Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

Never a clean break.

Kevin came in and shut the door behind him, Max came in with him and tried to get up on the bed, he was to small so Kev picked him up and plopped him down on the bed. “Guys” I whispered after about ten minutes of silence, “Yea?” they said, “He’s been cheating on me” I whispered starting to cry again, they didn’t say anything, they wouldn’t look at me, “Did you know?” I asked, I got no answer. “YOU KNEW?!” “Ally we tol-“”YOU BOTH KNEW THE WHOLE TIME AND YOU NEVER SAID ANYTHING TO ME!?!?! GET OUT!!!!” I shouted at them while I threw a pillow at them. “ALLY!” Joe yelled over me yelling and starting to cry all over again, his voice scared me so I jumped and looked up, “we told him to stop, we really did! He told us he wasn’t doing anything…they were just friends” I cried some more and they both pulled me into a group hug. They were being the best big brothers ever. “Want to watch a movie?” Kev asked me I nodded a yes with a sniffle . “I’ll go get the ice cream” Joe said getting up off the bed, “and any candy!” I called after him. “Okay what movie….” Kevin asked “How about, How to loose a guy in ten days” I said, “Okay that works” he said getting it and setting it up. He pulled down the blinds and then came over to the bed and laid down with me, soon Joe was back with a gallon of Cookies N’ Cream ice cream and a crap load of candy and junk food like Twinkies and such. He dumped everything on the bed and then lay on the other side of me. For the rest of the day we stayed in my bed under the covers eating ice cream and junk food. We watched many different movies ranging from the breakfast club to National Treasure one and two. We really spent the whole day in my bed. When it came time for dinner, we ordered Chinese food and Kevin went and picked it up for us. I don’t know what the rest of the family did for the rest of the day. All I know is I woke up the next morning in between Joe and Kevin and Max in the tiny space between me and Kevin. The trash we had created from all the food we ate was magically gone, Mrs. Jonas must have been in here. I leaned up and saw that my iHome read nine thirty. This was going to be so hard for me to move on, but I have to. I can’t let Nick win.

“Alison, are you sure honey?” Mrs. Jonas asked me again. It’s been two weeks since the break up. I tried to be friends with Nick, I really tried. I just can’t pretend anymore. I can’t pretend I don’t care about him, I can’t pretend that it doesn’t hurt when he leaves the house and I know he’s going out with Selena. I’ve tried ignoring him to, but that’s not right I mean the whole family knew about it from my screaming fit the day it happened. I didn’t want them to have to deal with me ignoring and being mean and grouchy all the time that Nick was around, it wasn’t fair to them. We fought silently forthe first week, okay not silently but with music. I would blast my iPod, I put The Ping Pong song on repeat along with Seven Things by Miley, oh man when i first played it he came barging threw my room and ripped my iPod out....Kevin had to wrestle it for him, it wasn't a pretty sight at all, so once Kevin handed me back my iPodI just placed it back on my iHome and Seven things came blaring threw my speakers agian....and I sang along......low blow,I know but whatever he deserved it! He returned with the song Move On by themselves which made me so very angry because they had written that song as a joke and now he was using it to get me back. So the only logical thing left for me to do? Move out. “Mrs. Jonas, it’s only across town!” I said giving her one last hug good bye in the hallway of my apartment building. I wasn’t going back with my aunt, thank god. Mr. Jonas had a very long phone call with her and she finally agreed to me living with them full time. Though now I’m living on my own in this apartment complex across town at least till I can think of another way to get over Nick. “Okay, but your coming home for your birthday dinner this Sunday!” she said pulling away from me, “Of course!” I said back to her with a smile. “Come on Denise I have to get the moving truck back before five!” Mr. Jonas shouted from the elevator, “Okay, I better go” she said pulling me in for one last hug. “Okay” I said laughing, “Were only a phone call away, and right across town Ally, and I want to see you at home every now and then, so don’t disappear on me okay!?” “I promise I won’t” I said laughing, “Alright, I’ll talk to you later Ally” she said walking away and waving, “Bye!” I said from my doorway, once they got on the elevator I walked in the apartment and shut the door behind me. Deep breath Ally, in and out. This is for the best, for everyone. Right? Of course it is. I was thinking while leaning against the closed door. Frankie cried when I left this morning, though the other three had no idea. They were at an interview all day long with Big Rob. Though I’ve been talking to Mr. and Mrs. Jonas for a little while about me moving out, they were totally against it at first but finally agreed to it. Joe and Kevin are going to be so mad that I left and with out telling them. I am so dreading the phone call that I’ll get later from them. I finished unpacking my clothes into my closet and then made myself some soup for dinner. I was laying on the couch in the family room wrapped up in a red blanket watching the Titanic, my new favorite movie….I can’t watch the Notebook anymore because it just makes me think of Nick, when there was urgent knocking at my door. I got a little scared and confused, I wasn’t expecting anyone…. I stood up with the blanket still wrapped around me and looked threw the little peep hole, I gulped as I unlocked and opened the door.