Praying for a Riot

Throbbing Hearts, Throbbing Heads.

Mikey was gone in the morning.
Lauren had surfaced from her drunken rampage not remembering much, but the fact that she missed Mikey ran through her mind. It took her a full hour to actually get up and make her way downstairs, and then pop some toast in the toaster.
“This fucking sucks,” She mumbled as she sat down, the headache running quickly through her head as she spoke. Suddenly someone runs through her front door, almost crashing into the cabinet holding glass ornaments.
Lauren looks up surprised as Ian Watkins attempts to stand up, if Lauren hadn’t known Ian would never drink; she would have thought that her friends husband was utterly off his face.
“Ian…” Lauren says, moving over to collect her toast “What the hell are you doing?”
She glances over at him, and he walks more steadily into the kitchen, dusting off his jeans as if something was actually there.
“It’s Mandy’s birthday soon…” before Lauren can open her mouth Jamie crashes into the house after his best friend, almost doing exactly the same thing as Ian had done. Lauren noticed he looked…well…hot.
She clutches her forehead as Ian screams at his friend. If she hadn’t been so darn sore, she probably would have laughed.
“So anyway Laur…we need your help on getting Mandy a birthday present, because well…I’ve given her almost anything she’s ever wanted…”
Lauren surveys the two Welshmen steadily, her head thumping. “Alright…but I want painkillers first…”

Kay had spent the morning cleaning; her usually teased hair pulled back under a bandana and her Frank Sinatra records playing wistfully throughout her house. It was whilst she was washing the dishes that she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and a head prop itself on her right shoulder. Kisses began to fall sleepily on her neck, but she resisted, moving away to grab more plates from the opposite side of the kitchen.
“What’s wrong?” Jared asked, as Kay turned around, catching a glimpse of her shirtless husband. Her heart throbbed.
“Why did you come home last night?”
She placed a plate in the sink, grabbing the dishwashing liquid; she avoided looking at Jared at all times.
“Because I missed you…”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not lying.”
Kay takes a deep breath and looks up at him, sure enough; he was grabbing the ends of his hair.
“No Jared, you’re lying. You grab your hair when you’re lying. I’m your wife, I should know that.”
Jared shifted uncomfortably, looking for something else to do with his hands other than grab his hair.
“Now…” Kay says, moving back to her dishwashing. “Where have you been the last few nights?”
Jared took a breath; he couldn’t possibly tell her about Lauren, it would break her heart.
“I’ve been…”
“You weren’t at Shannon’s,” Kay continued, as if he hadn’t even spoken “Ian and Mandy didn’t even know you weren’t at home, Lauren was too busy fretting about her divorce to give a fuck, Sam and Brian most definitely didn’t have you, and Gerard and Tina would have told me…so where else could you be Jared? Is there another girl?”
“You weren’t asking me these stupid questions last night Kay…”
Kay dropped the plates back into the water with a dramatic flop. “How are these questions stupid Jared? You haven’t been home in weeks; you haven’t bothered to contact me at all! How the hell are these questions stupid!?”
Kay watches as Jared moves over to hug her, but she stops him, pushing him backwards. “Do you even love me anymore?”
Tears were forming in her eyes, her heart was breaking. If Jared loved her, he would have said it, smart and quick…almost before she even asked him, but he stayed silent.
It wasn’t like it used to be.
“I’m moving in with Mandy and Ian…” Kay moves quickly past Jared, each step breaking her heart a little more.