Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

Home again.

“Bye!” I said standing on my tippy toes and kissing Matt on the cheek while hugging him, “Bye Al, I’ll text you when I land okay?” “Alright” I said pulling back smiling at him, “Bye Matt, it was great meeting you” Kevin said shaking his hand, “You to man” Matt said back then he turned to Joe. “DUDE!” they shouted and then jumped up in the air and body slammed causing me to laugh. We all gave one last goodbye and watched Matt walk threw the doors. “Well let’s go” Kevin said turning around, I watched Matt walk up the counter and then turn around and wave to me, I waved back with a smile and saw a flash go off. I whipped my head around and saw of course, paparazzi. “Come on Al let’s go!” Joe said grabbing my hand and pulling me into the car. Kevin drove off leaving the flashing behind us. “Man we can’t go any where anymore.” “It sucks some times” Joe added. I just nodded and turned up the radio. A few mintues later the radio was turned off. “What are you doing?” I asked Kevin. Him and Joe were both looking at me. “Ally we think it’s time you came back home” Kevin said. I rolled my eyes, “Ally don’t roll your eyes! Were serious, I mean we figured a little time by yourself would clear you head and you’d be fine after a few days or so….” “Joe, Kev. I’m fine on my own.” I said looking out the window. I’m just going to put the fact that I get lonely a lot in the back of my head. “Ally come on please” Joe said grabbing my hand. I looked over at him, he gave me the famous Jonas pout. “Joe you know that pout doesn’t work on me.” I said laughing, “It was worth a try.” He said wiping the pout off his face. “Come on Al please?” Kevin said pulling on to their street. “How about this, you come home with us for a few days, if things are bad between you and you know who, then you can leave.” Joe said, I thought about this for a minute, I guess that could work…right? “Fine” I said sighing. “YES!” they both shouted at the same time.

We all hopped out of the door and Joe picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and started to run towards the house. I was laughing, “Joe put me down!!” I shouted as he busted open the door, “GUESS WHO’S BACK!!!” Joe shouted running in the house. “Joseph please, we went over this, you don’t have to announce every time you come home. And please Nick is still sleeping, keep it down!” Mr. Jonas hissed while walking into the family room were Joe was dumping me on the couch. “Oh Allison your back for good now!?” Mr. Jonas said with a smile growing on his face, I just smiled, “We’ll see” I said quietly as he pulled me into a hug, “Well we’ve missed you! Mrs. Jonas and Frankie are visiting Grandma, but they’ll be back…” Mr. Jonas trailed off while looking past me, “On Thursday, I know” I said to him, I finally turned around and saw Nick standing there in the doorway…..with Selena. My mouth dropped, “Uh, morning” Nick said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Are you serious Nick?” Joe blurted out with a snort. I smacked him on the head. Since when was a girl sleeping over okay, well a girl meaning besides me, and the look on Mr. Jonas’s face right now tells me he didn’t know she was here, and he most definitely did not approve. “Um, I have to go my dad’s out front, bye guys, and thank you for having me!” Selena said waving and then kissing Nick on the cheek before she left, she was going for lips but he turned and she got cheek. “Nicholas,” Mr. Jonas started. “Um Joe, let’s go back to my place and get my stuff.” I said quickly grabbing him and we ran out of the kitchen. “He is so dead” Joe said laughing as he pulled on his shoes all the way. “I know, but I don’t want to be here for it” I said cringing as we heard Mr. Jonas starting to yell. “So did you see him turn and make her kiss his cheek?” Joe said to me as we were heading back towards the car. He was trying to convince me that Nick didn’t really like Selena at all. So far I had proved him wrong. “yes I saw that, but it was only because your dad was there” I said to him as he started the car. “Maybe, but probably not” he said back “Whatever” I said.

“Hey it’s you!!” I shouted as Burnin’ Up came on. We were singing along and laughing at ourselves when we pulled up to the house again, “That reminds me of New York” he said laughing a bit. “Yea it does” I said grabbing my HUGE suit case out of the car. Joe grabbed the other one and we made our way in the house. “It’s really quiet.” I whispered. “To quiet” Joe added I shrugged and we tip toed up stairs, we were trying to be as quite as the atmosphere around us, why? I’m not sure. I dropped my suitcase infront of myself by accedint and tripped over it, which then caused Joe to trip over me and go flying threw the air with my duffle bags. We landed with a nice loud BANG, oh and not to mention obnoxiously loud fits of laughter. We heard music in Nick’s room being turned up and something was thrown across the room and at the wall. Which then made something fall in his room and land on the hardwood floor and made glass shatter. “Damn it” we heard come from his room. “Well some one’s in a bad mood” Joe mumbled getting up, he put his hand out and I accepted and grabbed a bag and walked into my room. “MAX!!!” I squealed to the sleeping puppy. He perked his head up and his tail started to wag back and forth and he ran to the edge of the bed where I scooped him up and twirled around in a circle. “When he’s not with Nick, he’s in here asleep on the pillow” Joe said setting down my bags. I set aside the happy puppy on the bed and then went over to my desk, there was my ‘Jonas’ box. “Why is this in here?” I asked Joe pointing to the box, “I don’t know, I’ve never seen it before” he said laying down on the bed and playing with Max. I left it there and went to my bags. “So what do you think he said to him?” I asked while I started to unpack my bags. “I don’t know, probably freaked out because she slept here last night, Nick probably got pissed making him throw a shoe at the wall because of us, making something else fall which probably pissed him off even more….he is probably grounded for a while. Something like that” Joe said right off the top of his mind. “Joe why does it sound like you’ve had this happen to you before?” I said laughing, “I’m just the one that gets into the trouble around here, well me and you anyway.” He answered back, “True” I said sighing.

