Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

"You're gay." "I think i'll live."

You know when the sun forgets to shine I’ll be there to ho- “Hello?” I said groggily, it was still dark out, “Ally what is your freaking problem!?!” was shouted into my ear, I pulled the phone away and my eyes I adjusted to the darkness and I saw that it was four in the morning. “What do you mean what’s my problem? I’m not the one calling you at FOUR IN THE MORNING.” I yelled leaving the bed room. “You know what I’m talking about!!” he shouted back. “No I really don’t” I said yawning. “You and MATT?!” “Okay so what?” “What do you mean so what?!” “Nick I don’t get it, you can kiss another girl in front of me but when I kiss another guy in front of you….that’s not okay?” “NO!” “What?!?!” I shouted I was getting mad. He was being totally ridiculous. “I mean whatever; do whatever the hell you want” he said “FINE I WILL.” Then I hung up the phone and threw it across the room. I huffed and then walked back into the bedroom and got into bed. Why did he just freak on me?! He could be all over Selena in front of me, but I couldn’t be all over Matt in front of him!? Ew that sounded weird….all over Matt. I started to silently laugh to myself at the thought of it. Whatever screw him. I rolled back over and fell asleep. “Ally” I was being shaken and I shot open my eyes, “Yea?” I asked Matt, “You were screaming in your sleep again” he said sounding concerned, “Oh yea, I had a nightmare from that movie….creepy” I said covering up. “Oh, don’t worry I won’t let anything posses you” he said putting his arms around me and closing his eyes, I let out a soft laugh and fell back asleep.

“Howdy Ho Ranger Joe!!!” Was what I woke up to this morning. Matt was yelling from the bathroom to who I’m guessing was Joe. I opened up eyes and sat up in my bed yawning and stretching. “YO!” Joe shouted back to him, I sighed and got up. It was way to early, it was only 7:30. I walked into my closet and changed into a pair of jeans and a black sweatshirt. I thought about putting on my matching black chucks, but that only made me think about Nick and his phone call last night which only got me mad so I decided on changing into something that I would look cute in, I changed into black leggings and a grey sweater dress. I added a black belt and slipped on my UGGs. “Rise and shine ally bird!!” I laughed, “Joe I’m already up!” “Oh, well then hi! Here’s your phone, it was on the floor out there” he said tossing it onto the bed. “Oh thanks” I said turning back to the mirror and continuing on curling my hair. “You’re looking mighty perrty” he said walking up and looking at me in the mirror, “Thanks, you don’t look to bad yourself” I said turning off the curling iron and putting on my make up. “I don’t get why you wear that stuff” “Because if I didn’t, you’d beg me to” I said laughing. “No I wouldn’t, you don’t need it. Any way, are you almost done because we have to get to the air po-wait what’s this?” he asked getting distracted; I threw the mascara into my bag and turned around to see what he was talking about. He picked up the box that was open on the floor next to my bed, it had all my songs in it. “Nothing” I said running so I would beat him to the box. I shoved him out of the way and he fell on to the bed. I snatched up the box and walked out of the room towards the kitchen where Kevin and Matt were sitting.

“I told you not to read these!” I said to Matt while holding up the box. Kevin looked confused and I could hear Joe coming down the hall mumbling about what the hell was wrong with me. “Ally there so good though!” he replied back with, “Matt I said NO!” “Wait what’s going on?” Kevin asked clearly confused. “Yea what’s going on!? You didn’t need to freaking bull doze me over!!” Joe said leaning against the wall near where I was standing. “Nothing, Matt just read something I told him not to” “What did you read?” Joe asked, “I’m sorry Ally” Matt said sincerely, “It’s fine.” I said putting the box on the counter and getting my self some honey nut cheerios. It was silent as I got my cereal ready and then leaned against the counter as I ate it. “So what is in that box?” Joe asked breaking the silence. “Nothing” I said shoving the spoon into my mouth. “Yea okay, come on Ally” Kevin pushed, “Don’t worry about it” “Allison!! Come on Matt got to see!!!” Joe complained, “Yea but I told him not to!! I never let him” I said back, “Fine. Your gay!” Joe pouted. “I think I’ll survive.” I said and Kevin chuckled a little. “Okay come on please Ally!! I won’t stop bugging you until I can read it!” “FINE!” I said throwing the box over to him, the lid fell off in the process and the papers flew out and floated around, most landed on the table, the rest on the floor. “Al, Matt’s right these are good” Kevin said reading one, “Yea dude, can you help me write a song!?” Joe asked shooting up and coming over towards me. “No I don’t write songs so that people can hear them, I write so I can vent” “Wait, then these are all feelings?” “Most” I replied. “Damn these are deep” Joe said under his breath, though I could still hear him. “Thanks?” I asked, he just nodded while he kept reading. I left the three of them reading all my private songs, the ones I wrote while crying over Nick. I grabbed my phone off the bed and looked at it, I had five missed calls and two new messages. I looked at them, three of the calls were from Joe, the other two were from Kevin. Next were the messages, the first read, “Sorry I freaked last night, I was upset.” It was from Nick, the next message was from Nick again, “Can you call me when you get back?” Okay is he bipolar? I just ignored the messages and walked into the kitchen, “Even though I really love you, I’m going to smile because I deserved to.” Kevin read, he was reading better in time. I just wrote that one the other night… “Guys, can we go now? Matt’s going to miss his flight” I said rocking back and forth on my heels. They all got up from the table and gave me a huge group hug, “Um, guys?” I said not knowing what was going on. “Ally were so sorry” Kevin said, “Yea I’m going to beat his ass when I get home” Joe said looking at me, I was a little intimidated. Three guys were staring at me, I nervously twisted the ring on my finger, “Ha it’s fine guys…some of those are way over exaderated.” I said, that’s some what the truth, I mean I did feel all those things but I may have been over exaderating over the whole thing…okay no I wasn’t. “Whatever I’m still doing it” Joe said pulling on his coat, I looked at Kevin, he gave me a look saying don’t worry I won’t let him. “Okay let’s get going” Kevin said pulling out his car keys, Matt grabbed his bag and I was the last one out the door. I locked it behind me and then made it to the car. It was a little groggy out.

“Is it supposed to rain?” I asked shutting the car door. “Yea later on though” Kevin answered me. “Great” I said putting my head back and closing my eyes. I heard the guys talking about the football team back in Michigan, matt was saying how he had to take this flight so he could make it home for the game tonight. “Yea because big macho football player can’t miss his game” I said laughing a little, “Okay if I missed the game coach would bench me for the next two.” “And where would the Cougars be with out their star quarter back?” I said laughing so he wouldn’t get offended, Matt was really big on football it was basically his life. “Oh shut up” he said punching me lightly, Joe and Kevin were laughing from the front as I said “Ow!!” clearly over exaderating the punch. He just rolled his eyes and laughed.