Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

Christmas is in the air

I felt myself being lifted and then remembered where I was, I’m in the car. Or I was in the car. I opened my eyes, “Nick?” I asked, he smiled back down at me, “We're home” he said still carrying me bridal style towards the house. “I can walk” I said and he set me down. “Aw look it’s snowing!” Frankie shouted from behind us running around in circles on the lawn with Joe. I laughed as we watched them. “Come on boys help me bring the tree in!” Mr. Jonas said in a cheery voice, kind of reminded me of how Santa sounds. I pushed Nick towards his dad and he trotted off towards the car. He’s been all smiles all day, I don’t understand why he loves getting this tree and putting it up so much. “Want to go make some hot chocolate for everyone?” Mrs. Jonas asked me pulling me out of my thoughts, “Oh sure!” I said walking in the house with her. “So, excited for Christmas?” I asked her hanging up my coat and then hers, “yea I love the Christmas time.” “So does Nick” I said laughing a little as we made our way to the kitchen, “I know, we both love it , Mr. Jonas says he loves it just as much as us though I think he just goes a long with it to make me happy” she said smiling. I just sat there and listened to her tell a story about the first time they spent Christmas together. “Smells like hot chocolate!” Joe bellowed threw out the whole house, I laughed as I came threw the door with it into the family room where they were attempting to put up the tree. I set down the few mugs I had then Mrs. Jonas set down the others. Frankie ran over and grabbed one and sat down on the couch next to me. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around the two of us. We watched as the ‘macho men’ put up the tree. It fell about four times. I was thoroughly entertained along with Frankie and Mrs. Jonas. After they finally got up the joined us and we all just talked about random things. Mainly about what we wanted for Christmas. “So Ally, what do you want for Christmas?” Mr. Jonas asked me. “A puppy” me, nick, Joe, and Kevin all said at the same time. Everyone laughed , “So I ask for the same thing every year, who cares!?” I said jokingly. Soon Frankie was asleep on my lap and I was playing with his hair and we all were still talking about random things, “Boys you have a radio show tomorrow at nine thirty in the morning” “that’s so early” Joe whined. “Well better get some sleep tonight then” Mr. Jonas said getting up and taking all our empty mugs into the kitchen. I yawned causing everyone else to, like I said yawns are contagious! “I’m beat” I said, “Same” Kevin said rubbing his eyes, “What time is it?” I asked, “eleven” Mrs. Jonas answered while looking at her watch. “I’m going to take Frankie up” she said getting up and walking over towards me, I had forgotten he was on my lap. She picked him up and took him up stairs with Mr. Jonas. “Well I’m beat” I repeated myself standing up and stretching. “Yea, I’m going to bed, wrestling with that tree wore me out” Kevin said yawning, I laughed at his choice of words. We all made our way up stairs. I walked into my room and changed in my closet and came out to Joe poking his head in threw my door, “Bathrooms open” He said and then left, I followed him and then brushed my teeth and washed my face and made my way back to my room, Nick was standing in his doorway and I stopped in front of him, “What?” I asked him, he leaned down and gave me a kiss, “Night” he said to me with a smile, “Night” I said back and then went into my room. I closed the door and flopped down on my bed and fell asleep.

“ALLYYYYYYYY!!!!” I shot open my eyes because Frankie was screaming in my ear. “OH MY GOD!” I shouted jumping and twisting around in the air, I heard fits of laughter from my doorway and from the seven year old beside me. “I hate all of you” I said pointing to the three Jonas boys in my doorway and then I turned to Frankie, “You hate me??” he asked with puppy dog eyes, “Not you, because I know they put you up to it” “Duhhh” he said and I rubbed his hair laughing, “Okay well now that your up you should see the snow outside!!” Frankie said excitedly, I got up and walked over to the bay window and looked out, “Sweet!” “Yea, we got like a foot and a half last night, there for our radio confrence was cancled” Kevin said smiling andsitting down on my bed along with Joe. “So what do we do today??” Joe asked, “Well I’m going to help your mom with the cooking for tonight’s dinner and then I think were making dessert tonight for tomorrow night….” “DESSERT!” Frankie shouted running out of the room. “Wow” I said and we all looked at each other with looks that said, that boy is crazy. Then we all laughed. “Yea, I’m going to shovel out the driveway, come on Joe” Kevin said, “What!? Why me!?” “Because I have to do Mrs. Nelson’s” Nick said making a face. “THAT SUCKS!” Joe shouted and started to laugh at Nick. “Oh come on guys, she can’t be that bad!!” “No she is” Nick said I looked over to Kevin, “She really is Ally”. “She scars the crap out of me! she always like stalks us and stuff….it’s so weird.” Joe said shuddering from the thought of her. I just laughed, “You guys over exaderate so much” I said walking to the bathroom, “Yea, well at least you aren’t going to be getting checked out by a fifty year old woman who has nine cats all day long!!!” Nick shouted after me, I started laughing and got into the shower. After I changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that was Nick’s… was from a rolling stones concert, I threw my hair up into a messy bun and put on some make up and made my way down stairs. Christmas music was being blasted threw out the whole house and it made me smile, I walked threw the swinging door to the kitchen, “Here I am Mrs. Jonas, ready to help!” I said standing like superman, she looked up and laughed along with Frankie who was sitting at the table cutting out sugar cookies. “Okay well then here you can start to make the green bean caesural for tonight” she said handing me the supplies. About four hours later we were dancing and singing around the kitchen to Christmas music while making all different kinds of food. Mr. Jonas came in with the video camera, “Here’s the ladies making some dinner” he said explaining the scene to the camera. “HEY!” Frankie shouted from where he was still making cookies, he moved on to chocolate chip though, “Oh ha sorry bud didn’t see you there!” Mr. Jonas said pointing the camera at him with a chuckle; Frankie had flour all over his face basically. “Paul, put that thing away!” Mrs. Jonas said trying to hide behind me, I was laughing at her, she hates being on camera. “Oh come on honey! It’s Christmas, the best time of the year!!” he said to her trying to get her on tape. She started to run away and made it out of the kitchen, “Well Ally we’ll just have to get her tomorrow morning when she isn’t expecting it” “That’s the best time” I said laughing, “I heard that!!!” Mrs. Jonas shouted from the other room, “Heard what?!” Mr. Jonas said winking to me and then head out the door. “Frankie, we are crazy people. You know that right?” I said laughing and then going back to the mashed potatoes I was working on, “I know, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!” He said just as he got the bag of flour open that he had been struggling with, it came up in a poof and landed all over him. I started to laugh hysterically not only at what happened but at his shocked face. “Aw Bud here hold on,” I said turning around and grabbing a towel. With that the door came swinging open and I heard the guys talking about how they wanted hot chocolate. “Um, Frank, I think you got a little something…right here” Joe said pointing to his face. “Thanks Joe, I didn’t know” Frankie said sarcastically, I laughed as I handed him the towel. “Guys you’re not supposed to be in here” I said putting a hand on my hip. “We wanted some hot chocolate!” Nick whined. I sighed and turned around, “Fine but I am not making it!” “I will” Kevin said walking over towards the cabinet with the mix.