Praying for a Riot

The Fear of Being Found Out

“I KNOW WHO HE LIKES!” Ian Watkins burst into his kitchen, screaming his head off as Mandy looked up.
“You know what?” she raised an eyebrow behind her glasses, and Ian grinned manically.
“Jams. I know who he likes.”
“Ian, shut up….” Jamie muttered quietly “It’s not funny…”
“Jams, I know it’s not funny…it’s fucking hilarious.”
Jamie sat at the table beside Mandy, and glared at Ian.
“He likes….” Before Ian could finish, the doorbell rang, and Mandy and Jamie got up, leaving Ian on his own, with no attention.
“Kay?” Mandy answered the door to find her best friend in tears on her doorstep, carrying suitcases.
“I left him…” she squeaked, tears falling from her eyes.
“Aww, Kay, come in…” Mandy moved out of the way so Kay could haul her bags inside. Ian stood, jaw agape, while Jamie helped Kay with her bags.
“Stole my thunder…bitch.” Ian muttered, before turning on his heel and going back into the kitchen.
“Jams, can you put her bags in the spare room?” Mandy asked, as Jamie pulled the bags inside.
“Kay, come into the kitchen hon,” Mandy lead Kay into the kitchen and sat her down on the chair “what happened?”
“He came home last night…it was just weird…” Kay was trying to keep her composure and not cry; she kept telling herself that Jared wasn’t worth her tears.
“He came home?” Mandy seemed shocked, and Kay nodded.
“He was there when I came back from that party thing last night…” Kay sighed as Ian set a cup of coffee down in front of her “he was hugging me, and he said he loved me…yet he couldn’t say it this morning.”
Mandy shook her head “I think he used you for sex.”
“And I let him…” Kay said softly, and Mandy rubbed her back.
“It’s alright Kay…at least you know he’s a scheming bastard now….”
“Yeah, I guess…” Kay gulped her coffee down, and Ian stared at her.
“You should get some sleep.” The Welshman said finally, “You look tired.”
“Yeah…” Kay nodded “I’ll talk to you later…”
“Alright,” Mandy said, hugging Kay “we’re gonna head to Laurino’s for a while, but we’ll be back later…”
“Okay…thanks for letting me stay…” Kay smiled.
“It’s alright…stay as long as you need to…” Ian smiled, and Kay nodded, hugging Ian.
“Thank you.” She whispered, before running to her room. Jamie, Mandy and Ian watched her run, then they turned away.
“Man, I hate Jared Leto…” Jamie shook his head sadly.
“Yeah…same…” Mandy sat down again, and Ian sat beside her “anyway, Ian, what were you saying about Jams earlier?”
“I know who he likes…girl wise…”
“Oh really?” Mandy raised an eyebrow and looked at Jamie. They’d be friends for years now, and he was the reason she and Ian were together.
“Yeah,” Ian smirked “you’ll never guess who…”
“Ooh, who?”
“Lauren.” Ian grinned, and Mandy looked shocked.
Jamie nodded “Now just…drop it.”

On the other side of town, Lauren let out a huge yawn, and lay on the couch, wrapped in the faux fur throw from the bottom of her bed.
Jared had just left, after telling her that Kay had left him, and now the worry of being caught was resting in her stomach, making her feel sick.
She flipped on the TV, watching MTV, until there was a knock at the door, and she got up, opening the door to find Jamie, Ian and Mandy.
“Hey…come in…” she’d gone strangely nervous, and butterflies were replacing the worry and fear in her stomach.
“We were bored…” Mandy said, sitting beside Lauren, who was between Mandy and Jamie, as Ian had taken the chair.
“So you came to see me?” Lauren said, feeling strangely nervous.
“Yeah…and I wanted to tell you about Jared and Kay too…”
“Jared and Kay?” Lauren said, looking up.
“She left him…she’s sure he’s cheating on her…”
“Jesus…” Lauren said, and Mandy noticed Lauren’s nervousness, and smiled.
“I know…he’s a bastard…”
“Agreed.” Ian said, glaring around the room from his chair “You need to re-decorate Laur…”
“Thanks Ian…” Lauren rolled her eyes and sat back, stealing a glance at Jamie as she did so.
She’d fallen for him hard…