Nick had Switchfoot blaring from his room. It sounded like it was coming from my own iHome. “Does he have to put it so loud!?” I shouted hopping he could hear me, “He can’t hear you” Joe said in a sing song voice. “Fine then” I said taking my iPod and plugging it into the base. “What should it be?” I asked going threw my iPod. “Um oh how about this” I said with a smirk. Fireman by Lil Wayne came blaring threw my speakers. Nick HATES Lil Wayne. “Ha, he’s going to kill you Ally” Joe said bobbing his head to the beat. Joe likes Lil Wayne unlike Kevin and Nick. “Whatever. Did you get this CD?” I asked meaning Lil Wayne’s new CD. “Yea, it’s really good” Joe said then my door flung open. “Can you turn this crap off!?” Nick shouted, I didn’t even turn around, “No” I said still putting away clothes in the closet. “Fine” Nick said then a few seconds later the music was stopped and I heard yelling, I calmly walked out of the closet. “Dude, what is your problem?!” Joe said slightly pushing Nick so he’d stumble backwards….and right into me, “Me? What’s your problem!?!” Nick shouted while pushing him back. “Guys stop.” I said to them both. “Stay out of it” They both said as they lunged at each other, “GUYS!!!” I shouted trying to pull Nick off of Joe. “Don’t touch me!!” He shouted and shoved me off, with great force. I stumbled back until I hit the computer chair and I fell against it and landed on the ground. The back of the chair scraped against my back. “Shit” I said rubbing my back. I felt blood. “Damn it” I said getting up and running to the closet. I lifted up the back of my shirt, the last of my scars were still there almost all healed. Except the ones that were just re opened because of Nick. “Ow” I said touching one, it stung. I walked out of the closet, the two were wrestling on the ground and Max was barking at them. I went to the bathroom and searched for some gauze or something. After fumbling around the contents of the cabinets all I found was deodorant, toilet paper, toothpaste, and Nick’s diabetic stuff. I took off my shirt and just had my sports bra on as I made a wad of toilet paper and held it to my back. Then I heard a loud thump….from my room. I grabbed my shirt and walked across the hall to my room, “What are yo-“ I stopped and saw my one suit case flipped upside down, the contents spilled out all over the floor. The guys were both red in the face and pissed looking. “Why is your shirt off?” Nick spat at me. “Because you made me bleed” I said back as coldly and then bent down to pick up my suitcase. I saw Joe shove Nick and then he walked over and bent down and helped me pick up all my stuff. “Look ally I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to” Nick said coming over and helping us, I just didn’t respond. I heard him drop something, “Oh my bad” He said I turned around, it was the box with all my lyrics in it. I glanced over at Joe, “Uh Nick. Don’t read those” He said quickly trying to grab as many as he could. “Why not?” “Because there about Matt” I said bluntly grabbing them from him. “So you are dating him!?” Nick said standing up, he was angry. “And what if I am?!” I said back standing up, “You can’t be!” he said running his hands threw his hair, “YOU MAKE NO SENSE!!” I shouted and threw my hands up in the air, the papers I was holding went every where. Whoops. Nick swooped down and picked one up, I watched his eyes scan the paper, “This is about Matt?” He asked “Yes?” I questioned more then stated in a shaky voice. Which one was he reading? “Your lying.” He said narrowing his eyes at me. “No. I’m not.” I said “Joe can you leave?” Nick asked not looking away from me. I looked over towards Joe and nodded towards the door. “Fine but I’m staying right outside the door” he said and then closed the door. “This is one of the songs you wrote and gave to me that day we were fighting about how you called me Kyle when you were wasted.” He said a smile playing at his lips. “Okay cool. So that one is an old one.” I said rolling my eyes. “Yea right. Let me see another one” he put out his hand. “No” I said “why not?” “because” I said like a little kid. He grabbed one anyway and read it. “I’m doubting this is about him” he said still reading, “Me to” I said under my breath while cleaning up the rest of them. I hadn’t noticed but Nick had gotten closer to me. Then I felt him wrap his arms wrap around me, the butterflies in my stomach erupted but my body tensed up and I clutched my eyes closed and sucked in my breath. “Ally I’m so sorry. I honestly didn’t mean to hurt you.” “Nick, you knew what you were doing the whole time.” I said pushing his arms off of me. “Ally I don’t know what else to say to you” he said looking back down at the paper, I stole a glance at it. It was the same one Matt had read. “Do you even know how much it hurt that you gave up on me to be with her? Ally I never gave up on you I jus-“”Nick it’s fine. It’s in the past okay?” I said snatching the piece of paper from him and putting it in the box. “Ally” he said grabbing me by my forearms. “Look I really am sorry, I never meant to hurt you and I really mean that Al, your still my best friend and you always will be” “Good PAL” I said punching him in the arm. He wasn’t amused “Al please can you just try at least?!?” “Nick, I will in time you just have to give me freaking space!” I said shoving him back a little bit. “Whatever” Nick said shaking his head and leaving the room, Joe was standing there arms crossed when Nick walked out he grabbed him by the arm and closed my door. I let out a deep breath and laid back on my bed. Question: What do you do when your ex boyfriend wants to be your best friend again but you’re still in love with him even though he hurt you and has moved on?