Status: almost over people

Life's Not Perfect, But It's Better Than The Alternative


I didn't know how to respond. Alex seemed so...serious, in my current memory I couldn't remember anyone in my life being so serious. My life has always been so carefree. No one expected me to be serious, or even sane. If I got good grades and stayed out of trouble I could do whatever I want. As far as I know I had never been near that serious in my life.

I looked away from his intense stare. I could feel something stirring in my memory, it was about...laughing? It was so fuzzy. I was with somebody and we were...playing on the tire swing? I was laughing so hard and I tried to get a better grip, I fell off, feeling my head hit a rock. My fingers touched the back of my head where I struck it. I remember being so happy that I wanted to just explode. Then, quick as it had came, it left. I shook my head, trying to clear it.

"Amy are you okay? Amber!" I heard someone yell. I only then realized I was on the floor, that Alex was supporting me.

"The park, on the swing, I hit my head," I mumbled, feeling extremely confused. I heard him inhale sharply. I heard him say, "is there anything else you remember? Anything at all?" I shook my head. I stood up, needing a little help from Alex. I was still thinking as he led me to my room. He seemed extremely pleased with what I did, if I did anything.

"You better get some rest, you had a big day," Alex said, still very happy. I ignored the fact that he was treating me like I was five. I did what he said and I slept, and while I slept I also dreamed.
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I am so sorry for not updating that long, I had writers' block. I am also sorry for it being so short, but I figured some is better than none.

I will update soon, within the next week or so, promise. Comments make me happy :)