Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

A crashing kiss.

I was running back and Matt was following me, I saw Mandy throw the ball and I dove for it. I opened my eyes when I landed on the ground, “YES!!!” all the girls were shouting and cheering, I jumped up and did my little victory dance while yelling “I got a touch down!!!” “I got a touch down! I got a touch down!” Matt said in a very high pitched squeaky voice, I stopped and stared at him, “I DO NOT SOUND LIKE THAT!” “yea okay” he said rolling his eyes and laughing, “I DON’T!” I said back laughing a little, “what ever you say Ally!” Matt said turning around and walking back towards his team, I took off running and jumped on his back he caught me and flipped me over his shoulder, and I screamed. “How did you know?” I said laughing, “Ally you always run and jump on people’s backs.” “true” I said still hanging upside down starring at his butt. “Nice butt” I said giggling, “Thanks, I know” he said shaking his hips still walking, everyone was laughing as he put me down. Well almost everyone. I noticed Nick standing there looking not so happy. I just stared at him and made sure I was laughing really hard. To shove it in his face. Mature? No but seriously we all know I’m not the most mature person in the world by now. He rolled his eyes and walked into the house, only me and Selena noticed she slipped past everyone and ran into the house after him I just rolled my eyes and went back to the game. “Yea boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!” Mandy shouted after she scored us yet another touch down. It was 30 to 12 right now and girls were winning. “Okay only forty seconds left!!” Frankie shouted. “Hike!” I heard Kevin yell as he threw the ball back and Matt grabbed the ball and looked for an open Joe or Kevin to pass to. Lindsey was distracting Kevin and talking to him while twirling her hair, Joe was trying to get open but Mandy was covering him good. I took the chance and ran at him. I tackled him to the ground and got the ball, I started to run the opposite way but felt someone pick me up and was then looking at the ground. “MATT!!!” I yelled but he kept running until he reached the touch down zone. “TOUCH DOWN!!” all the guys shouted clapping hands, “What that doesn’t count!?!?!” all the girls screamed, “Oh yes it does!!” “You were carrying me!!” “And you were carrying the ball!!” “That still doesn’t count!!” I shouted “ask the ref!!!” Kevin yelled pointing to Frankie who had an amused look on his face, I put my hand on my hip and raised by eyebrows at him. “Sorry Matt, but I don’t think it counts.” Frankie said laughing at the boys fallen faces, “HA!” we all shouted at them, they all mumbled some not so nice things and we just laughed, “GIRLS WIN!!” Lindsey shouted dancing around Kevin who was laughing at his girlfriend. “I’m beat” I said laying down on the ground, it was now dark and Frankie had run inside…he doesn’t like the dark. Mandy flopped down Next to me. “So I’m guessing things ended with Nick?” “Ha is it that obvious?!” I said sarcastically and she laughed. “Yea, but did he end it?” “Yea, he cheated on me with Selena” I said lowly while looking at the stars that were just coming out. “REALLY!?” she asked shocked. “Yea, I know I couldn’t belieave it either” I whispered. “I’m sorry Al” she said just as quiet, “HEY YOU TWO COME ON WERE WATCHING A MOVIE!” Matt yelled from the slider on the porch, “Coming!” Mandy shouted jumping up. She stuck out her hand and helped me up. “So you left because of him?” she asked as we walked towards the waiting matt. “Yea” I said, “But don’t say anything please, I know I’m running away, blah, blah, blah. Joe and Kevin already freaked out on me” “I wasn’t going to but Al you should really try to be friends, like me and Joe” “I can’t though” I said as we walked in with Matt he was walking with us, I really don’t care if he hears us I’ve been talking about it with him so far every day. “And plus, he’s the one that’s always bitter around me!” I said now walking down the basment stairs, “Matt when do you leave?” Mandy asked changing the subject as we joined everyone else on the couches in front of the TV. “I have to be at the airport tomorrow morning at nine.” He said “Want us to drive?” Kevin asked, “Sure” I said sitting down on the couch in the corner, Matt sat next to me. Though since the two couches met together in the corner, Nick was also sitting next to me, we just had the arm rest between us. I felt a little awkward then. But what got really awkward was when they started to kiss…and cuddle and whisper and giggle. And here I am sitting there, about seven inches away. I felt SO awkward. My heart wasn’t breaking I was just getting angry, very angry. I was staring right at Nick, but he had his eyes closed kissing Selena. Everyone else was just watching the movie or asleep. But not me. I looked over at Matt then back to Nick then back to Matt. Just when the two were parting I pulled Matt down and crashed my lips to his, he was shocked at first but didn’t do anything about it. I could feel Nick’s eyes burning holes into my back. Oh my god what am I doing? This is matt!! He’s my best friend, and a good kisser…. Okay stop!! I gently pulled away and just looked at the TV, I could see Matt was staring at me but slowly turned his head to the TV. Nick on the other hand was still starring at me….along with everyone else in the room. Awkward? Yes, very awkward.

“Bye guys” I said hugging Kevin and Joe at once, they both whispered things my ear and sounded confused. I just pretended I didn’t hear anything and smiled at them. “bye Selena” I waved to her and turned around, “MANDY!!” I shouted when I saw her, “ALLY!!” she shouted and we laughed as we pulled each other in for a hug. “Do they have to do that every time they make eye contact!?” Matt joked, “Unfortunately yes.” Kevin laughed. “HEY!” we both shouted and laughed, “Bye Lindsey!” I said hugging her. I skipped over Nick on purpose. “Alright well let’s get going Matt!” I said and he opened the door after he was finished talking to Mandy. “We will pick you guys up at 8 tomorrow morning okay?” Kevin said “Sounds good” I said and smiled at him. “Bye everyone it was great meeting you guys!” Matt said waving one last time before walking out the door, everyone filed out on to the porch to wave bye, I was walking to the car when I heard, “BYE TO YOU TO ALLY” being shouted angrily I just gave a thumbs up sign behind me to Nick and got into the car. As soon as we pulled off the street I turned to Matt, “I am SO sorry about the kiss!!” I blurted out at a red light, he just laughed. “What’s so funny?” I asked nervously. “Ally just take a breath” “NO! SAY SOMETHING ELSE” I shouted cutting him off, it made me think of his song. People change and promises are broken. “What?” he asked like I was crazy. “Please Matt” “Okay um calm down?” “Okay” I said taking a breath. “Ally, don’t worry I know you only kissed me because of Nick and Selena….that’s the only reason I didn’t pull away” he said “Oh okay…..then that makes this conversation a lot easier” I said laughing and pressing the gas petal.

“So we have to be ready by eight” I said yawning and laying down next to Matt in bed. “Yeah, eight….man I don’t want to go back” Matt said looking over at me, I looked back it was dark but I could still see his brown eyes. “School sucks” he said looking back up to the ceiling, “At least you have friends to get threw it with” “Are you saying you don’t have any friends?” he asked, “no. But it would be nice to meet some new people….” I trailed off, “Well I know you can sing,” he said which confused me. “What does that have to do with anything?” I asked laughing. “Meaning why don’t you get into the record business?” “Nope, that’s the boys thing…I don’t like the lime light so much” I said sighing. “Whatever your songs are amazing” “Thanks” I said blushing, thank god it’s dark or else he would have made fun of me for blushing. “Alright well I’m going to sleep, night Matt.” “Night ally” he said kissing me on the far head and then I rolled over away from him. Maybe…just maybe I should forget Nick and move on.