American Girl, Irish Lad

Written in lines I spoke before

Kara Thorburne was excited she had just scored a job to work on the set of one of her favourite actors Colin Farrell. She was a writer who moved to LA from New York in hopes of getting a job.

"So are you ready for this exciting new job," her friend spoke on the other end of the line.

"Of course, and I'm glad I get to meet Colin."

Kara heard laughter on the other end.

"Oh Kara you're 28 years old and still act like a little girl when it comes to him."

"Can you blame me?" Asked Kara.

"No I absolutely do not," her friend replied giggling in the process.

Kara looked at the clock and realised she better get going.

"Well I have to go I'll call you and tell you how my first day went."

"You better, see you."

Kara then hurried to the bathroom and brushed her teeth then got in her car and drove away. When she arrived at the set she was slightly nervous but that feeling was soon over powered by excitement when she seen the work that happens behind the scenes of a movie. A man who looked like he was the director walked over to her.

"You must be that writer the producer was talking about; I'll get one of the extras to show you around."

Just then Colin walked in, he looked over at the new girl and smiled.

"Ah Colin this is..."

"Kara, nice to finally meet you Colin I love your work," she said while shaking his hand.

"Thank you, and it's nice to meet you Kara."

"Colin maybe you'd like to show her around this would probably give her something better to write about," the director said, this made Kara's heart skip a beat.

"I'd love to," Colin said, his thick Irish accent floating through the air.

They walked around for a few minutes in silence before Colin spoke.

"Well, how about I show you more things later since you'll be here for awhile? How about you and me go get some coffee somewhere?"

"I would love to get some coffe," she replied smiling.

They took Kara's car to a little coffee shop that was about two blocks away from the set. When they got into the shop they ordered their coffee and sat in the furthest corner.

"So Kara what made you become a writer?"

"Well, even though I go about journalism too I just thought if authors can do it I can too, so I moved here from New York and here I am today."

"I kind of thought I heard a New York accent in your voice."

"Well Mr. Farrell that Irish accent of yours isn't well hidden," she said smirking a little, this cause a smile to form on his lips.

They both took a sip of their coffees and sat through a short comfortable silence before they started to talk more. In the next couple of hours they got to know each other more.

"So Kara how would you like to go to dinner sometime?" Asked Colin sounding a little anxious.

"I would love to Colin," she replied.

"Well Kara I think this is a start to a beautiful relationship," Colin said while smiling and putting a hand on Kara's.

When they were finished Kara drove Colin back to the set and before walking off to his trailer gave Kara a kiss on the hand.