Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

So do you think dad will kill us?

“So Joe do you think dad will kill us?” Nick asked Joe, the three of us were in the family room just laying on the ground in the dark; we used to do this all the time when we were little. “Well I don’t know…I mean you guys know he hates PDA but I honestly don’t know, you should definitely tell him before he sees it himself” “I think your right” I said with a sigh, Mr. Jonas can get scary sometimes. “Don’t worry Al, he won’t kill you, just me” Nick said grabbing my hand and starting to play with it, I just laughed a little. Then I yawned causing the other two to yawn. “Bed time?” I asked “Bed time” the other two said. We all got up and made our way to the stairs, Joe grabbed my bag for me and made it up the stairs and then dropped it, “God Ally that is freaking heavy!” he harshly whispered to me, I just laughed, “Sorry but I’m a girl!” “Joe your suitcase would be like the same weight” Nick defended me. “Shut up, night” he said hugging me and then lightly punching Nick in the arm as he made his way to his room, “You know your house has changed.” I whispered to him “Really!? I didn’t know!” he said in a sarcastic tone picking up my bag and walking ahead of me, “Shut up!” I said laughing, “We got additions put on a while ago, after you moved” I just nodded even though he couldn’t see me. We walked by a few doors, one had a drawing of superman but had a J instead of an S, “Joe’s room?” I asked Nick pointing to the door, “Yea, Frankie drew it for him” “aw that’s cute!” we walked past a door that said the bonus Jonas on it, “Frankie’s room?” I asked, “Yep” he said and then continued down the hall, “This is Kev’s” he pointed to the plain door. “This is the bathroom” he pointed to the door next to Kev’s “and this is my room” he pointed to the door across the hall that was next to Frankie’s. “And this, this is your room” he smiled at me and waited for me to open the door, I grabbed for the handle and twisted it and it opened, “wait” he whispered real quick and I twisted around to look at him. He put his hands over my eyes and then walked forward with me and closed the door behind us. “Ready?” he whispered and I nodded my head yes with a smile forming on my face. He lifted his hands away and I opened my eyes.

The walls were painted Hot pink with orange paint splattered all over the walls. The furniture was white. My comforter was white with pink and orange pillows. I had a huge bay window right across from my queen sized bed that had a view of the backyard. On either side there were bookcases that were built into the wall, so they didn’t stick out. One was filled with all my favorite books I had left behind and told Nick about one day when he called me randomly asking, the other was filled with DVD’s. There were pictures of me and the boys around on my walls and a few of me and Nicole and a few of me and my friends from North Wales that Nicole probably had sent to Mrs. Jonas. Then I saw my favorite picture of me and my dad, the one of us on the beach spinning around with our arms out and laughing, it was now in black and white and enlarged and hanging on my wall, next to the one of me and him at the Phillies game, with me on his shoulders wearing my cap and glove smiling with him, it was in black and white enlarged also. I touched the frames and then looked to the other side of the room, there was a desk with a Mac laptop sitting on top with a hot pink desk lamp, a frame with a picture of me and my mom from when I was little we were both sitting on the back steps of the beach house we used to rent with the Jonases every year, making faces at the camera. Then there was the picture of me and Nick in time square smiling at the camera together. Then I saw the flat screen TV hanging on the wall above the desk with the DVD player underneath it, also it was in a box that was built into the wall so it wasn't sticking out. I saw a door and I ran over and opened it, I almost died. It was a huge walk in closet, there was a dresser at the opposite end from where I was standing and a jewelry stand next to it, a mirror on the back of the door and a massive shoe rack mostly filled and then the closet was basically filled with new clothes they had probably bought for me. I squealed and ran out and started jumping around and that’s when I noticed the Jonas Brothers poster in a frame that was autographed by the boys hanging on my wall, I started to laugh and then tackled Nick to the ground still squealing and laughing with excitement, we were rolling around on the ground, which by the way was white carpet with a hot pink and orange rug, then we stopped and I was laying on top of him, I kissed him on the lips a few times and then we started to make out a little until I pulled away to look around the room one more time, I sighed. “So you like it?” he asked, “Duh!” I shouted he covered my mouth and I started to laugh, “My bad” I said and he just smiled and kissed me again, “I can’t believe I’m actually here” “Me either” he sighed with me. then I yawned. “What time is it?” I asked him, he twisted around and looked on the end table next to my bed, “almost three thirty” I twisted around and saw an ihome, how did I miss that?! I got up and opened my door, that’s right MY door. “Where are you going?” he asked from the floor, I just grabbed my suit case and dragged it in and then gently laid it down on the floor and unzipped it. I pulled out my clothes and quickly put them away in the dresser that was almost filled when I started but is now filled; I filled the empty closet space with the clothes I had brought and same with the empty space in my shoe rack. I put up a few picture frames I had brought with me around the room, and laid the other frames on my desk next to my computer. My now empty suitcase was put under my bed. I grabbed my tooth brush and my pajamas and ran to the bath room I changed and left my tooth brush in the tooth brush holder and then washed my face and ran back to my room and belly flopped onto my bed. Nick was gone but I was still so excited. This room was amazing and perfect for me. For once I felt like I was home, finally. I jumped up and grabbed my ipod and plugged it into the ihome and put on After Tonight by Justin Nozuka. It started playing softly and I got under my comforter and drifted off to sleep.