Status: almost over people

Life's Not Perfect, But It's Better Than The Alternative

I Love You

There stood Alex, in all his glory. I stared, open mouthed, at him. He stared back with a mixture of emotions I couldn’t decipher. I called to the kids in a very stressed voice, “guys, why don’t you play something in the kitchen” Alex opened his eyes in horror as the little kids swarmed the apartment. I left him there and went to get them things to play with. While they were busy with the water and plastic boats I went to Alex.

“What are you doing here?” I hissed pulling him inside. He stared at me for a moment longer than embraced me in a hug, almost suffocating me. I couldn’t help but hug him back, I hadn’t seen him for so long. I could feel the tears coming on as I realized my situation.

“I couldn’t stand it, not being with you, and I couldn’t stand my parents either, but Amy, I love you and I never want to lose you again,” Alex whispered in my hair. I couldn’t stand it, I had wanted him for the last seven months, never seeing or talking to him, all the emotions anyone could possible have came to the surface and I started sobbing. From joy, worry, anger, fear, and any other one you could think of. We just stayed that way for as long as I could remember, before I said, “I love you too.”

Abby came out of the bathroom, covered in bubbles and soaking wet, “are you okay?” She asked worriedly, I smiled to her, “I’m wonderful sweetie, just great,” I hugged her too, even all covered in bubbles and water.
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Dun, dun, dun! i could have been mean and made you wait because only 3 people commented, and I am dedicating this chapter to cupcake.muffinx3 ; storyluver1143 ; and XxOreo_ninjaxX . You guys rock, thank you.

And if you want more, you must comment, and every little comment counts.