Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

Getting to know the enemy.

“Well that was fun” Selena said, we were all laying on the kitchen floor covered in food and mess. The kitchen was covered in everything. “That was the best!” Frankie shouted, and I laughed. I tried to stand up but fell back down, I slipped on what ever is on the floor now. Everyone started laughing. I finally got up and reached for whose ever camera was on the counter that luckily was clean from any food, I took a few pictures of us all. Frankie was making a snow angel in chocolate sauce and ketchup, gross I know. I walked over and Nick stood up and got in a picture with me, his hair was matted down with chocolate sauce and cherry juice. Mine had Jelly all in it with some peanut butter. I took a picture of us smiling and then he kissed my cheek for the second one, “Yum chocolate” he said licking my cheek again. “Not with Frankie in the room” I whispered to him laughing a little. “Frankie go take a shower okay bud?” he said still looking at me, “Okay, can we watch a movie after though!?” “Okay” I said to him he started to walk threw the door, “wait!” I shouted and he stopped. “Come here” I lifted him up onto the counter, I washed off his feet and hands and then carried back towards the door, “Don’t touch anything okay?” He smiled that toothy grin and then ran up towards the bathroom. I took some more pictures of our mess and then a few with Selena then some with the three of us. “I think we should clean up, before we get in trouble” Nick said looking around us, it really looks like a water balloon filled with all different types of food was dropped over the kitchen. We started cleaning and then Frankie came down, “I’m done” he said looking nice and clean. “Okay well we have to clean up, why don’t you take Selena up and show her where the bathroom is and stuff” Nick said to him, “Okay!” Selena real quick rinsed off her feet and hands and tip toed across the kitchen only stepping in places that were clean. I was wiping off the table and Nick was mopping as soon as the door closed and we heard them going up the steps Nick twisted around and looked at me. “What?” I asked him he was giving me that look like he knows something I don’t, “You like her” he said, “Yea, I never said I didn’t” “true, but you were acting like it” “oh whatever, she likes you though” I said back and he looked at me like what? “Yea you heard me!” I said to him laughing a little, “No she doesn’t” he said shaking his head. “Nick please she was like totally screaming your name the whole time, and you weren’t even near her” I said laughing, “Oh whatever, not my fault I attract the ladies” he said flexing and then kissing his muscles, “Ha right” I said turning around, he twisted me around and as I was saying “What are you doing?” He cut me off and kissed me, I smiled into the kiss and he dropped the mop making a loud smacking noise, I pulled away, “Frankie” I said he rolled his eyes, “Not till he goes to bed!” I teased him, “But Selena’s here” he said, “I didn’t invite her now did I?” I said with a smirk and turned around and started to scrub the counters. He huffed and picked back up the mop a few minutes later I was done cleaning the counters and picked up a dish towel, I twisted and whipped Nick in the butt with him, “OUCH!” he said twisting around and I just smiled at him innocently, “What?” I asked, he just twisted back around and kept mopping, after I cleaned a few dishes I whipped him in the butt again. He yelped and looked back at me “What?!” I asked laughing a little, “I’m just going to ignore you” he said mopping again, I scoffed at him and continued cleaning the dishes, once I was done Nick had just finished mopping the floor, “Nick there’s whipped cream up there” I pointed up towards a high part of the wall, he grabbed the towel, and stood up on his tippy toes and wiped it down. “Damn what time is it?!” I asked after I yawned. “Um 9:55” “She’s been up there forever!” I said just then Nick poked his head out the door, “She’s watching a movie with a sleeping Frankie” he said laughing, “Oh well then I’m going to shower.” I said running by him, he smacked my butt on the way out I just laughed and made my way up the stairs.

