Praying for a Riot

Chasing Hairspray

Laur Oliver’s day had been long.
It had started hanging out with Mandy and Kay, trying to forget the imminent tour, work, lunch with Joshua and a blushing Faris, work (to which she had Jared Leto in), home for a quick change, dinner with Mandy and Kay at the new Italian restaurant, home again (around nine-ish), a bath, into her pyjamas (which were nothing more than shorts that barely covered her ass and a spaghetti strap top that barely went over her boobs), then to bed, with chocolates and season one of Metalocalypse on DVD.
It was nice enough to her, but it would’ve been nicer had Jams been there. She hadn’t seen the damn man all day, as he’d been practicing with Ian and the rest of the band.
She yawned as she sprawled across the bed, snickering at the cartoon on the TV screen, and she’d fallen asleep before she knew it, around ten-thirty, stupid Grease songs swimming around her head.

Jams came home at eleven that night, exhausted.
All he’d done that day was practice, practice and oh yes, practice.
He sighed and closed the front door after himself, locking it and kicking his shoes off. He looked upstairs; hearing the TV in his room was on.
Jams quickly jogged upstairs and peeked in his room, and smiled. His wife was completely out of it and snoring, while her DVD played.
It was cute, really.
Walking farther into the room and almost tripping over some random Scottish history book that had been discarded on the floor, Jams pulled his shirt off and sat on the end of the bed.

“Baby, wake up.” He shook her gently, until she yawned and looked up at him sleepily.

“Oh, so you’re finally home?”

Jams nodded and stood up again, shrugging his jeans off, whereas Laur yawned again and crawled into bed, Jams following not long after. Laur muttered something before she almost instantly fell asleep again, and he couldn’t help but smile and watch her for a few minutes, before laying down and falling asleep himself.

The next morning, Jams woke up in an uncomfortably empty bed. He pulled himself up, and wandered downstairs to find Laur washing dishes, and singing along to Dethklok and swaying her hips along with it.

“Nice dancing.” Jams chuckled, creeping up behind her and wrapping his arms around her middle.

“Well morning…” Laur giggled, turning to face him “Not practicing today?”

“Nah, we have today off.”

“Awww, good. I can spent today with you then.” She smiled up at him, feigning utter innocence.

“Yes, and Laur? I love you, but there’s no way in hell you’re innocent…”

She laughed, before leaning her head on his chest. Jams smirked to himself, pulling her closer “So what do you wanna do today?”

“I dunno,” Laur shrugged, pulling away from him and continuing on with her dishes “Anything you wanna do?”

“Well…” Jams smirked again, but he was suddenly cut off.

Little soul, your dreams are waiting, grab them up; hold them closely, never let go…

Jams glared down at her phone for two reasons.
Reason one) he was sick of that damn song and that damn band.
Reason two) he wanted sex.

“Hey!” Laur answered, smiling “Hey Mand…”

“Laur, you have to help! You’re a doctor!”

“What happened?” Jams looked up, and Laur looked confused.

“Ian fell down the stairs!”

“How the hell did Ian fall down the stairs!?”

“…he was chasing hairspray.”

Laur blinked, unbelieving “Okay…hang on…Ian fell down the stairs chasing hairspray?!”

“Yes! Now come over! He’s like…unconscious…”

“Oh dear god,” Laur rubbed her forehead with her free hand, and Jams snorted “Alright, I’ll make dorkface get some clothes on, and I’ll be over.”

“Alright, good! See you then!” and with that, Mandy Watkins hung up, and Laur threw her phone down, shaking her head.

“What happened?” Jams watched her, and she looked up.

“Ian’s unconscious because he fell down the stairs chasing hairspray…” Jams snorted, and shook his head.

“I’ll go get some clothes on, then.”


Half an hour later, Laur and Jams were standing in the Watkins’ house, Laur standing over Ian, who’d now been moved to the couch.
Kay, Jams and Mandy watched Laur, as she poked at the cut on his head.

“Eh, he’ll live.” She shrugged “We just have to wake him up.”

“And how do we do that?” Kay asked, watching carefully, as Laur shrugged again.

“Slap him?”

And with that, Mandy stood forward and smirked “Excuse me.”

She slapped Ian with such a force, it could probably wake the dead, and the three bystanders winced.

“Ow!” Ian sat up and pouted “What the hell was that for!?”

“We had to wake you up.” Mandy smiled, and Ian looked slightly dazed.

“Ian, mate…why were you chasing hairspray?!” Jams asked, looked intrigued.

“It was running away from me! Ian said, overdramatically “No joke, it was moving!”

All eyes were suddenly on Mandy.

“Look, I only had it on string, because I was gonna talk to him about not leaving me! I didn’t think he’d fall!”

Lauren and Mandy exchanged knowing looks and nodded.
It had come far too soon.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I took so long, and the lyrics are from We All Turn Back to Dust by From First to Last<3