All You Need Is Love

Love is all you need

As I lay on this hospital bed in a coma, I wonder why I didn't tell him sooner. Also I wonder why I hadn't listened to my friends to not cross the street yet. Yet in this coma I am aware of my surroundings. When it happend I heard my mom talking to the police here in the hospital. She was worried and angry, I could hear her sobbing. It was a drunk driver that hit me, he's been in jail for the last month now. A month, I've been out cold for a month. I hate having all of these IV's stuck in me, and the machines trying to keep me alive. They aren't keeping me alive,something else is.

My friends of course came and visited me, at least I know they care. I just wish he'd care. He should come it would make me happy besides getting the hell out of my coma. You're probably wondering who he is right? Well he happens to be the one I like. Wait scratch that thought. Learnt to love over the passed four years. He has stolen my heart and gives me confidence to be myself, hell he gives me courage.

Considering I asked him to dance at that prom on that night. I remember looking in his eyes and feeling something I never felt for another human being. It felt like only us on the dance floor. I felt like a princess which is odd for my usuall tomboy ways. We were so close that when I moved back to give us some space he put his hand on my lower back and pulled me back in.

His name is Corban,he is stunning with his bright red hair, his freckles, green eyes, charming personality and smile. He's perfect, even with his flaws he's still perfect. The thing is he doesn't know how I feel. The secret burns deep inside of me, and haunts me everyday. Footsteps came into my hospital room, I knew it was him.

Corbans point of view.

I walked in with a small portable CD player, a CD, a card and some flowers for Sam. I couldn't stand seeing her this way I felt terrible, she did look cute asleep though. I had to tell her how I felt about her. I like her a lot, I knew this ever since the prom when I danced with her, I even seen the caring in her eyes that she had for me. I hope she felt the same. I moved a stray hair off of her face and proceeded to tell her everything.

"Here it goes," I said to myself.

Back to Sam.

I listened what else could I do but lay there. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, until he put a CD in. How do I know? I have an ear for music. I knew it was Simple Plan's every time, my favourite song. Then he played I don't want to miss a thing by Aerosmith. The song we danced to. I smiled inside, and on the outside. I slowly opened my eyes. I was awake; thank god it was a miracle.

"Good whatever Corban," I said to him.

"Hey you're wake," he said getting up.

He gave me a small hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"And Corban don't worry I feel the same," I said smiling.

"For how long?" Corban said looking at me questioningly.

"For too long," I replied.

"Will you go out with me then?"

"Of course I will Corban."

He then took my hand, and smiled a loving smile at me. I felt like I died and gone to heaven.