Praying for a Riot

The After Party

The After Party.

Mandy grinned at pulled at Ian’s hand. “Come on…

Ian blinked at his wife, but followed her anyway. “Where are we going, Mand?”

Suddenly Ian felt himself trip into a small space. “Mandy?!” He hissed. “MANDY?!”

Then, she was right there, looking up at him, a huge smirk on her face.

“Hi, Ian…”

He tried not to look at her chest heaving up and down…lord, he tried.

He felt himself being pushed further into the box and looked around, her hands gripping his tie.

“I think I should get this stupid thing off you…”

Ian swallowed hard. “Where are we?”

Mandy grinned. That awful, awful, wicked grin. “We’re in a confession box Ian.”

Ian’s eyes widened. “That is so…”

But his sentence wasn’t finished, because suddenly Mandy’s hands were pulling at his collar and her teeth were biting down on his bottom lip.

It took all he could not to use the lords name in vain.


Kay grinned as Lauren and Jams swayed past, in each others arms, grinning stupidly at one another.
She leaned over and put her head on Rhys’s shoulder, still watching the two dance.

“They are so cute.”

Rhys looked down on her. “Your so cute, look at you, you’re tired as anything…”

Kay moved closer and nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck, grinning. “I’m fine, really.”

Rhys kissed the top of her head, a small smile present on his lips. “Don’t be stupid, your about to fall asleep on me.”

Kay reached up and stroked his cheek, looking up at him with big eyes. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

Suddenly Rhys tensed, his eyes darting around the room of hundreds of people. “Kay…”

Kay’s eyebrows narrowed. “What?”

Rhys bit his lip, looking back down on her. “I can’t stand the way he looks at you.”

Kay closed her eyes and sighed. “He’s watching, isn’t he?”

Rhys almost growled. “Yes.”

Kay let go of her comfortable position next to Rhys, and looked up, sure enough Jared Leto was sitting alone at a table; a glass dangling loosely from his fingertips, and his eyes fixed on her.

“I need to talk to him.”

Kay’s head snapped back to Rhys. “You will not, I’ll talk to him…”

And even though Rhys had that awfully pained look on his face, as if he was going to lose her, he let her go.
Kay pressed her lips quickly to his, and stood up.

Sliding her feet back into her aching heels, she made her way over to where Jared was sitting. She plunked herself down on the seat next to him, making him jump.

“I’m sure; there are plenty of other girls you could be staring at.”

Jared shook his head. “No, I don’t think so.”

“Don’t be stupid Jared.”

Jared stopped staring at the glass in his hand and looked curiously over Kay’s face.

“I am not being stupid. And,” he paused to look over her body. “I think pink suits you.”

Kay pulled a disgusted face. “Pink is gross.”

“It’s Laur’s wedding…”

“You need to stop watching me, your freaking Rhys out.”

Jared’s eyebrow arched. “Why would I freak Rhys out, if he knew you only loved him?”

Kay glared at her ex husband. “Jared, I do, only love him.”

Jared sighed, swirling the drink in his hand. “I just wish it would all go back the way it was.”

Kay glared at him.

“If you didn’t cheat on me, it would be the way it was.”

Jared stared at her, sadly. “You know why I did that.”

Kay bit her lip to keep from yelling. “Actually, I have no idea why you did that.”

Jared narrowed his eyes. “I was losing you, you stupid girl.”

Kay wanted to slap him so bad. “Talking to me like that isn’t going to get you anywhere Jared.”

Suddenly Jared leaned over and cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.
It was so quick that Kay didn’t have a chance to get away.

Jared felt a kick right under his kneecap. FUCK.

Kay stood up, pushing Jared off herself. It was like lighting as Rhys appeared at her side, and she was gripping his hand and pulling him away.


A few members of the party turned in their direction, Jared stood up, staring silently at the two. Kay was still holding tightly onto her boyfriends’ hand, pulling him away as he tried to get to Jared.

He knew it was Shannon when an arm gripped his shoulder and he felt his brother’s breath in his ear.

“He’s going to kill you.”

He already felt dead, though.


Laur giggled as she watched Jams grip his tie and tug it away from his neck, looking annoyed.

“Here,” She said, reaching over from her seat in the limo and untying the tie for her…husband.
Yeah, her husband.

“Mand did a pretty good job, didn’t she?” Jams said, moving closer to her.

“Oh, by swearing and using the lord’s name in vain under the church roof,” Laur giggled. “Yeah, Tina looked like she was going to murder her, and when she said homies, fuck, Kay and Tina looked livid.”

Jams chuckled as his tie was thrown to the limo carpet. “And now we’re alone.”

Laur smiled, her fingers running along the smooth material of his white shirt.

“Now we’re alone…except for Mr. Limodriver…”

Jams smirked. “It’s soundproof in here.”

“No,” Lauren said, leaning closer, breathing in his scent. “It’s not long to the hotel.”

Jams groaned. “But…”

Laur whispered. “I don’t want our first love making to be in the back of a limo.”

Jams didn’t persist.

When they got to the hotel room, the door snapped quickly behind them.

“Now, Mrs. Oliver…about what we were discussing earlier…”