Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

Christmas .part two.

“YOU GOT ME A PUPPY!?!?!?!” He laughed along with everyone else and carried the little golden retriever puppy over, he had a big red bow on him, then there was something tied to the bow. I took the necklace off the bow; it was a silver circle necklace though it didn’t connect and kind of over lapped towards the end so it looked more like a swirl, the over lapped part was in diamonds. “Oh my god” I said quietly as I looked at it, then I remembered I GOT A PUPPY. I shot my head up and looked at the puppy in Nick’s hands. “Here, he’s yours” Nick said handing me the puppy with a smile. He sat down next to me, “What should I name him!?” I asked everyone, they were all smiling and petting the puppy, “Joe!” Joe said, “No.” I stated and everyone laughed while he pouted. “What about Max?!” Frankie shouted, “I like Max” I said smiling. After everyone calmed down from me getting a puppy it was Nick’s turn to open presents. “Thanks Joe” Nick said laughing; Joe had gotten him a shirt that said welcome to the Nick J. show! Kevin got him the Finding Never land DVD, because apparently it was broken sometime on tour. Frankie gave him a pair of sunglasses that were red. “Okay here’s mine” I said giving him the huge thing that was wrapped up. “Wow” he said laughing a little as he turned it over, he ripped off the paper and flipped it back over carefully. It was a huge frame, and it was filled with pictures of us from when we were younger till now. I also had put in little quotes, inside jokes, letters that we used to write to each other when we were little, and his friendship bracelet. “How’d you ge-“”I stole it from your room” I said laughing a little, “Ally that’s so cute!” Mrs. Jonas said looking at it behind Nick. “Thanks” I said smiling, “I love it” he said kissing me, “GROSSS” Frankie shouted while Joe made the kissy noise, I just laughed as Nick rolled his eyes and Mrs. Jonas slapped Joe over the head playfully. “Okay MY TURN!” Joe shouted, “Here you go Joe!” I said handing him a gift bag, he opened it and laughed causing me to smile, “What did she get you!?” Frankie asked, he pulled it out, it was an autographed picture of me. Everyone started laughing, “Great minds think a like huh?” I asked passing him his real gift. He laughed and then opened up the gift bag, and pulled out the present inside. He laughed at what he saw, “This is so good” he said laughing and turning around the long frame for everyone to see. I got a long frame that had five photo slots, in the first one there was a picture I had found of me and Joe looking really pissed at each other and we both were pouting and about six feet from each other…fighting I was 5 he was 8. The other pictures were just like that, though they were as we got older and in each one we got closer until the last photo that was of us from tour, we were both smiling at the camera that Joe was holding. Under each picture I put the captions: enemies, getting closer, even closer, now friends, finally best friends! It was cute. Everyone laughed at the pictures. Next Nick gave him a pair of shoes he apparently really wanted, Kevin gave him a new pair of sun glasses with a gift card to Starbucks, “There’s enough for two on that” he said jokingly to him and he laughed, “Thanks Kev” “Here’s mine!” Frankie said giving him his present. “Aw thanks Frank!” he said ruffling his hair, he held it up for everyone to see, and it was a shirt that had the superman logo on it. “Okay Kev your turn!” Mr. Jonas said with a yawn it must be getting late. “Okay here you go Kev!” Frankie said giving Kevin his present, it was a picture of them in a frame much like mine that said I love my big brother the rock star! Joe gave him a new case of guitar pics along with a new strap. Nick gave him a mix CD of all his favorite songs and such. “Okay Kev here you go” I said handing him my present, he opened it and smiled at the present. It was the same frame as Joe’s but I made it go vertical this time, the first picture was of me and him sitting in this very family room, well before the edition was put on, on the couch and he was trying to teach me how to play guitar I was probably nine he was fourteen, then under it was another photo, it was the same picture basically but he was helping me strum, then was the picture of me biting my lip looking at Kevin who looked mad, I was holding a broken string that had come off the guitar. The next one we were laughing about the string in my hand and the face I had made when I broke it. Under each picture I had the captions: Thanks, For, The, Guitar, Lessons. “No problem Ally” he said laughing and giving me a hug. “Aw that’s cute to!” Mrs. Jonas said kissing me on the head I just laughed. “Your guyseseses turn!” Joe shouted running over to them with his present, they laughed “Nice grammar Joseph” Mr. Jonas said laughing at his son. “Thanks daddy!” he said sitting down. I was playing with Max the whole time with Nick, Max was biting our fingers playfully. “Thank you sweety” Mrs. Jonas said kissing him in on the head, I don’t know what he got them but it