Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

Friends again? Friends again.

“Can you pass the salt?” I asked mainly to Nick because he was sitting with it right in front of him. “Oh you mean this salt? Well I’d give it to you but that might be invading the space you need.” He said back rudely, I bit my lip because I was afraid that I might flip out on him. “Nicholas” Mr. Jonas said sternly. “Here” Joe said reaching across the table and then giving it to me, “Thank you JOSEPH” I said I know Mr. Jonas was probably frowning at me but I didn’t want to look up. “So want to go get ice cream later?” Kevin asked, “YEA!” Frankie and Joe shouted, “No thanks… I may not give her enough space” Nick said again, I could tell Joe kicked him in the shin because Nick flinched and said “WHAT!? THAT’S WHAT SHE TOLD ME!!!” okay he more shouted it, “I’ll stay here.” I said playing with my food. “That is enough!!! Alison and Nicholas you both have to spend the night together home while we go out to get ice cream.” “Meaning I’m grounded?” I asked confused. “Yes” Mr. Jonas said with a sigh, “What did she do?” Frankie asked, “Don’t worry about it bud” Mr. Jonas said smiling at him….what did I do though?

“Ally please don’t kill him” Kevin said from my doorway, “I’m not making any promises” I said back from my bed. He looked at me disapprovingly, “Joking” I said rolling my eyes. “Yea well do you want any ice cream?” “No” I said. “Alright, well we’ll be back soon” He said then left. I heard the car doors slamming shut and then the car pull out of the drive way. A few minutes later my door opened and Nick was standing there leaning against the door way. “What?” I spat at him. He came in just laid down next to me on my bed. “Um what are you doing?” I asked him. “Look obviously dad made us both stay home because he doesn’t want us fighting anymore…especially in front of Frankie. So can we please just make this work?” “Nick I can’t…..not when I know your with some other girl making you feel the way I used to” I said closing my eyes, I’m taking a leap here telling him what I’m thinking……the expression is close your eyes and leap right?…..well that’s what I’m doing here, i'm closing my eyes and leaping. “Ally I promise no girl will ever make me feel the way you do” “Then what happened Nick?” “What do you mean?” “I mean to us….” “Al, I don’t know” he sighed out…was he going to tell me the truth now? “What do you mean?” I asked this time. “I mean, yea I love you but when you weren’t here, she was.” “What are you saying? You were cheating on me while I was in Michigan??” I was getting teary eyed. “Yea, I mean I didn’t mean to at all Ally” “What every time you two hung out you would stop breathing so she’d have to give you mouth to mouth or something!?” I was starting to get really upset. “Ally please calm down, I’m sorry I didn’t know what was going on. I was being stupid…” “Whatever Nick.” I said calming down a bit. “If it makes you feel better…..I’m not alowed to be alone with Selena anymore.” Okay that made me feel a little better. I grabbed his hand and searched it for the purity ring. “What are you doing?” He asked sitting up a bit, “Making sure you still had this” I said twisting it off his finger so I could make sure it was really there. “I didn’t have sex with her Ally” he said laughing a bit. “Just making sure Nick” I said handing it back to him. “Well you know I never would” “Nick I never thought you’d cheat on me…look what happened” “Ally please stop saying that” “What that you cheated on me?” “Yes” he said closing his eyes. “Well it happened Nick….we can’t pretend it never happened” “Why can’t we?” “Because it did happened Nick. It’s not just going to disappear were not going to be the perfect best friends again” “Fine, Ally please I am begging you” he got off the bed and on his knees, “Please be my friend again and forgive me…..we don’t have to be perfect best friends but I just need to know that you forgive me….I haven’t been able to sleep since we broke up for real” “That explains the grumpiness.” I said to him, “Yea sorry about that” he said rubbing the back of his neck. “I guess we can be friends again” I said sighing, He shot up and pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the farhead. “Thanks Al it means so much to me…..and how have your nightmares been?” he asked pulling away, “That was random, but there still here.” I said pointing to my head. He laughed slightly. “Well please Al, if it comes back tonight PLEASE don’t hesitate to come get me okay?” “Alright” I said sighing, “Promise?” “Promise” I said smiling at him. He was being the old Nick again, and for the first time in weeks I wasn’t seeing him as the ass hole who cheated on me and broke my heart, but I was seeing this as the resuming of a beautiful friendship, you know instead of the beginning? Because really we were just picking up where we left off.

“Guys I’m going to be sick” I said. “Serisouly?” Joe asked me. We were on the way to the air port to get Nicole. I was so excited that Nicole was coming out for the week but at the moment I was about to get car sick. “Just take deep breaths Al” Nick said from behind me, he was with Selena…who else? Don’t get me wrong, me and Nick are friendly again, but I can’t help but hate her…she tore us apart. At least to me she did. Well anyway when ever we fight now, it’s over him and her. “Pull over” I said throwing my hand to my mouth. “I can’t!” Kevin said. “Kev she’s going to throw up!!” Nick shouted at him. “Great” he said throwing on his turn signal trying to get over to the shoulder. “Just breath Al, in and out” Nick said while rubbing my back. Yea I’m holding throw up in….I’m just going to breath in and out…is he retarded!? Finally Kevin pulled over and I yanked open the door and ran to the guard rail, I leaned over and threw up a few times. Lucky me right? I could hear Selena in the background, “Gross.” “Selena stop” was that Nick? Or Joe? Kevin? I couldn’t tell over the sound of me gagging. I felt someone pull my hair back and rub my back and making shushing noises. I hate throwing up I really do, so I always cry when ever I do. It sucks. Really bad. Finally after I finished I straightened up and wiped my mouth, “Here” Nick said giving me his water bottle, he let go of my hair and handed it to me, “Thanks” I said and took a few sips then spitting it out. “No problem” he said squeezing my shoulders. “You okay pukey?” Joe asked as I walked up closer to the car, “Yea let’s go” I said coughing a little. “You sure?” Kevin asked as I buckled myself back up. Selena was already sitting in the back waiting to go. “I just have a head ach” I said smiling at him so he’d know I was fine. “Alright well let’s go get Nicole.” He said turning back to face forward. “Nick come on, get in the car.” Joe said talking to him like he was a three year old. I looked over he was staring at me….”Nick” I said waving my hand, “What? Oh yea sorry” He said getting in and sitting next to me, I looked at him confused. “I’m just going to sit here to make sure you don’t faint” He said to me, “Nick I’m not going to faint.” I said laughing a little, “Al you do faint sometimes when you get sick.” Joe said from the passenger seat, “That was like once!” “No that was like twenty times” Kevin said as he got back into the lane we were in a few minutes ago. “Oh whatever. I’m fine” I said looking away from them and out the window.