Praying for a Riot

"Ian, you're shit."

Kay slid her feet further down into the sheets of the bed that she used to occupy before she had married Jared. She’d remembered how sad Mandy was the day she left, as if her little child was moving out of home.
Kay turned around, to see Ian standing in the doorway, holding a little stuffed bear.
“You left Reggie in the living room.”
She stared at the little bear in her friends’ arms, and the love she felt for it…she felt tears streaming down her cheeks hurriedly.
Ian glanced around the room as Kay started to cry, as if the wardrobe might help him or something.
Oh god, he thought, looking down at the bear, maybe she’s pregnant, oh fuck, no…maybe…what do you do with a crying woman?!
Kay rubbed at her eyes and sighs, sniffling as Ian watched her, clutching her little handmade bear. “Oh Ian, I’m sorry.”
Ian sighed too, and edged closer to Kay, propping himself down next to her and biting his lip thoughtfully. “Kay, I know you probably don’t want to talk to me of all people.”
Kay screws up her face at this, waving her hand at Ian. “I’m just a bitch to you because I can.”
“Oh…” Ian glances down at the smaller woman, wrapped in the blankets of her bed crying. “Just, if Jared was cheating…maybe you should stop looking for the girl, and wonder why he did it.”
Ian!” The two looked up, as Mandy stood in the doorway smirking. “That’s horrible advice.”
Ian scowled at his wife, and then grins when he notes that Kay is smiling. “Yeah, it probably was.”
“Ian…you’re shit.”
“Am not.”
“Are too, you pretty much just told her to start questioning her closest friends!”
Kay looks up at Mandy, who raises an eyebrow. “Honey, Lauren’s not here.”
Kay wipes at her eyes and bites her lip. “Lauren…she’s…she…that whore.