I had my ipod playing the Joe Bro’s CD. I was in my closet changing into a pair of black sweat pants and a grey track shirt from Michigan, it was Matt’s. He left it at my aunt’s house one day by the pool during the summer, I just never gave it back. Maybe I should call him? I grabbed my phone and turned down my ipod that was currently blaring Hollywood. I went threw my contacts, once I got to Matt the best person ever!! I pressed send. Ring, ring, another ring, “Ally!” “Hey Matt, what’s up?” “Nothing just chilling, got the tree tonight with my family we just finished decorating it” “Oh that’s fun, I think were getting ours tomorrow?” I said while brushing out my hair, “Sweet, how’s the Joe Bros?” “Good, I’m on babysitting duty with Nick tonight,” “Then why are you on the phone?” he laughed, “Because we had a huge food fight at dinner with Frankie, so we had to clean it up and I just got out of the shower and I am wearing your track shirt so I thought I’d call you!” “Aw jeez, I’m glad you have my track shirt” he said laughing some more, “Yep I’m sure you are” I heard my door open and I twisted around, Selena was standing there smiling, “Hi,” I said to her waving, “why are you saying hi to me?” Matt asked from my phone I rolled my eyes at him, “Not you, Selena she just walked in my room” “Selena Gomez?” he asked, “Maybe” I answered him “Dude, she’s hot” I laughed, Selena was walking around the room looking at the pictures, “alright well I’m going to go, tell Kels I say hey” “Alright, bye al” “Bye matt” then I hung up, and threw my phone on my bed. “A friend from Michigan?” Selena asked me turning around from the pictures of me and the boys from when we were in New York, “Hm? Oh yea, his names Matt” “Sounds cute, is he your boyfriend?” she asked coming over towards me and sitting down next to me, I was confused, I thought Selena knew we were dating? “Um no, Nick’s my boyfriend” “Oh right, ha sorry I forgot” she said laughing a little, that was a little weird? I smiled with her, “So you’ve known Nick all your life?” “Yep” I said with a smile, I got up and grabbed my towels that were hanging on my door, I walked into my closet to put them in the hamper, “You used to live next store right?” “Yea” I called out to her and then walked back out shutting the door behind me, “I moved about three or so years ago” “And then you met back up with them at a concert and went on tour with them?” she questioned, “Yea, I guess Nick told you our whole story” I said laughing a little, “Yea, sorry” “No it’s fine” I said laughing more, and she smiled. “So how did you meet Nick?” I asked her sitting down, “Oh well I met him threw Demie, she was on Camp Rock with Joe, and well since were best friends I’d hang out with her and the boys would hang out with us.” “Oh, that’s cool” I said nodding my head, “Yea I’ve known Demie since I met in line for Barney auditions” “That’s so cool you were on Barney!?” “Yep” she said laughing, “Joe was obsessed with Barney when we were little” I said laughing a little, “Yea he told me” she said smiling “Wait, don’t you live in-“”Texas yea, but were visiting relatives that live around here” “Oh that’s cool” I said for like the millionth time, I don’t know how else to answer a question…”Hey guys, want to watch a movie?” Nick asked walking in my room pulling on a white t-shirt. My eyes were glued to his abs, along with Selena’s. “Sure, is Frankie in bed?” I asked breaking out of my trance. “Yea, I put him to bed before I got in the shower, “Okay, let’s go” I said walking out of my room, Nick followed me and then Selena followed him down stairs, I sat on the big couch and Selena sat on the double. “What do you want to watch?” he asked us, “Notebook?” Selena asked, I kept my mouth shut, that’s mine and Nick’s movie…I don’t want to watch it with her to. “Nah how about a scary movie?” Nick asked, “Crap what time is it?” Selena asked, I looked up at the huge clock above the entertainment center, “Um almost ten thirty” I said, “I have to leave at ten thirty” she said sighing, “Oh you can sleep here if you want” Nick offered, “I can’t, we have a family brunch thing tomorrow” she said in response, “Okay, we’ll we can just wait then” Nick said hopping up off the ground and sitting next to me on the couch. “So we're getting our tree tomorrow?” I asked him. “That’s the plan, tomorrow night” he said smiling. He loves going to get the tree, we go out to the same place every year, though I’ve missed the past three, but we go out and Mr. Jonas chops the tree down with the help of the boys then we bring it back and put it up. I like it sometimes, other times we spend hours looking for the ‘perfect’ tree – It’s usually freezing outside in December, I don’t like being out in the cold THAT long. “Stop” I heard Selena say. I looked up she was on her phone laughing, I had zoned out for the past ten or so minutes, “No dad you know which house it is, yes. Okay I’ll be out in a second” then she hung up. We all stood up and gave hugs goodbye. Nick walked her to the door, I followed behind, “It was really great meeting the Ally Nick’s been talking about” “It was great meeting you to!” I said back giving her one last hug. “Alright I’ll talk to you later Selena” Nick said giving her a hug bye. She walked out and Nick waved to her dad in the car and then shut the door.