The Sad Life of Scott Summers

The cyclops and the pheonix

The blood was pounding through his head like a freight train, he felt like his heart could never be fixed. Scott still felt like his one true love Jean Grey was still alive. Though he knew she wasn't, he had seen the waves crashing down on her as she saved his and the rest of the teams lives. Still Scott couldn't shake off the feeling that she was ok.

As he laid down on his bed he could hear her voice echoing through his mind 'Scott, Scott.' At first he thought he was going crazy but he knew it was true, Jean was still alive. He heard his name again followed by an image of Alkali Lake. He knew he had to go to her, he would bring her back and act like they were before this happened. He got up and started walking out of his room and down the hall, he was making good timing until an angry looking Logan had stopped him.

"Hey Scott, we were looking for you downstairs. You didn't show," spoke Logan.

"What do you care?" Said Scott starting to get a little mad.

"Well, for starters, I had to cover your ass," Logan said the tension between the two men rising.

"I didn't ask you too," Scott replied a little annoyed.

"No, you didn't. The Professor did. I was just passing through."

"So pass through, Logan."

Scott turned away and was about to walk away when Logan grabbed his arm. This caused Scott to look back.

"Hey, look I know how you feel."


"When Jean died..."

"I said don't," Scott said his anger rising once again.

"Maybe it's time for us to move on."

Scott started walking away then turned his head towards Logan.

"Not everybody heals as fast as you, Logan."

As Scott was driving his motorcycle on a road he felt like he drove thousands of times before he was angry at how that animal thought everything would be ok. When he arrived at Alkali Lake he walked over to a rock that stood out a little over the lake. He could still here Jeans voice running through his head.

A power seemed to take over him as he pulled down his sunglasses and blasted the lake. He flew back onto the shore as the water started to spin. Scott had no idea what was happening as he stood and watched. Then without warning Jean was standing in front of him. Millions of thoughts were running through his mind.




"I don't know."

She reached for his sunglasses but Scott stopped her.

"Don't worry I can control it now."

He knew that he could trust her so he allowed her. Jean pulled his glasses off seeing the red orbs in his eyes, using her power she cleared them away so she was now staring into Scott's blue eyes. They looked at each other intensely before kissing. Then a power seemed to take over Jean and the next thing Scott was gone and Jean was lying unconscious on the shore.