Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

That's so crazy it just might work...

"What time is it?” a kid who I thinks name is Brian, I think he’s in my math class? “Um it’s one oh three” I answered looking at my phone, oh wow I have a missed call and three new text messages. “Um Kels I think I should get going, where’s your brother?” See after I hung up with Nick Kelsey told me about the huge bonfire party she was having, our whole grade was here. “Al why don’t you just sleep over?” she asked me, I had already told her I couldn’t, obviously because of my horrible nightmares but I didn’t want anyone to know about them so I always just said my aunt said no. “You know my aunt doesn’t let me sleep over anywhere Kels, now where’s your brother? I have a miss call from my aunt, I’m already two hours past curfew” I say back to her realizing that I am in fact, two hours and three minutes past my curfew. “He’s upstairs in his room, just go on up” She says hugging me goodbye. I say goodbye to everyone else around me and start towards the house, “YO ALLY!” I whip around and see Matt standing there with the other football boys, he was one of my good guy friends. “I’m leaving” I say walking up to them, “I know, psh you thought you were going to get away with out saying bye to us” he says as he pulls me into a huge hug I just laugh, “Well I’m two hours past my curfew so I gotta get going” I said as I gave Tom a hug bye, “Uh oh getting in trouble with your aunt is not a smart move Ally” Tom says to me, “I know that’s why I have to really go” I said laughing a little more and turning away, “See ya in school Monday!” I wave bye and open the back doors to Kelsey’s house, it is pitch black…we all know how well I do in the dark ha. I flip open my phone and use it’s light to guide me while I check the three new messages, one from Nicole. My heart sank, I haven’t really talked to her that much and it kills me when I miss her messages or calls. It says, hey girl how’s it goin on Michingan? I reply with, It’s not to good like always, though I’m just now leaving a party, not very entertaining but passing the time here Next was from Matt, Come over here that was about two hours old, I laugh a little as I make my way up the stairs, Sorry just got your message… the third and final message was from Joe, Hello cutie, what do you want for Christmas!? Anything good what about you Joseph? I crept up the wood stairs and saw the light from under Josh’s door, he’s two years older then us and home for winter break already, I can’t wait until I go to college. I lightly knock on the door and then I hear rustling behind it until it opens slightly, “Ready to go?” He ask me opening it further and walking over and pulling on his sneakers,he was giving me a ride home. “Yep” “Okay let’s get out of here” he grabs his keys from his dresser and then pushes me lightly out his door. I stumbled and fell into the wall and he starts to laugh and I just glare at him playfully. Josh is a funny guy, kind of like Joe but not nearly as hyper, He is kind of akwardly close with me I mean I always just tell him things straight up and he does the same with me.

“So why do you hate it here so much?” Josh asks me as we slow to a red light. I sigh, so many people ask me this I didn’t know it was so obvious I hated it here. “It’s just not home” I say looking out the window to the McDonalds were next to, it looks abandoned. “Yea but I mean you’ve been here for over a year, aren’t you like used to it?” “No” I reply back. “Well what about your aunt?” “What about her?” I ask looking over at him, “Don’t you enjoy being with her?” I just scoff at his question, “Okay…what about your friends here?” “Yea I mean I guess they're an upside, but I miss my other friends back home” “but you have new ones here” he pushes as he starts the car back up as the light changes to green, “There still my friends though, and plus people here at least the girls any way, are just my friends because-” “You know the Jonas Brothers, yea I know, Kelsey talks about it constantly” “Exactly” I say back and then that’s all the conversation we have. We pull up to my aunt’s house and I open my door and jump out of the pick up truck, “Thanks Josh” I say and then reach for my bag on the ground of the car, “Well at least you have your boyfriends” and I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be as bitchy as it sounded but I just pretend like I didn’t hear it and walk up to the door, Josh always comments on how 'friendly' I am with the boys, if only he knew I have a boyfriend, I didn't tell anyone about Nick. Were keeping it on the DL....I think.Once I see him pull away I walk off the porch and head around to the side of the house where I climb the tree. I shimmy out on the limb that overhangs onto the roof by the window in the room I sleep in. I drop down as gently as I could and then push up the window and crawl in over the desk. Next I close the window and lock it up against the cold wind that has been blowing for awhile now. Wow it’s one forty two, I real quick wash my face and brush my teeth and change into my pajamas or in reality a pair of Nick’s black basketball shorts and an old t-shirt. Once my head hit the pillow I was asleep. Here we go again, this awful nightmare. It always started with me and my dad singing and laughing, next was the horrifying accident, followed by my mother showing up and running over to jerk in the back of that cop car and ignoring me hypervenalating on the side of the rode in the rain and my father dead in the ambulance, then I would chase after that ambulance screaming daddy over and over again until I broke down in the middle of the road crying and staring off into the distance, then came the change in scenery, my bed room and the jerking door handle, next I was being thrown out of my closet by a drunken jerk and then I was beat. Then came the new part of my nightmare....I was standing in front of my mom’s coffin and placing my rose down when I heard that hideous laugh from behind me, I slowly turned and saw jerk standing there in a black suit with that ugly smirk on his face I felt my heart stop and my eyes widen with fear, my whole body tensed up. That is when I shot awake, crying and shaking. I reached for my phone on the nightstand and dialed Nick’s number. It rang twice and then he picked up halfway threw the third ring, “Hey Al” he said groggily, I just sniffed and tried to stop myself from the crying and shaking, “Ally? Are you okay?? What happened now?” I took a deep breath and told him my familiar nightmare story, he put in little comforting comments then I told him the new part. “Ally, I promise you, he will never see you or touch you again, he can’t, he’s in prison” “But Nick what about when he gets out, what if he tracks me down” I shuddered at the thought, “Ally he won’t, and don’t worry if our plan works out then I’ll be with you, we all will, and he won’t be able to touch you” I smiled, me and Nick had this idea that once I got out there with them in New Jersey, I’d just stay and not come back to my aunt. It’s crazy, I know but those are the ideas that people always say work right? What’s that saying, that’s so crazy it just might work? Yea, that’s it. Well that’s what me and Nick were hopping. “Thanks Nick” I said while taking a breath, he just replied with “I’m always here for you, no matter what” then came the song time, every night he’d sing me back to sleep, cliché I know but whatever I'm not complaining.