Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

Sal the apple guy.

I woke up to the sunlight flooding my room. I think I’ll go for a run, I change into some sweatpants and my sneakers then I put on a beater and zip up my north face and pull on my gloves and earmuffs, its cold out there! Last thing I grab is my ipod. My aunt is definitely still sleeping it’s only nine. So once I get out the front door and stretch for a little I start my daily run, well for the weekends anyway. I always run the same route, around the neighborhood and then threw town and back. Though I always stop at the market to talk to Sal, he’s the fruit stand guy and about a hundred years old, okay not really but he looks it. “Hey Sal!” I call to him as I slow down and take a few breaths, I’ve been running for a while now. “Morning Ally!” He hands me an apple and a water, our routine. We talk about random things as I eat the apple and drink some of the water, usually he shares story about his grandkids or his own kids, but this time it’s my turn to talk. “So Sal guess what!” He can tell I’m excited, “What?!” he says as he throws his hands up to show his excitement, I laugh a little “Remember my friends, Nick, Joe, and Kevin?” “Oh those Jonas Brothers? My Sarah loves those boys” I see the familiar twinkle in his eyes that he gets when ever he talks about his family and it makes me smile and wish that I had a family to talk about, well I just talk about the Jonases like they are my family so I guess that kinda counts, “Well I’m going back home to spend winter break with them in Jersey!” He smiles and laughs a little, “That’s great Ally!” I smile, “Well what are you doing for the holidays?” “The family is coming to me, I have a fear of flying” he says with a laugh and I laugh along with him, “Oh hey, do you think you could get an autograph for little Sarah while your with those boys?” “Of course” “Thanks! So when do you leave?” He asks starting to rearrange the apple pyramid, “Um, oh wow, I’m not sure….” Nick never did tell me when I leave, I wonder when I do “Well I suggest you find out that little bit of information soon!” He laughs some more and I let out a little laugh, “Yea I better get on that right now, so I’m going to start my way back home, but since this may be the last time I see you before I leave Happy Holidays Sal!” I give him a hug and he laughs, “Happy Holidays Ally, and I hope you have a safe trip” “Thanks, and I’ll get that autograph for your Sarah!” I shout back running back up the street and I see him wave.

“Allison where were you?” I’ve been back from my run for about an hour now, I’ve showered and changed and eaten and this is the first time I’ve seen my aunt all day. I’m sitting in the family room doing some homework okay a lot of homework, “I went for my run, like I do everyday” “Oh, What time did you get in last night?” “eleven” I lie, I’m an amazing liar and being here with my aunt has only given me more practice making me now an expert. “Oh, I guess I fell asleep earlier then I thought” she says scratching her head in confusion and walking into the kitchen I just role my eyes and go back to my work. A few hours later I finish all my work that I’ve been pushing off till this weekend, I had about three papers and a book report due tomorrow and I was finally finished them all, I’m a HUGE procrastinator. As I’m walking up the steps to the bedroom my phone starts to go off, you know when the sun forgets to shine I’ll be there to hold you thro- “Hey Nick” I say as I plop all the books on the desk, they all land with a nice thud. “Hey babe, what’s up?” “I just finished my three papers and book report” I’m so proud of myself that I’m actually smiling to myself in the mirror on the back of the door, “Ally…..stop smiling at yourself” he says with a little laugh, he knows me to well “I’m not” I deny and I stop immediately and walk over to the bed and plop down, “Right, anyway I thought maybe you would like to know when your getting out of so called hell and showing up here?” “Oh yea, ha Sal asked me when I was leaving and I felt like the biggest retard ever because I had no idea” I say as I reach for the closest notebook to scribble down the information, I pick up AP History and groan at the thought of sitting in that class tomorrow. “The fruit stand guy?” Nick pulls me from my thoughts “What? oh yea, he’s a great guy” “Oh is he?” that statment is dripping with jealousy “Nick he’s like a hundred years old, okay not really probably like eighty, no need to get jealous” I say laughing a little at his jealousy, “I wasn’t,” “Right” I drag out, “Maybe I won’t let you know this information then and you can stay there all winter break,” he teases, “That’s not funny” I say to him with a serious tone now that I’ve stopped laughing. “I thought it was” he says laughing a little, “Okay tell me!!” “Alright lets see you are leaving on Tuesday on flight 139, to Jersey….obviously” “Obviously” I mock him and he laughs, “It is going to take off at 7:10” “So I’ll need to be there at like around 4ish…so I’ll need to just leave for the airport straight from school because of traffic” I’m thinking out loud, “Yea don’t worry about a ride, we’ll set up a car to come get you” “Oh okay that works” “Alright well I have to go, Frankie wants to play phase ten” “Aw man I’m missing a game of phase ten!!” I whine into the phone, “Don’t worry we’ll play when you’re here!” “Alright fine” “Love you Ally” “Love you to Nick” I can hear the kissy noises in the background and Nick yelling at Frankie to shut up before he hangs up, I laugh and roll my eyes as I close my phone to. So I’m leaving on Tuesday, that’s like the day after tomorrow….I need to get Christmas presents still! With that I shoot up off the ground and grab my purse and put on my north face and start walking into town.