looked like some book, next Kevin gave them a big picture of Him, Joe, Kevin, Frankie, and Me. It was of us in New York, the one of me laying across the boys and holding Frankie. “Aw that’s so cute!” Mrs. Jonas said tearing up a bit at the picture, then she gave Kevin a kiss. “Oh here you go” I said handing them a book, I made a scrapbook for them, it was of me and the boys and then a bunch of pictures of me and Mr. and Mrs. Jonas. On each page I put a picture and then a reason to say thank you, for example I had a picture of me and Mr. Jonas at the father daughter dance at school, it said “Thanks for being the best dance partner ever” and so on. The last page I had a picture of all of us, like a family shot. I had written “Thank you so much for letting me be apart of the family” Mrs. Jonas had tears running down her face and she got up and ran over to me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, “You don’t even have to say thank you” she said to me and I just smiled. “Okay everyone up to bed! Before Santa comes!!” Mr. Jonas said breaking the moment, “Alright, did you guys set up your room Kevin?” “Actually we set up Ally’s, hers has the biggest bed and the most floor space” “In other words, mine was clean” I said laughing. Mrs. Jonas shook her head laughing, “Alright well real quick lets clean up and then we can get to bed” she said starting to clean up. I put down Max and helped pick up things, Frankie sat there and played with Max the whole time we cleaned up all the trash. “Okay lets head up everyone!” Mr. Jonas said putting down the plate of cookies and the glass of milk for Santa. “Alright let’s go before Santa gets here!” I said scooping up my puppy and the rest of my presents and running up the stairs after Frankie and Joe. We all ran to our separate rooms to put our new presents away. I set Max down on my bed and then put my necklace into the jewelry stand, Frankie’s frame went on my desk, Joe’s DVD went on my bookshelf with all my others, and Kevin’s Notebook book went on my desk as well, just because I wanted to look at it later. I lied down on my bed and waited for the guys, we all sleep in one room on Christmas Eve, though it was usually Kevin’s. I played with Max and then Nick came in and laid down next to me, “Like your present?” he asked me, “I LOVE IT!” I said scooping up the puppy and bringing him up between mine and Nick’s faces. He picked him up and rolled over on his back and put him on his chest and played with him a little. “I’ll be right back” I said quickly running to the bathroom and brushing my teeth and washing my face. When I came back Joe and Kevin were already on the ground fighting over who had what pillow, Frankie was laying next to Nick petting Max. I crawled in bed after turning off the lights and shutting the door, Frankie was in between me and Nick. Max was asleep on Nick’s foot. We all stayed up talking and laughing for a long time until Mr. Jonas came in and told us to go to bed or else Santa wouldn’t come. That made Frankie shut up and he fell asleep pretty fast. Soon I heard Kevin snoring and groaned, “What?” Nick whispered while picking up the sleeping Max and putting him on my chest. “Kevin snoring” I said giggling a little, “That’s not me!! It’s Joe!” Kevin whispered up, I started to laugh again, “Oh my bad, sorry Kev” I kept playing Max’s ears for awhile until I saw Nick sit up, “What?” I whispered to him, “Look” he pointed to my bay window. It was still snowing, but looked so pretty in the moon light and from my window. I got up and walked over to the bay window with Max and sat down, soon Nick came over with a blanket. He sat down and then motioned for me to lean back on him so I did and he wrapped the blanket around us. “It’s so pretty” I said yawning, “I know” he said looking outside, I smiled up at him, “I love you” I said he smiled at me and then returned his gaze out the window. He looked like he was thinking about something. Soon I was fast asleep just like Max was in my arms.

“Come on Ally!! Nick!!!” I opened my eyes and realized I was laying on the bay window with Nick still wrapped up in the blanket. I sat up a little but was pulled back down by Nick, “Merry Christmas” he whispered to me, I giggled, “Merry Christmas Nicholas” “COME ON!!!” Joe shouted from the hallway, “We should go” I said getting up, “Yea before Joe and Frankie kill us” Nick said laughing and walking out behind me, “FINALLY!” they shouted, “DAD THEY'RE READY!!” Joe yelled down the steps, “Alright hold on almost done!” Mr. Jonas shouted back, “I’m going to go brush my teeth real quick” I said running to the bathroom. I was followed by Nick who also brushed his teeth. “Man I am looking sexy” I said looking at my reflection…my hair was everywhere. “You look fine” he said to me, “You look fine yourself” I said giggling he smiled and then we started out to the stairs. “Okay come on down!” Mr. Jonas shouted. Frankie and Joe took off down the steps. I scooped up Max in my arms and started down, Mr. Jonas was videotaping us and saying Merry Christmas and good morning to us as we past, I smiled and waved to the camera as I walked by.