Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

Calling in reinforcments...or a friend.

“ALLISON WINDLE HOW DARE YOU!!!” Joe bellowed as he came busting threw the door, I backed up with my hands rising like I was surrendering. He looked angry, Kevin looked more confused. “Joe calm down!” Kevin yelled at him, Joe stopped and closed his eyes and took a deep breath then opened his eyes, his face looked softer and not as angry. Me? I still had a very scared look on my face. “Ally, what, I mean why are you here?” Joe said talking with his hands calmly. “Um…I live here?” I said in more of a question then stating it. “No. You live at home. With us. In the same house.” Joe said slowly. “No, I moved Joe” I said talking just as slowly to him. “Ally, come on this is ridiculous!! Come home with us” Kevin said, “Guys, I can’t” I said sitting down on the recliner. They both sat down on the couch. “Ally yes you can!!” Joe said running his hands threw his hair. I just didn’t answer and stared at the paused movie on the TV screen, it was the shot where Rose is ‘flying’. “Ally, come on please?” I just shook my head no. “Why!?” Kevin asked starring at me. “You know why” I stated staring right back at him. “Ally come on Nick is retarded. Just forget about him, pretend he’s not there” Joe said to me, “Yea cause that worked the first time Joe” I snapped at him. “Well your not aloud to stay here!!” He snapped back standing up. “Yes I am” I said calmly from my seat. “NO YOUR NOT!!” he said running into where the bed room was. I heard him rustling things around. “What is he doing?!” I asked Kevin standing up, “I don’t know” he said still sitting there. I ran into my room dropping the blanket. “JOE STOP!!!” I yelled at him, he was throwing all my clothes into my suitcase. “Your coming home!!!” he said still throwing things around my room. “JOE STOP I’M SERIOUS!!” I shouted pushing him away from my clothes. “ally you can’t let him get to you like this” Joe said suddenly stopping and talking calmly, I whipped around and stared at him, “Joe, he’s been cheating on me. He just broke my heart AGAIN!” I shouted getting upset. “Ally we know, but do you really think running away is the answer?” Kevin said from my doorway. I sighed, “No, but I couldn’t handle it, I tried to be his friend, like you and Mandy Joe. But I just couldn’t and I don’t want to ignore him. It’d be to hard” They both sighed. We stood there in silence until I started to put the clothes Joe had thrown around back away in my closet. “Ally, he was your best friend.” Joe said in a whisper. That got me, he was but I wasn’t the one who broke up with him….he broke up with me! “Joe why are you making me feel like the bad guy!! I didn’t cheat on him, he cheated on me! I didn’t break his heart, he broke mine!!” I started to tear up“Sorry” Joe mumbled. “Guys I’m tired I want to go to bed.” I stated, hinting that I wanted them to leave. “Fine, we’ll leave.” Joe said sighing and getting up. Irubbed my eyes andwalked them to the door. “Bye guys” I said, “Wait. Your coming home for your birthday right?” Joe asked, “Duh” I said playfully, “Good” he said waving bye with Kevin.

You know when the sun forgets to shine, I’ll be there to hold you threw the night. We’ll be running so fast we could fly, tonight. The ringtone struck me with shock. Nick was calling me? I picked up my phone and stared at it in disbelief, should I answer it or no? My thumb automaticaly had a mind of it's own as I answered it. “Hello?” I said shakily. “Ally?” Nick asked, “yea” I answered like who else would it be? “Um, I heard you left” Nick said awkwardly, “Well obviously” I said rolling my eyes, even though he couldn’t see me. “Um, so how’s your new apartment?” I sighed, Joe and Kevin had to have made him call me. “It’s fine, Nick is there a reason your calling me?” I said to him, “Um well I was kind of shocked when I came home and my best friend wasn’t living here anymore” he said kind of biteraly, “Yea well I think it’s for the best” I said back to him just a bitter, “Ally….” A few silent moments went by. “What?” I asked him annoyed. “I thought we were going to be friends, like Mandy and Joe?” “Nick, I don’t think I can do that” I stuttered out. “Ally come on we can do this! I miss my best friend!” “Nick I have to go. Bye” then I hung up. I think my heart just broke even more, which I didn’t think was possible. I sat there in my room trying to fall asleep. I finally did but I woke up….my nightmare came back. I was crying, I don’t want this stupid nightmare back! who am I supposed to call!? I sat there by myself crying until I went back to sleep. I woke up the next morning and decided to go for a run. I ran around for a pretty long time trying to clear my head. Once I reached back to my apartment I grabbed an apple and a water and sat down on the couch and put on the TV. E! News was on, I was watching and then I heard Ryan say, “Since the teen couple Nick Jonas and Ally Windle have split, it is said that Ally has moved out of the Jonas house hold and gotten a place of her own! Also the teen heart throb has been seen with Miss Selena Gomez a lot in the public lately… this a new teen couple? Has Nick really replaced Ally so fast? And how is she taking the break up?” Great. Just freaking great. I’m going to look like the weak one because I don’t have a boy…. I need to get one. I got in the shower and got out and change into some jeans and a green long sleeved t-shirt. I blow dry my hair and straighten it then I slip on some flip flops. It’s getting warmer out, okay I lied, it’s only February but whatever I love flip flops. I made my way down to the grocery store and picked up some groceries, then I made my way back home. After I put away everything away I sat myself down on the couch. What am I supposed to do, I’m bored. I decided to go on Perez Hilton’s website. I found a picture of Nick and Selena kissing with little hearts around them. My heart is now in bits and pieces. “Hey everyone this is breaking news about the teen heart throb, Nick Jonas and Miss Selena Gomez, they were spotted today walking around the near by mall of Nick’s hometown hand in hand. Then they were also spotted giving each other a kiss, and also they weren’t very secretive about it either…so it makes us wonder, why be so showy with this relationship unlike the past ones, who knows. And where is my favorite gal Ally!?” I looked at the picture, and then shut my laptop down. “This is ridiculous! I need a boy!” then Matt popped in my head. I called him up, “Ally!!” “Hey matt!!” “What’s up?” he asked me, “Oh nothing just a little bored…I moved out of-“”Yea I saw on E! News, are you okay?” “Yea, it’s been rough though so I was wondering if you wanted to be nice and come out and visit for the weekend or something for my birthday?” I said filled with hope, “Um well I’ve got school and everything but hold on.” I heard the phone being muffled, I forgot about school…. Man I need to go back to school. “Al?” “Yea?” “Okay this week we have a four day weekend, so I can come” “Yay!” I said excitedly, “So okay, I’ll see you what’s today?” “Oh um, Tuesday” I said, “Okay I’ll see you probably late Thursday night!” “Okay!” I said back and he laughed, “Alright we’ll I’ll talk to you later” “Okay bye Matt!” “Bye Ally!” Well I've got my boy, he may not be my boy as in hooking up or dating, but at least that's what it will look like for the press and I won't be bothered with. Thank you God for my best friend in Michigan.