Take a Chance

You had your chance

Five months is an awfully long time to muster up the strength to tell someone you like them. Or find out how they feel about you so you can either move on or start a wonderful relationship. Not in my case, in my case I should have built up the confidence earlier so I wouldn't have fallen so hard. My name is Lilly and I am so stupid when it comes to the most obvious things.

"Lilly how are you?" Said one of my guy friends as I walked into the foyer at recess.

"I could be better."

I replied in an almost to cheery tone, I then proceeded to look around for my cousin and noticed the boy I have been crushing on for the past five months Gerard, look at me quickly. I just wish he'd tell me instead of keeping me wondering. Yeah as if. As soon as I thought that I spotted her. She ran over to me and started talking and she randomly found a sticky note in her book bag and put it on another of my friends back. I looked at Cole's back and laughed.

I noticed Gerard stare once again and knew he thought I was looking at him. Oh how naive. The bell then rang and I headed upstairs and heard one of his friends, Taylor I think yell out how Gerard didn't like me. I wasn't heartbroken; I could have cared less. But I was angry; Gerard was too stupid and immature to say it to my face. WTF? The next class dragged on and I was pretty upset but I wouldn't cry, not for this guy considering he was rude to me for most of the time I got to know him. When lunch came around I had talked to Misty, Sabrina and Amanda who ended up making me laugh and feel so much better.

And thanks to Amanda's Ipod I listened to emo music and got over it. He came upstairs but once he had seen me he disappeared. All I thought was thank god. Last class was the best considering Misty had made me laugh it was fun. Also I decided I would get back at him somehow and I would stay upstairs with my friends from now on. The next day I had noticed something I hadn't before, Jared and I have been getting closer. Could it be possible that he likes me? At lunch I did what I said, I sat upstairs talking to my friends and went downstairs to put my stuff in my class and so did Amanda and there was Gerard.

Once Amanda and I went down the hall I explained to her I hate people staring and she stood in front of me. The next few days were like this whenever he had seen me he would hang his head, or if he knew where I was he'd show up, it's like he was sad to have ruined our friendship. Today is now Monday and I'm ready to start a new week of fun.

"Lilly," I snapped my head up to see Jared staring at me.

"Yeah Jared," I replied.

"I was wondering if you know you'd go out with me?" He asked nervously.

I smiled and held his hand.

"I guess that means yes," he said smiling at me.

We then proceeded upstairs to where our friends were and left Gerard who had arrived before me behind. Little did I know hed be talking to me later on. When lunch arrived this is what happened: I sat down at my usual table, with my usual friends and then he had shown up.

"Listen Lilly I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you and I want to know if we can have a relationship," Gerard pretty much demanded.

"After everything you've done to me I'm not going to forgive you that easily. I have a boyfriend now who's caring and nice and I know he'll be there for me. Now you, you've broken my trust and it takes a long time to get it back. And I have this last thing to say. You had your chance." I replied truthfully, he got up and walked off making him feel the same way I had felt days before and I loved every second of it.