Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

Christmas .part one.

“Aw Nick come here!!” I squealed, I was in my towel, I just got out of the shower and walked into my room and my iPod was playing Crazy Kinda of Crush On You by Nick, “What?” he said walking in he stopped when he heard his nine year-old voice, “Oh my god, turn it off!!!” he said running for the speaker, “Stop it!!! I like this song!!!! You sound so-““LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON!” he said back, “Oh shut up, you were so cute and it’s a good song!!!” I said laughing, “Oh whatever….I still sound like a girl though” “you are one!” “Hey!!” he shouted and I started to chase me, I ran into the closet and slammed it shut before he could get in. “HA!”I shouted threw the door, I could hear him saying something on the other side but couldn’t make it out so I just shrugged it off and got changed, I put on black leggings and then pulled on my red sweater dress thing, it was long sleeved and a turtle neck, I put on a thick black belt and then started curling my hair. Next I put on my make up and then opened up the closet door, Untouched by the Veronicas was just coming on, I love this song especially the beginning violin part, I started to dance around and sing, I spun around and saw Nick leaning against the door frame smiling at me, “What” I said stopping, “Oh nothing but come on, time for church” I put on my shoes and then followed him out after turning off the iPod. After we arrived at church we all sat in a pew in the middle. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas sat together with Frankie in between them, Joe was next to Mrs. Jonas then it was Kevin, then me and finally Nick. Me Joe or Frankie weren’t aloud to sit next to each other…..we are easily distracted during church. I was humming Untouched quietly to myself through out the whole mass. “Ally stop” Nick whispered to me, “Sorry” I mumbled back but soon started back up again, he just shook his head with a smile. “I can’t help it! It’s stuck in my head!” I whispered to him, Kevin elbowed me, “Shh” did he just shush me!? I just looked at him with my mouth slightly opened, about three minutes later when Kevin didn’t even look at me, I turned back to face front and ignored the snickering coming from Nick.

“Aw that one’s cute!” Mrs. Jonas said, we were outside taking pictures….in the falling snow. I picked some up and when Nick wasn’t paying attention and the photo was just about to be shot, I threw it in his face. “ALLY!” he shouted while everyone else started laughing, “Déjà vu huh Nick!?” I asked laughing, of course I was talking about three years ago when I did the same thing. Then just like before he threw snow at me and we started a snowball fight. After we were all covered in snow and freezing we decided to go in and get ready for presents. We all ran in and up to our rooms to change, I put on some red pj pants and a long sleeved white shirt. I grabbed my presents for everyone and headed down stairs. “Okay Frankie goes first!” Frankie shouted and we all laughed. “Okay Frankie, here’s your present from me” I said handing over the gift bag. I watched him rip it open, “SWEET! THANKS ALLY!!” he said giving me a hug, I gave him a Webkinz, some racing video game he wanted, and a picture frame with a picture of me and him from New York making faces together in the hotel lobby the first day we were there. Next after Frankie opened up his presents from his brothers was Me, we were going in age order. “Here Ally open mine!” Frankie shouted shoving a box that was interestingly wrapped, “Did you wrap this by yourself?” I asked him, “Yep!” he said proudly and I smiled at him, “Did a good job!” I said back laughing and then tearing off the paper, I open the lid and saw a hand painted frame, that said “I love my big sister!” it was painted different colors and had beads all over it, much like every other hand made gift from a little kid, the picture was of me and Frankie from being on tour, we were just making faces at the camera we were in the back of the tour bus. “Aw Frankie I love it!!” I said giving him a big hug, he had a huge smile on his face. “Aw that’s precious!” Joe said looking at it, I gave him a death glare and he shut up. “Okay mine next!” Kevin said giving me a bag, I opened it up and there was a hard back covered book, pretty big. I read the cover, it was a book on the making of the Notebook. “No way!” I said flipping through the pages, it had interviews and everything, “This is so cool, thanks Kev!” I said giving him a hug, “No problem” he said back sitting down, “Okay me next” Joe said shoving a small box into my lap, it was wrapped in news paper, “Nice wrap job” I said laughing, “Joseph!!” Mrs. Jonas said to him, “Oh it’s a joke!” Joe said laughing, she shook her head in disapproval and I just laughed as I ripped off the news paper, inside was an autographed picture of him. “Gee thanks Joe” I said laughing and holding up the picture, everyone stared at him, I was the only one laughing. “A JOKE!” Joe said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, he handed me a real present wrapped up in REAL wrapping paper, I took it and un wrapped it, it was a DVD and on the case it said, “TOUR MOMENTS” I looked up at him, “It’s all the pictures, and video clips that we took while we were on tour” “That’s so cool!” I said giving him a hug…I want to watch that later tonight. “Okay Nick your pres- where did he go?” I asked looking around, he wasn’t there…. Everyone had smiles on there faces when I turned back around, “What?” I asked getting excited and nervous….”Merry Christmas” Nick said behind me, I turned around and my mouth dropped and I screamed.