Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

The down fall in this fairytale.

I was staring at Frankie, he was past out in a pile of wrapping paper and his new toys scattered around him, I let out a small laugh at the site of him. I looked around, Joe was in the shower, Kevin was starting to doze off on the other couch, Mr. Jonas and Mrs. Jonas were upstairs getting ready for the day, and Nick….what was he doing? I turned to him and saw that he was texting, I waited….and waited…..and waited, okay he was texting a freaking novel to who ever it was and he had a smirk on his face the whole time, making me a little suspicious. “Who are you texting?” “What? Oh no one” he said shutting his phone and looking at me, “Oh yea right, like you just sent that long message to no one, just tell me!” I said to him with pleading eyes, “It was really no one Ally, stop” he said kind of serious, “Oh okay…sorry” I said backing off, he just like snapped at me….some one needs there insolence shot. I got up and gathered up my presents, I got a new pair of UGGs some more clothes, a really cute Coach purse and then a new North Face…my old one was getting a little dirty. I walked up and dropped everything on my bed. I heard Joe get out of the bathroom and yell that it was free, I took a shower and then blow dried my hair and curled it. I changed into a pair of jeans, a black beater with striped black and grey button down sweater, I buttoned half way up and then put on the necklace Nick gave me last night. I was putting on make up when Joe walked in and belly flopped down on my bed, almost hitting Max. I giggled, “Hey Joe” “HI” he mumbled into the bed spread. “So, what chya doin?” He asked sitting up and playing with Max, “Putting on some make up” “Well, what are you wearing tonight?” “Um that black sweater dress I got today, and grey leggings, you?” “uh, black tight jeans with a white button down” “Cute” I said putting away the make up I had used. “Yea I know right!?” he said in a gay voice making me crack up. “Hey do you know what’s up with Nick?” “What do you mean?” he asked nervously… I narrowed my eyebrows at him, “I don’t know, I asked him who he was texting earlier and he like snapped at me.” “Oh, ha my bad….I was thinking how I’m not supposed to say anything about the puppy he got you, but then I realized that he already gave it to you!” he said laughing away the nerves. I responded by rolling my eyes and putting away the new clothes I got, Joe would pick random pieces every now and then tell me if he liked them or not. I liked all of them regardless what he thought. “Yo guys” Kevin said walking in, I was putting away the last pair of new jeans I got. “Hey Kev” I said closing the door behind me, “Mom said to start to get ready for the party, have you guys seen Nick?” he asked us before leaving, “Not since he snapped at me this morning” I said looking at my French manicured nails. “Why did he snap at you?” Kev asked getting more interested, “She doesn’t know she asked him who he was texting and he just snapped” “Oh, that’s weird…” Kevin said, “I know” I said starting to pin back some curls. “Well I’m going to get ready, Kev….wanna straighten my hair!?” Joe asked clapping him on the back. “Fine” he said rolling his eyes and then following Joe out of my room.

“Where have you been all day?” I asked Nick. The house was packed with family and friends and this was the first time I had talked to him since this morning, we were in the kitchen and he was getting himself some punch from the bowl. “I’ve been here” he said like it was the most obvious thing ever. “Are you okay?” I asked him “Yea I’m fine” he said smiling a little, “Okay I believe you” I said to him smiling back at him though I didn’t at all, then his phone went off. “Who is it?” I asked him as he read a text, he just didn’t answer me I waited a few seconds, “NICK!?” “what!?” he said back, “never mind” I said walking away into the other room, then I heard the doorbell, “I’ll get it!” I shouted over the music and people talking and laughing. Once I finally made my way to the door I opened it, there stood Selena with her parents. “Hey Ally!” Selena said happily and pulled me in for a hug, “Hey Selena! I didn’t know you were coming, then again I don’t know half the people here!” I said laughing towards the end, I added that last part because I realized that I kind of probably sounded like a bitch just then. “Hi were Mr. and Mrs. Gomez!” Mrs. Gomes said shaking my hand, “It’s nice to meet you both” I said smiling and then inviting them into the party. “Nick!” Selena shouted and then ran over to him, they hugged and started talking and laughing and smiling….and lightly shoving each other….smiling again….wow. Nick and Selena are so flirting right now….in front of me. No they can’t be. I’m just getting upset over nothing. I turned around and bumped right into someone. “Oh sorry I didn’t- oh wait ha it’s just you” I said realizing it was Joe. “Oh jeez thanks!” I just laughed along with him, “So where were you going?” he asked, “I don’t know” I said to him, “Oh well want to watch a movie with all us kidos down the basement?” “Duh” I said to him, “Alright, Nick and Selena come on were going to all watch a movie down stairs!” Joe shouted over to them, “Alright” they both said together, “JINX!” they yelled together, “JINX AGAIN!” “NO WAY!” they both shouted, I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs leaving their laughter behind me. I sat down on the one couch and watched as Nick sat with Selena on the other couch still talking…not even looking at me. Weird? Yea, I think so. They kept laughing during the whole movie and poking each other, me? yea I was sitting on the couch across from them, watching them in disgust partly because Nick is MY boyfriend! I was getting so bitter I was about to freak out but decided to just keep to myself and get out of the basement and to the privacy of my own room. So I shot up and walked up the stairs and then to my room unnoticed. I took my cell phone that I had clutched in my hand and threw it against the wall while I yelled out in frustration. It landed with a very loud smack and fell to the ground. I don’t get what is going on….Nick and Selena? He said they were just friends, so did Kevin! Kevin never lies!! I don’t get it!! Maybe I’m over reacting, maybe he wasn’t noticing what he was doing… we’ll go with that. I laid down and put in the movie 13 Going On 30. I love this movie. About halfway threw I was asleep. Later I woke up to Max scratching at my door I opened it and picked him up, he licked my nose and I giggled. I put him down on my bed and made my way to the bathroom, I washed my face and brushed my teeth, then I stopped outside of Nick’s door, I cracked it open and saw him asleep on his bed. I stood there for a second looking at him then I saw his phone…should I look at the messages? Or no…I want to be a good girlfriend….oh screw that he was flirting with Selena all night long in front of me! I tip toed over and picked up his phone, his background was no longer me and him with ice cream all over our faces but it was just a background that came with the phone of black diamonds. The banner was gone and now said Nick’s phone… used to say I love Ally. I'm not so sure if I want to look at the messages anymore. My hands clicked the open button anyway. I scrolled threw his inbox, they were all from Selena. I clicked on a random one and read it, “NO! hahahaha but seriously Nick what about Ally?” What about me!? I went to the sent box and found the message he sent before he received the other one, “So do I get to kiss you under the missal toe tonight? ;]” my eyes widened and I felt like I couldn’t breath, the next sent message is the one that broke my heart, “Don’t worry I’m not going to be with her for much longer….” The next in his sent box was, “Yes that means I’m breaking up with her” I took his phone and threw it across the room it landed against the wall with a loud SMACK and the back popped off. I was fuming. I was so tempted to slap him right across the face, right now. He was stirring and about to open his eyes. I bolted out of his room and into my own. I saw Max asleep on one of my pillows and I joined him on the bed. I can’t believe Nick is going to break up with me. I mean what happened?! WHAT DID I DO WRONG?! I was starting to tear up but I didn’t want to cry not over a stupid boy, I pinched my arm and the tears went away and I fell asleep, though it was not a good sleep at all.