pale than before.

“You ready to go out there?” Ian asked, assessing his best friend.

“I guess so.” Ian stood up, and pulled Jamie into a man-hug, Rhys watching awkwardly.

“You’ll be fine. It’s over and done with before you know it.”

Jamie nodded, and the three of them walked out into the church.
All that was left now was the wait.

2:44 PM, 21st March, 2008.

“I don’t wanna wait any longer!” looked at Ian, pouting slightly.

“You have a minute to wait, Jams.” Ian checked his watch, before smiling at the ring on his own finger.
He and Mandy had been together for years now.

Jams sighed and looked bored, before scanning around the guests,
Stu…Lee…Mike…Ilan…Gerard…Mikey…Jared…Shannon…Frank…The Foo Fighters…
Jamie sighed again, frowning. There was so many people here, just to see him get married, because it was just…something that they thought they’d never see.

Then the music stared. Jamie suddenly froze as Mandy scurried down the walkway, and up to the altar, a smirk present on her lips. She winked at Ian, who was peering up into the altar, just to look at her boobs.
Typical Ian.

Next down the walkway was Tina, then Sam, and finally Kay, who was looking around nervously for Rhys, who himself was looking around nervously for his fellow Horrors.
Just after Kay, Lauren and her father walked down the walkway. Jamie saw Mikey visibly duck out of Dave’s view, for reasons unknown.

Jared Leto watched as Kay took a seat beside Rhys, leaning her small head on his shoulder.
Something she never did with him.
He sighed and looked forward watching Lauren and Jamie as he fought back the urge to cry…this wasn’t how he’d wanted things to be.
He wanted Kay to be a wreck without him, just so she’d go back to him.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to…oh fuck, what’s the word? Oh yes. We are here to witness the union between Laur and Jams.” Mandy smiled, looking around the room.

“Mandy!” Tina hissed up at the altar “You are NOT supposed to curse in a church!”

“Oh fuck that! I’ll say what I goddamn want!”

“Ah, that’s my girl.” Ian snickered.

“Well. I don’t know what’s supposed to be said about the union and all that bullshit, so I’ll just get on with it. Richard James Oliver…do you take Laur to be your wife, in sickness and in health, blah, blah, blah forever?”

“Me? I do.” Jamie smiled, tightening his grip on Lauren’s hand slightly.

“Lauren Amii…is it Grohl or Way?” Mandy looked confused, and Ian watched her like a love-struck teenager.

“Way, dear.” Lauren giggled and Mandy nodded.

“Alright. Lauren Amii Way…do you wanna marry Jams?”

“I do.” She smiled, looking up at Jamie.

“Now…if you get the damn rings…”

“Well…you see…we kinda lo-“

“WE HAVE THE RINGS!” Faris, Tomethy, Joshua and Joe burst in the door, and the whole room turned to look at them, as Faris fell on his face.

“You dropped them again, you wanker!” Josh glared, smacking Faris over the head.

“Oh for Christ’s sake Faris!” Joe kicked Faris as he ran down the walkway, and slid into the pew beside a very red and embarrassed looking Rhys “Alright, Rhysy?”

“Alright, yeah…” Faris strutted down the walkway, Josh and Tomethy following “Rings.”

Faris dropped the rings into Jamie’s hand, before sliding into the pew with Josh and Tomethy. Mandy cleared her throat “I can go on now? Alright, good…now, Jams, put the ring on her finger….and…oh shit fuck bastard! I forgot what you have to say!”

Tina sighed and shook her head “Save me…”

After flicking through a few books, Mandy grinned manically “YESS! Alright, Jams…repeat after me…I, Richard James Oliver,”

“I, Richard James Oliver,”

“Umm,” Mandy looked over the paper “No, wait, I got it wrong…okay, Jams, repeat after me; Lauren, receive this ring as a token of wedded love and faith…”

“Lauren, receive this ring as a token of wedded love and faith…”

“And put the ring on her finger…” Mandy watched carefully, as Jamie slid the ring on her finger.

“Alright, Laur…you know the drill; Jamie, receive this ring as a token of wedded love and faith.”

“Jamie, receive this ring as a token of wedded love and faith…” Lauren carefully put the ring on Jamie’s finger, and looked up.

“Alright homies,” Mandy looked around “Anyone gonna object? I swear, if anyone does, I’ll kick their asses into oblivion…”


“Alright, Laur, Jams…you’re married. Jams, make out with her or something.”

Jamie smirked, and leant down, kissing Lauren, before hugging her tightly. It was done; she was now Lauren Oliver.
It sounded way better than Mikey’s surname had.

“I know present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Richard James Oliver. Bow the fuck down.” Mandy grinned, stepping down from the altar and hugging Ian “Oh god, Hairball, that was fun!”

“I can tell you enjoyed yourself.” Ian laughed, wrapping his arm around Mandy’s shoulders as people began to leave the church.

“I have to do it again…and now, seeing as we’re alone…” Mandy smirked, and pulled Ian down towards her by his tie, and kissed him.

“Mand, we’re in a church!”

But Mandy didn’t care. She was going to Hell anyway.